// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // NextMap Plugin // #include // WARNING: If you comment this line make sure // that in your mapcycle file maps don't repeat. // However the same map in a row is still valid. #define OBEY_MAPCYCLE new g_nextMap[32] new g_mapCycle[32] new g_pos new g_currentMap[32] new g_changeMapCalled; // pcvars new g_mp_friendlyfire, g_mp_chattime new g_amx_nextmap public plugin_init() { register_plugin("NextMap", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") register_dictionary("nextmap.txt") register_event("30", "changeMap", "a") register_clcmd("say nextmap", "sayNextMap", 0, "- displays nextmap") register_clcmd("say currentmap", "sayCurrentMap", 0, "- display current map") g_amx_nextmap = register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY) g_mp_chattime = get_cvar_pointer("mp_chattime") g_mp_friendlyfire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire") if( g_mp_friendlyfire ) { register_clcmd("say ff", "sayFFStatus", 0, "- display friendly fire status") } get_mapname(g_currentMap, charsmax(g_currentMap)) new szString[40], szString2[32], szString3[8] get_localinfo("lastmapcycle", szString, charsmax(szString)) parse(szString, szString2, charsmax(szString2), szString3, charsmax(szString3)) get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", g_mapCycle, charsmax(g_mapCycle)) if (!equal(g_mapCycle, szString2)) g_pos = 0 // mapcyclefile has been changed - go from first else g_pos = str_to_num(szString3) readMapCycle(g_mapCycle, g_nextMap, charsmax(g_nextMap)) set_pcvar_string(g_amx_nextmap, g_nextMap) formatex(szString, charsmax(szString), "%s %d", g_mapCycle, g_pos) // save lastmapcycle settings set_localinfo("lastmapcycle", szString) } getNextMapName(szArg[], iMax) { new len = get_pcvar_string(g_amx_nextmap, szArg, iMax) if (ValidMap(szArg)) return len len = copy(szArg, iMax, g_nextMap) set_pcvar_string(g_amx_nextmap, g_nextMap) return len } public sayNextMap() { new name[32] getNextMapName(name, charsmax(name)) client_print(0, print_chat, "%L %s", LANG_PLAYER, "NEXT_MAP", name) } public sayCurrentMap() { client_print(0, print_chat, "%L: %s", LANG_PLAYER, "PLAYED_MAP", g_currentMap) } public sayFFStatus() { client_print(0, print_chat, "%L: %L", LANG_PLAYER, "FRIEND_FIRE", LANG_PLAYER, get_pcvar_num(g_mp_friendlyfire) ? "ON" : "OFF") } public delayedChange(param[]) { engine_changelevel(param) } public plugin_end() { if (g_mp_chattime && g_changeMapCalled) { set_pcvar_float(g_mp_chattime, get_pcvar_float(g_mp_chattime) - 2.0) } } public changeMap() { new string[32] new Float:chattime = g_mp_chattime ? get_pcvar_float(g_mp_chattime) : 0.0; if (g_mp_chattime) { set_pcvar_float(g_mp_chattime, chattime + 2.0) // make sure mp_chattime is long g_changeMapCalled = true; } new len = getNextMapName(string, charsmax(string)) + 1 set_task(chattime, "delayedChange", 0, string, len) // change with 1.5 sec. delay } new g_warning[] = "WARNING: Couldn't find a valid map or the file doesn't exist (file ^"%s^")" stock bool:ValidMap(mapname[]) { if ( is_map_valid(mapname) ) { return true; } // If the is_map_valid check failed, check the end of the string new len = strlen(mapname) - 4; // The mapname was too short to possibly house the .bsp extension if (len < 0) { return false; } if ( equali(mapname[len], ".bsp") ) { // If the ending was .bsp, then cut it off. // the string is byref'ed, so this copies back to the loaded text. mapname[len] = '^0'; // recheck if ( is_map_valid(mapname) ) { return true; } } return false; } #if defined OBEY_MAPCYCLE readMapCycle(szFileName[], szNext[], iNext) { new b, i = 0, iMaps = 0 new szBuffer[32], szFirst[32] if (file_exists(szFileName)) { while (read_file(szFileName, i++, szBuffer, charsmax(szBuffer), b)) { if (!isalnum(szBuffer[0]) || !ValidMap(szBuffer)) continue if (!iMaps) copy(szFirst, charsmax(szFirst), szBuffer) if (++iMaps > g_pos) { copy(szNext, iNext, szBuffer) g_pos = iMaps return } } } if (!iMaps) { log_amx(g_warning, szFileName) copy(szNext, iNext, g_currentMap) } else copy(szNext, iNext, szFirst) g_pos = 1 } #else readMapCycle(szFileName[], szNext[], iNext) { new b, i = 0, iMaps = 0 new szBuffer[32], szFirst[32] new a = g_pos if (file_exists(szFileName)) { while (read_file(szFileName, i++, szBuffer, charsmax(szBuffer), b)) { if (!isalnum(szBuffer[0]) || !ValidMap(szBuffer)) continue if (!iMaps) { iMaps = 1 copy(szFirst, charsmax(szFirst), szBuffer) } if (iMaps == 1) { if (equali(g_currentMap, szBuffer)) { if (a-- == 0) iMaps = 2 } } else { if (equali(g_currentMap, szBuffer)) ++g_pos else g_pos = 0 copy(szNext, iNext, szBuffer) return } } } if (!iMaps) { log_amx(g_warning, szFileName) copy(szNext, iNext, g_currentMap) } else copy(szNext, iNext, szFirst) g_pos = 0 } #endif