/* Sorting functions.
 * by the AMX Mod X Development Team
 * This file is provided as is (no warranties).
 * All sort functions are based off the qsort() function from the 
 *  C standard library, which uses the Quick Sort algorithm.
 * For more info, see: http://linux.wku.edu/~lamonml/algor/sort/sort.html

#if defined _time_included
#define _time_included

enum SortMethod
	Sort_Ascending = 0,
	Sort_Descending = 1,

 * Basic sorting functions below.

native SortIntegers(array[], array_size, SortMethod:order = Sort_Ascending);

native SortFloats(Float:array[], array_size, SortMethod:order = Sort_Ascending);

native SortStrings(array[][], num_strings, SortMethod:order = Sort_Ascending);

 * Custom sorting functions below.

 * Sorts a custom 1D array.  You must pass in a comparison function.
 * The sorting algorithm then uses your comparison function to sort the data.
 * The function is called in the following manner:
 * public MySortFunc(elem1, elem2, const array[], const data[], data_size)
 *  elem1, elem2	- Current element pair being compared
 *  array[]			- Array in its current mid-sorted state.
 *  data[]			- Extra data array you passed to the sort func.
 *  data_size		- Size of extra data you passed to the sort func.
 * Your function should return:
 *  -1 if elem1 should go before elem2
 *   0 if elem1 and elem2 are equal
 *   1 if elem1 should go after elem2
 * Note that the parameters after elem2 are all optional and you do not need to specify them.
native SortCustom1D(array[], array_size, const comparefunc[], data[]="", data_size=0);

 * Sorts a custom 2D array.
 * The sorting algorithm then uses your comparison function to sort the data.
 * The function is called in the following manner:
 * public MySortFunc(const elem1[], const elem2[], const array[], data[], data_size)
 *  elem1[], elem2[] - Current element array pairs being compared
 *  array[][]		 - Array in its currently being sorted state.
 *  data[]			 - Extra data array you passed to the sort func.
 *  data_size		 - Size of extra data you passed to the sort func.
 * Your function should return:
 *  -1 if elem1[] should go before elem2[]
 *   0 if elem1[] and elem2 are equal[]
 *   1 if elem1[] should go after elem2[]
 * Note that the parameters after elem2[] are all optional and you do not need to specify them.
native SortCustom2D(array[][], array_size, const comparefunc[], data[]="", data_size=0);