/* AMX Mod X script. * * (c) 2002-2004, tcquest78 * modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #include #define HELPAMOUNT 10 // Number of commands per page new g_typeHelp[] = "Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands" new g_timeInfo1[] = "Time Left: %d:%02d min. Next Map: %s" new g_timeInfo2[] = "No Time Limit. Next Map: %s" public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Admin Help","0.1","tcquest78") register_concmd("amx_help","cmdHelp",0,"- displays this help") setHelp(0) } public client_putinserver(id) setHelp(id) public cmdHelp(id,level,cid){ new arg1[8],flags = get_user_flags(id) new start = read_argv(1,arg1,7) ? strtonum(arg1) : 1 if (--start < 0) start = 0 new clcmdsnum = get_concmdsnum(flags,id) if (start >= clcmdsnum) start = clcmdsnum - 1 console_print(id,"^n----- AMX Help: Commands -----") new info[128], cmd[32], eflags new end = start + HELPAMOUNT if (end > clcmdsnum) end = clcmdsnum for (new i = start; i < end; i++){ get_concmd(i,cmd,31,eflags,info,127,flags,id) console_print(id,"%3d: %s %s",i+1,cmd,info) } console_print(id,"----- Entries %d - %d of %d -----",start+1,end,clcmdsnum) if (end < clcmdsnum) console_print(id,"----- Use 'amx_help %d' for more -----",end+1) else console_print(id,"----- Use 'amx_help 1' for begin -----") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public dispInfo(id){ if (id) client_print(id,print_chat, g_typeHelp ) else server_print( g_typeHelp ) new nextmap[32] get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap",nextmap,31) if (get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")){ new timeleft = get_timeleft() if (timeleft > 0){ if (id) client_print(id,print_chat, g_timeInfo1 , timeleft / 60, timeleft % 60,nextmap) else server_print( g_timeInfo1 , timeleft / 60, timeleft % 60,nextmap) } } else if (id) client_print(id,print_chat, g_timeInfo2 ,nextmap) else server_print( g_timeInfo2 ,nextmap) } setHelp(id) set_task(15.0,"dispInfo",id)