SourceMod Logo'; if($context['user']['guest']){ echo '
Welcome Guest. Login
'; } else{ echo '
Hey, '.$context['user']['name'].'. Logout
'; } echo '

Welcome to the SourceMod Scripting API Reference.

For more information, see the SourceMod Scripting Wiki, which contains tutorials on specific topics.

Your browser must support JavaScript to use this tool. Enter a search term on the left to look for symbols in the SourceMod include files.

Alternately, click a file on the left to browse its functions/symbols or see its contents.

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Forums Articles

'; echo 'Search: '; echo '
'; foreach($context['fileinfo'] as $file){ echo '
# '.$file['name'].'
'; } echo '
API site created by Nican | SourceMod v.'. $context['globalinfo']['version'][1] .'
'; echo ''; } function GenerateLink($backwards = false){ $link = ""; foreach($_GET as $name => $info){ $link .= htmlspecialchars(urlencode($name)) . '=' . htmlspecialchars(urlencode($info)) . '&'; } if($backwards) $link = str_replace("fastload","action",$link); else $link = str_replace("action","fastload",$link); return $link; } function PrintUpperTab($fileid, $fcount, $ccount){ global $context; $fileid = (int)$fileid; echo ''; echo '
'; if( $ccount > 0) echo 'Constants'; else echo 'Constants'; echo ''; if($fcount > 0) echo 'Functions'; else echo 'Functions'; echo 'File Link to page
'; } function ShowOpts_template(){ global $context; if($context['numresults'] > 100){ echo 'More than 100 results found.
Please try something smaller'; return; } echo '
'; if($context['numresults'] > 0){ foreach ($context['files'] as $fid => $file){ echo ' # '. $file .''; foreach ($context['answers'][ $fid ] as $id => $func){ echo '
├' . $func . ""; } echo '
'; } } echo '
'; echo $context['numresults']. ' results found.'; } //func,fullfunc,description,treturn,funcinput,exemple,inc,typeof function ShowInfo_template(){ global $context; if($context['numresults'] > 0){ PrintUpperTab( $context['answers']['inc'] , $context['fileinfo']['fcount'], $context['fileinfo']['fcount']); echo '
'; //echo '[ Source Mod ] [ '.$context['answers']['incname'].' ]'; echo '

' . $context['answers']['func'] . '

'; highlight_string($context['answers']['fullfunc']); echo '

' . $context['answers']['funcinput'] . '
'; echo 'Notes:
'. $context['answers']['description'] . '

' , $context['answers']['treturn'] != "0" ? $context['answers']['treturn'] : 'No return.' , '
'; echo '
Version Added:
' . $context['answers']['version'] . '
'; if($context['answers']['onerror'] != "") echo '
On error / Errors:
' , $context['answers']['onerror'] != "" ? $context['answers']['onerror'] : 'No error.' , '
'; echo '

'; PrintPostingSection('func'); } else echo 'No result found on that id.'; } function ShowFile_template(){ global $context; if($context['numresults'] > 0){ PrintUpperTab( $_GET['id'] , $context['fcount'], $context['ccount']); echo '
'; switch($context['goon']){ case 0: echo ''; foreach($context['infos'] as $i => $ans){ echo ''; } echo '
' . $ans['func'] . '' . $ans['desc'] . '
'; break; case 1: echo ''; foreach($context['infos'] as $id => $info){ echo ' ' . $info['descrip'] . '
'. $info['fulltext'] .'

'; } break; case 2: echo '
'; break; } echo '
'; PrintPostingSection('file'); } else echo 'No result found on that id.'; } function PrintPostingSection($type){ global $context; echo ''; if($context['sm']['pcount'] > 0){ foreach($context['sm']['posts'] as $post){ echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } echo '
0 commentsPost a new comment
'. $post['poster'] .''. $post['time'] .'
'. $post['body'] .'
No posts posted

'; } function Footertemplate(){ global $context; /*echo ' | SourceMod v.'. $context['globalinfo']['version'][1] .'
';*/ } function HighLight_template(){ global $context; if($context['goon']){ if(isset($context['imagerror'])) echo 'There was an error:' . $context['imagerror']; else { echo "\n" . '
' . "\n" . $context['str']; } } else { echo '
In this section you can upload any file .sp and the website will automaticly highlight the codes in a easy way to understang it.
Function still beta.

Upload a file:


Enter the code here:

'; } } ?>