#include "Capsule.h" const char* capsule_types[] = { "-NO VALUE-", "BOOLEAN", "INTEGER", "FLOAT", "VECTOR", "STRING" }; void Capsule::ThrowTypeError(cell get_type) { char ValStr[15]; GetAsStr(ValStr); char value[100]; sprintf(value,"Function attempted to read NON-%s value, actual type is: %s, actual value is: %s", capsule_types[get_type], capsule_types[type], ValStr ); throw JudyEx(value, true); } bool Capsule::CheckEmpty(bool clear) { bool empty = ( data == NULL ); if(empty != true && clear == true) Clear(); return empty; } void Capsule::Clear() { //This function intelligently creates a pointer x, //which will be of correct type and then deletes it. switch (type) { case capsule_type_flo: { REAL *real_val = reinterpret_cast<REAL*>(data); delete real_val; break; } case capsule_type_vec: { JudyVec *vector_val = reinterpret_cast<JudyVec*>(data); delete vector_val; break; } case capsule_type_str: { char *char_val = reinterpret_cast<char*>(data); delete char_val; break; } } data = NULL; //Null the address as well. (Used for ints too.) } bool Capsule::GetBool( void ) { if (type != capsule_type_bool) ThrowTypeError(capsule_type_bool); return reinterpret_cast<bool>(data); } void Capsule::SetBool(bool Value) { CheckEmpty(true); type = capsule_type_bool; data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(Value); }; cell Capsule::GetInt( void ) { if (type != capsule_type_int) ThrowTypeError(capsule_type_int); return reinterpret_cast<cell>(data); } void Capsule::SetInt(cell Value) { CheckEmpty(true); type = capsule_type_int; data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(Value); }; REAL Capsule::GetFlo( void ) { if (type != capsule_type_flo) ThrowTypeError(capsule_type_flo); return *reinterpret_cast<REAL*>(data); } void Capsule::SetFlo(REAL Value) { CheckEmpty(true); type = capsule_type_flo; data = new REAL(Value); }; const JudyVec* Capsule::GetVec( void ) { if (type != capsule_type_vec) ThrowTypeError(capsule_type_vec); return reinterpret_cast<const JudyVec*>(data); } void Capsule::SetVec(JudyVec* Value) { CheckEmpty(true); type = capsule_type_vec; data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(Value); } const char* Capsule::GetStr( void ) { if (type != capsule_type_str) ThrowTypeError(capsule_type_str); return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data); } void Capsule::SetStr(char* Value) { CheckEmpty(true); type = capsule_type_str; char *string_val = new char[strlen(Value)+1]; strcpy(string_val,Value); data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(string_val); } void Capsule::GetAsStr(char* value) { switch (type) { case capsule_type_bool: sprintf(value, "%i",(cell)GetBool()); break; case capsule_type_int: sprintf(value, "%d", GetInt() ); break; case capsule_type_flo: sprintf(value, "%f", GetFlo() ); break; case capsule_type_vec: sprintf(value, "{%f,%f,%f}", GetVec()->first, GetVec()->second, GetVec()->third); break; case capsule_type_str: sprintf(value, "\"%s\"", GetStr() ); break; default: sprintf(value, "-NO VALUE-"); } } void Capsule::Save(FILE* capsuleDB) { fwrite(&type,sizeof(char),1,capsuleDB); switch(type) { case capsule_type_none: { break; } case capsule_type_bool: { bool var = GetBool(); fwrite(&var, sizeof(bool), 1, capsuleDB); break; } case capsule_type_int: { cell var = GetInt(); fwrite(&var, sizeof(cell), 1, capsuleDB); break; } case capsule_type_flo: { fwrite(reinterpret_cast<REAL*>(GetData()), sizeof(REAL), 1, capsuleDB); break; } case capsule_type_str: { const char* str = GetStr(); size_t len = strlen(str); fwrite(&len,sizeof(size_t), 1, capsuleDB); fwrite(&str, sizeof(char), len, capsuleDB); break; } case capsule_type_vec: { const JudyVec* buffer = GetVec(); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(JudyVec), 1, capsuleDB); break; } default: { char value[20]; sprintf(value,"Invalid type found!"); throw JudyEx(value, true); break; } }; } void Capsule::Load(FILE* capsuleDB) { fread(&type, sizeof(char), 1, capsuleDB); switch(type) { case capsule_type_none: { CheckEmpty(true); break; } case capsule_type_bool: { bool value = false; fread(&value, sizeof(bool), 1, capsuleDB); SetBool(value); break; } case capsule_type_int: { cell value = NULL; fread(&value, sizeof(cell), 1, capsuleDB); SetInt(value); break; } case capsule_type_flo: { REAL value = NULL; fread(&value, sizeof(REAL), 1, capsuleDB); SetFlo(value); break; } case capsule_type_str: { size_t length; fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, capsuleDB); char* value = new char[length+1]; fgets(value, length+1, capsuleDB); SetStr(value); delete(value); break; } case capsule_type_vec: { JudyVec* value = new JudyVec(NULL,NULL,NULL); fread(value, sizeof(JudyVec), 1, capsuleDB); SetVec(value); break; } default: { char value[20]; sprintf(value,"Invalid type found: %i",(int)type); throw JudyEx(value, true); } }; }