// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // Multilingual System Plugin // #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> new g_menuLang[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] new g_langNum new g_coloredMenus new g_cvarDisplayClientMessage; new g_cvarClientLanguages; new g_cvarServerLanguage; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Multi-Lingual System", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") register_dictionary("multilingual.txt") register_dictionary("common.txt") register_dictionary("languages.txt") g_cvarDisplayClientMessage = register_cvar("amx_language_display_msg", "1") g_cvarClientLanguages = get_cvar_pointer("amx_client_languages") g_cvarServerLanguage = get_cvar_pointer("amx_language"); register_clcmd("amx_langmenu", "cmdLangMenu", ADMIN_ALL) register_menu("Language Menu", 1023, "actionMenu") g_langNum = get_langsnum() g_coloredMenus = colored_menus() } public client_putinserver(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarDisplayClientMessage) && get_pcvar_num(g_cvarClientLanguages) && !is_user_bot(id)) { set_task(10.0, "dispInfo", id) } } public client_disconnect(id) { remove_task(id) } public dispInfo(id) { client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", id, "TYPE_LANGMENU") } public cmdLangMenu(id, level, cid) { if (!get_pcvar_num(g_cvarClientLanguages)) { client_print(id, print_console, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "LANG_MENU_DISABLED") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new buffer[3] get_user_info(id, "lang", buffer, charsmax(buffer)) if (buffer[0] == EOS) // if "lang" is not defined, by default it will use server language. { get_pcvar_string(g_cvarServerLanguage, buffer, charsmax(buffer)); } g_menuLang[id] = get_lang_id(buffer) showMenu(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } showMenu(id) { if (!get_pcvar_num(g_cvarClientLanguages)) { return } new menuBody[512], pLang[3] get_lang(g_menuLang[id], pLang) new len = formatex(menuBody, charsmax(menuBody), (g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\w^n^n" : "%L^n^n"), id, "LANG_MENU") len += formatex(menuBody[len], charsmax(menuBody) - len, (g_coloredMenus ? "1. %L\R\r%L\w^n" : "1. %L %L^n"), id, "PERSO_LANG", pLang, "LANG_NAME") len += formatex(menuBody[len], charsmax(menuBody) - len, "^n2. %L", id, "SAVE_LANG") formatex(menuBody[len], charsmax(menuBody) - len, "^n^n0. %L", id, "EXIT") show_menu(id, MENU_KEY_0|MENU_KEY_1|MENU_KEY_2, menuBody, -1, "Language Menu") } public actionMenu(id, key) { if (!get_pcvar_num(g_cvarClientLanguages)) { return 0 } if (key == 0) { if (g_menuLang[id] < (g_langNum - 1)) { g_menuLang[id]++ } else { g_menuLang[id] = 0 } showMenu(id) } else if(key == 1) { new pLang[3], pLang_old[3] get_lang(g_menuLang[id], pLang) get_user_info(id, "lang", pLang_old, charsmax(pLang_old)) if (!equali(pLang, pLang_old)) { client_cmd(id, "setinfo ^"lang^" ^"%s^"", pLang) set_user_info(id, "lang", pLang); // In case setinfo breaks (slowhacking and all), this will at least be a fallback while the user is connect new lName[64] formatex(lName, charsmax(lName), "%L", pLang, "LANG_NAME") client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", pLang, "SET_LANG_USER", lName) } } return 0 } get_lang_id(lang[]) { new tLang[3] for (new i = 0; i < g_langNum; i++) { get_lang(i, tLang) if (equali(tLang, lang)) { return i } } return 0 }