/* AMX Mod X script.
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
*  modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).

#include <amxmod> 

public MultiKill
public MultiKillSound
public BombPlanting
public BombDefusing
public BombPlanted
public BombDefused
public BombFailed
public BombPickUp
public BombDrop
public BombCountVoice
public BombCountDef
public BombReached
public ItalyBonusKill
public EnemyRemaining
public LastMan
public KnifeKill
public KnifeKillSound
public GrenadeKill
public GrenadeSuicide
public HeadShotKill
public HeadShotKillSound
public RoundCounterSound
public RoundCounter
public KillingStreak
public KillingStreakSound
public DoubleKill
public DoubleKillSound
public PlayerName
public FirstBloodSound

new g_streakKills[33][2]
new g_multiKills[33][2]
new g_Planter 
new g_Defuser 
new g_C4Timer 
new g_Defusing 
new Float:g_LastOmg 
new Float:g_LastPlan 
new g_LastAnnounce
new g_roundCount
new Float:g_doubleKill
new g_doubleKillId
new g_friend[33] 
new g_firstBlood

new g_MultiKillMsg[7][] = { 
  "Multi-Kill! %s^nwith %d kills (%d hs)", 
  "Ultra-Kill!!! %s^nwith %d kills (%d hs)", 
  "%s IS ON A KILLING SPREE!!!^nwith %d kills (%d hs)",  
  "RAMPAGE!!! %s^nwith %d kills (%d hs)" ,
  "%s IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!^nwith %d kills (%d hs)" ,
  "%s IS A MONSTER!^nwith %d kills (%d hs)",
  "%s IS GODLIKE!!!!^nwith %d kills (%d hs)"
new g_Sounds[7][] = { 
new g_KillingMsg[7][] = {
  "%s: Multi-Kill!",
  "%s: Ultra-Kill!!!",
  "%s: RAMPAGE!!!",  
  "%s IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!",  
  "%s IS A MONSTER!",
  "%s IS GODLIKE!!!"
new g_KinfeMsg[4][] = { 
  "%s sliced and diced %s", 
  "%s pulled out knife and gutted %s", 
  "%s sneaks carefully behind and knifed %s", 
  "%s knived %s"
new g_LastMessages[4][] = { 
  "Now all depend on you!", 
  "I hope you still have a healthpack.", 
  "All your teammates were killed. Good luck!", 
  "Now you are alone. Have fun!" 
new g_HeMessages[4][] = { 
  "%s sends a little gift to %s",   
  "%s throws a small present to %s",   
  "%s made a precision throw to %s",   
  "%s got a big explosion for %s"
new g_SHeMessages[4][] = { 
  "%s detonated himself with a grenade",   
  "%s trys the effect of a HE Grenade",   
  "%s kicked a grenade into his own ass",   
  "%s explodes!"
new g_HeadShots[7][] = { 
  "$kn killed $vn with a well^nplaced shot to the head!",   
  "$kn removed $vn's^nhead with the $wn",   
  "$kn turned $vn's head^ninto pudding with the $wn",   
  "$vn got pwned by $kn",
  "$vn's head has been^nturned into red jello",
  "$kn has superb aim with the $wn,^nas $vn well knows.",
  "$vn's head stayed in $kn's^ncrosshairs a bit too long..."

new g_teamsNames[2][] = {

public plugin_init(){
  register_plugin("Misc. Stats","0.1","default") 
  register_event("SendAudio", "eEndRound", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin","2&%!MRAD_ctwin","2&%!MRAD_rounddraw") 
  register_event("RoundTime", "eNewRound", "bc") 
  new mapname[32]
  if (equali(mapname,"de_",3)||equali(mapname,"csde_",5)){
    register_event("StatusIcon", "eGotBomb", "be", "1=1", "1=2", "2=c4") 
    register_event("SendAudio", "eBombPlanted", "a", "2&%!MRAD_BOMBPL") 
    register_event("SendAudio", "eBombDef", "a", "2&%!MRAD_BOMBDEF") 
    register_event("TextMsg", "eBombFail", "a", "2&#Target_B") 
    register_event("BarTime", "eBombDefG", "be", "1=10", "1=5","1=3") 
    register_event("BarTime", "eBombDefL", "be", "1=0") 
    register_event("TextMsg", "eBombPickUp", "bc", "2&#Got_bomb") 
    register_event("TextMsg", "eBombDrop", "bc", "2&#Game_bomb_d") 
  else if ( equali( mapname ,  "cs_italy"  ) ) { 
    register_event( "23" , "chickenKill", "a" , "1=108" , /*"12=106",*/ "15=4" ) 
    register_event( "23" , "radioKill", "a" , "1=108" , /*"12=294",*/ "15=2" ) 

public plugin_cfg(){
  new g_addStast[] = "amx_statscfg add ^"%s^" %s"
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Planting","BombPlanting")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Defusing","BombDefusing")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Planted","BombPlanted")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Defuse Succ.","BombDefused")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Def. Failure","BombFailed")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb PickUp","BombPickUp") 
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Drop","BombDrop")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Count Down","BombCountVoice") 
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Count Down (def)","BombCountDef")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Site Reached","BombReached")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Italy Bonus Kill","ItalyBonusKill")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Last Man","LastMan")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Knife Kill","KnifeKill")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Knife Kill Sound","KnifeKillSound")    
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Grenade Kill","GrenadeKill")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Grenade Suicide","GrenadeSuicide")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"HeadShot Kill","HeadShotKill")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"HeadShot Kill Sound","HeadShotKillSound")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Round Counter","RoundCounter")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Round Counter Sound","RoundCounterSound")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Killing Streak","KillingStreak")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Killing Streak Sound","KillingStreakSound")   
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Enemy Remaining","EnemyRemaining")  
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Double Kill","DoubleKill")    
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Double Kill Sound","DoubleKillSound") 
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Player Name","PlayerName")   
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"First Blood Sound","FirstBloodSound") 

public client_putinserver(id)
  g_multiKills[id] = g_streakKills[ id ] = { 0 , 0 }

public eDeathMsg(){
  new killerId = read_data(1)
  if ( killerId == 0 ) return
  new victimId = read_data(2) 
  new bool:enemykill = (get_user_team(killerId) != get_user_team(victimId))
  new headshot = read_data(3)
  if ( g_firstBlood ) {
  	g_firstBlood = 0
  	if ( FirstBloodSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/firstblood")
  if ( (KillingStreak || KillingStreakSound) && enemykill ) {    
    g_streakKills[ killerId ][ 0 ]++
    g_streakKills[ killerId ][ 1 ] = 0
    g_streakKills[ victimId ][ 1 ]++
    g_streakKills[ victimId ][ 0 ] = 0
    new a = g_streakKills[ killerId ][ 0 ] - 3
    if ( (a > -1) && !( a % 2 ) ) {
      new name[32]
      get_user_name( killerId , name , 31 )
      if ( (a >>= 1) > 6 ) a = 6
      if ( KillingStreak ){
        set_hudmessage(0, 100, 255, 0.05, 0.55, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, 3)
        show_hudmessage(0,g_KillingMsg[ a ], name )        
      if (  KillingStreakSound )  client_cmd( 0 ,  "spk misc/%s" , g_Sounds[ a ] )
  if ( MultiKill || MultiKillSound ) {
    if (killerId && enemykill ) { 
      g_multiKills[killerId][1] += headshot
      new param[2]
      param[0] = killerId 
      param[1] = g_multiKills[killerId][0] 
      set_task( 4.0 + float( param[1] ) ,"checkKills",0,param,2)
  if ( EnemyRemaining ) {
    new ppl[32], pplnum
    new team = get_user_team( victimId ) - 1
    get_players(ppl,pplnum,"e", g_teamsNames[1 - team] ) 
    if (pplnum){
      new eppl[32], epplnum 
      if (epplnum) { 
        new message[128]
        format(message,127,"%d %s%s Remaining...",epplnum,g_teamsNames[team],(epplnum==1)?"":"S" ) 
        set_hudmessage(255,255,255,0.02,0.85,2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.02, 3.0, 3) 
        for(new a=0; a<pplnum; ++a) show_hudmessage(ppl[a],message)
  if ( LastMan ) {
    new cts[32], ts[32], ctsnum, tsnum 
    get_players(cts,ctsnum,"ae", g_teamsNames[1] )    
    get_players(ts,tsnum,"ae", g_teamsNames[0] ) 
    if ( ctsnum == 1 && tsnum == 1 ){ 
        new ctname[32], tname[32] 
        set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 3) 
        show_hudmessage(0,"%s vs. %s",ctname,tname) 
        client_cmd(0,"spk misc/maytheforce") 
    else if ( !g_LastAnnounce  ) {
      new oposite = 0, team = 0
      if ( ctsnum == 1 && tsnum > 1 ) {
        g_LastAnnounce = cts[0] 
        oposite = tsnum
        team = 0
      else if ( tsnum == 1 && ctsnum > 1 ) {
        g_LastAnnounce = ts[0]
        oposite = ctsnum
        team = 1
      if (g_LastAnnounce){ 
        new name[32] 
        set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 3) 
        show_hudmessage(0,"%s (%d HP) vs. %d %s%s: %s",name, 
        g_teamsNames[team],(oposite==1)?"":"S" ,g_LastMessages[ random_num(0,3) ] )     
        client_cmd(g_LastAnnounce,"spk misc/oneandonly") 
  new arg[4]
  read_data( 4 , arg , 3  )  
  if ( equal( arg, "kni" ) && ( KnifeKill || KnifeKillSound )  )  {
    if ( KnifeKill ) {
      new killer[32], victim[32] 
      set_hudmessage(255, 100, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1) 
      show_hudmessage(0,g_KinfeMsg[ random_num(0,3) ],killer,victim) 
    if ( KnifeKillSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/humiliation") 
  else if ( equal( arg, "gre" ) && (GrenadeKill || GrenadeSuicide)  )  {
    new killer[32], victim[32] 
    set_hudmessage(255, 100, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)    
    if ( killerId != victimId ){
      if ( GrenadeKill ) show_hudmessage(0,g_HeMessages[ random_num(0,3)],killer,victim) 
    else if ( GrenadeSuicide ) show_hudmessage(0,g_SHeMessages[ random_num(0,3) ],victim) 
  if ( headshot && (HeadShotKill || HeadShotKillSound) )  {
    if ( HeadShotKill ){
      new killer[32], victim[32], weapon[32], message[128]
      read_data( 4 , weapon , 31  )  
      copy( message, 127, g_HeadShots[ random_num(0,6) ] )
      replace( message, 127 , "$vn", victim )
      replace( message, 127 , "$wn", weapon )    
      replace( message, 127 , "$kn", killer )
      set_hudmessage(100, 100, 255, -1.0, 0.29, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)    
      show_hudmessage(0,message ) 
    if ( HeadShotKillSound ) {
    	client_cmd(killerId,"spk misc/headshot") 
    	client_cmd(victimId,"spk misc/headshot")
  if ( DoubleKill || DoubleKillSound ) {
    new Float:nowtime = get_gametime()
    if ( g_doubleKill == nowtime && g_doubleKillId == killerId ) {
      if ( DoubleKill ) {
        new name[32]
        get_user_name( killerId , name , 31  )
        set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 3)
        show_hudmessage(0,"Wow! %s made a double kill!!!" ,name )
      if ( DoubleKillSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/doublekill") 
    g_doubleKill = nowtime
    g_doubleKillId = killerId

public hideStatus(id)
  if ( PlayerName ){
    set_hudmessage(0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 4) 

public setTeam(id) 
  g_friend[id] = read_data(2)

public showStatus(id)
  if ( PlayerName ){
    new name[32],pid = read_data(2) 
    new color1 = 0,color2 = 0
    if ( get_user_team(pid)==1 )
      color1 = 255
      color2 = 255
    if (g_friend[id]==1){ // friend
      new clip, ammo, wpnid = get_user_weapon(pid,clip,ammo) 
      new wpnname[32] 
      set_hudmessage(color1,50,color2,-1.0,0.60,1, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, 0.01, 4)
      show_hudmessage(id,"%s -- %d HP / %d AP / %s",name, 
    else { 
      set_hudmessage(color1,50,color2,-1.0,0.60,1, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, 0.01, 4) 

public eNewRound()
  if ( read_data(1) == floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60.0) ) {
    g_firstBlood = 1
    g_C4Timer = 0
    if ( RoundCounter ) {
      set_hudmessage(200, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1) 
      show_hudmessage(0,  "Prepare to FIGHT!^nRound %d" ,  g_roundCount )
    if ( RoundCounterSound )  client_cmd( 0 , "spk misc/prepare" )
    if ( KillingStreak  ) {
      new appl[32],ppl, i
      get_players(appl,ppl, "ac" )
      for(new a = 0; a < ppl; ++a) {
        i = appl[ a ]
        if ( g_streakKills[ i ][ 0 ] >= 2 )
          client_print( i , print_chat , "* You've killed %d in a row so far", g_streakKills[ i ][ 0 ] )
        else if (  g_streakKills[ i ][ 1 ] >= 2 )
          client_print( i , print_chat , "* Careful! You've died %d rounds in a row now...", g_streakKills[ i ][ 1 ] )     

public eRestart(){
  g_roundCount = 0
  g_firstBlood = 1

public eEndRound(){
  g_C4Timer = -2
  g_LastPlan = 0.0 
  g_LastOmg = 0.0
  g_LastPlan = 0.0
  g_LastAnnounce = 0

public checkKills(param[]){ 
  new id = param[0]
  new a = param[1]
  if (a == g_multiKills[id][0]){
    a -= 3 
    if ( a > -1 ){
      if ( MultiKill ) {
        new name[32]
        set_hudmessage(255, 0, 100, 0.05, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, 2)
        if ( a > 6 ) a = 6
      if ( MultiKillSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/%s",g_Sounds[a])
    g_multiKills[id] = { 0,0 }

public chickenKill() 
  if ( ItalyBonusKill ) announceEvent( 0 , "Somebody killed a chicken!!!"  )

public radioKill() 
  if ( ItalyBonusKill ) announceEvent( 0 , "Somebody blew up the radio!!!" )

announceEvent( id , message[] ){
  new name[32]
  get_user_name(id, name , 31) 
  set_hudmessage(255, 100, 50, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)

public eGotBomb(id){ 
  g_Planter = id 
  g_Defuser = g_Defusing = 0 
  if ( BombReached && read_data(1)==2 && g_LastOmg<get_gametime()){ 
    g_LastOmg = get_gametime() + 15.0
    announceEvent(g_Planter ,   "Omg! %s reached the target!" )

public eBombDefG(id){ 
  if (read_data(1) == 3){
    if ( BombPlanting && g_LastPlan<get_gametime() ){ 
      g_LastPlan = get_gametime() + 15.0
      announceEvent(g_Planter ,   "%s is planting the bomb!" )
  else { 
    g_Defuser = g_Defusing = id 
    if ( BombDefusing && g_LastPlan<get_gametime()){ 
      g_LastPlan = get_gametime() + 15.0
      announceEvent(g_Defusing ,   "%s is defusing the bomb..." )

public eBombDefL(id) 
  g_Defusing = 0

public eBombPlanted() 
  if ( g_C4Timer != -2 ){
    if (BombPlanted) announceEvent(g_Planter ,   "%s set us up the bomb!!!" )
    g_C4Timer = get_cvar_num("mp_c4timer") - 2 
    g_LastPlan = 0.0

public bombTimer(){ 
  if (--g_C4Timer > 0){ 
    if (BombCountVoice) { 
      if (g_C4Timer == 30 || g_C4Timer == 20){ 
        new temp[48] 
        client_cmd(0,"spk ^"vox/%s seconds until explosion^"",temp) 
      else if (g_C4Timer < 11){ 
        new temp[48] 
        client_cmd(0,"spk ^"vox/%s^"",temp) 
    if (BombCountDef && g_Defusing) client_print(g_Defusing,print_center,"%d",g_C4Timer)
  else remove_task(8038)

public eBombDef()
  if (BombDefused) announceEvent(g_Defuser ,   "%s defused the bomb!" )
public eBombFail()
  if (BombFailed && g_Defuser ) announceEvent(g_Defuser ,  "%s failed to defuse the bomb..." )

public eBombPickUp(id)
  if (BombPickUp) announceEvent(id , "%s pick up the bomb...")

public eBombDrop()
  if (BombDrop) announceEvent(g_Planter , "%s dropped the bomb!!!")