using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; namespace AMXXRelease { //This class specifies the process that builds a release. //It also implements the functions that are unlikely to change from mod to mod. public abstract class ABuilder { protected Config m_Cfg; public virtual void OnBuild() { } public virtual void CreateDir(string dir) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } public virtual bool Build(Config cfg, Build build) { m_Cfg = cfg; OnBuild(); int num = build.GetMods(); AMod mod; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { mod = build.GetMod(i); if (!BuildMod(mod)) { System.Console.WriteLine("Mod failed to build: " + mod.GetName()); return false; } if (m_Cfg.CompressPath() != null) { CompressDir( PropSlashes(m_Cfg.OutputPath() + "\\" + m_Cfg.GetReleaseName() + "-" + mod.GetName()), PropSlashes(m_Cfg.OutputPath() + "\\" + mod.GetName()) ); } } return true; } public virtual bool BuildMod(AMod mod) { CopyConfigs(mod); if (!BuildModModules(mod)) return false; if (!BuildModPlugins(mod)) return false; string basedir = PropSlashes(m_Cfg.OutputPath() + "\\" + mod.GetModPath()); string sourcetree = m_Cfg.GetSourceTree(); if (!mod.CopyExtraFiles(this, basedir, sourcetree)) return false; return true; } public virtual void CopyConfigs(AMod mod) { string basedir = PropSlashes(m_Cfg.OutputPath() + "\\" + mod.GetModPath() + "\\configs"); if (!Directory.Exists(basedir)) CreateDir(basedir); string srcdir = PropSlashes(m_Cfg.GetSourceTree() + "\\configs"); if (!Directory.Exists(srcdir)) return; if (mod.GetPluginDir() != null) srcdir += "\\" + mod.GetBaseName(); srcdir = PropSlashes(srcdir); CopyNormal(this, srcdir, basedir); } public static void CopyNormal(ABuilder ab, string src, string dest) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(src); if (!Directory.Exists(dest)) ab.CreateDir(dest); for (int i=0; i<files.Length; i++) { File.Copy(files[i], PropSlashes(dest + "\\" + GetFileName(files[i])), true); } } public virtual bool BuildModPlugins(AMod mod) { int num = mod.GetPlugins(); Plugin plugin; string binary, basedir; basedir = m_Cfg.OutputPath(); basedir += "\\" + mod.GetModPath(); basedir = PropSlashes(basedir); string dir, file, target; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { plugin = mod.GetPlugin(i); binary = BuildPlugin(mod, plugin); file = PropSlashes(m_Cfg.GetSourceTree() + "\\plugins\\" + GetFileName(binary)); if (!File.Exists(file)) { System.Console.WriteLine("Plugin failed to compile: " + mod.GetName() + "::" +; return false; } dir = PropSlashes(basedir + "\\" + plugin.outdir); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) CreateDir(dir); target = PropSlashes(dir + "\\" + + ".amxx"); if (File.Exists(target)) File.Delete(target); File.Move(file, target); } //Copy all files from the plugins dir to scripting string search_dir = m_Cfg.GetSourceTree() + "\\plugins"; if (mod.GetPluginDir() != null) search_dir += "\\" + mod.GetPluginDir(); search_dir = PropSlashes(search_dir); string dest; if (Directory.Exists(search_dir)) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(search_dir); if (!Directory.Exists(PropSlashes(basedir + "\\scripting"))) CreateDir(PropSlashes(basedir + "\\scripting")); for (int i=0; i<files.Length; i++) { dest = PropSlashes(basedir + "\\scripting\\" + GetFileName(files[i])); if (mod.ExcludeCopy(files[i])) continue; File.Copy(files[i], dest, true); } } return true; } public static string GetFileName(string input) { for (int i=input.Length-1; i>=0; i--) { if ((input[i] == '\\' || input[i] == '/') && i != input.Length-1) { return input.Substring(i+1, input.Length-i-1); } } return input; } public virtual bool BuildModModules(AMod mod) { int num = mod.GetModules(); Module module; string binary, basedir; basedir = m_Cfg.OutputPath(); basedir += "\\" + mod.GetModPath(); basedir = PropSlashes(basedir); string dir; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { module = mod.GetModule(i); binary = BuildModule(module); if (binary == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("Module failed to compile: " + mod.GetName() + "::" + module.projname + GetLibExt()); return false; } dir = PropSlashes(basedir + "\\" + module.outdir); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) CreateDir(dir); File.Copy(binary, PropSlashes(dir + "\\" + module.projname + GetLibExt()), true); } return true; } public virtual string BuildPlugin(AMod mod, Plugin pl) { string modoffs = mod.GetPluginDir(); string pldir; if (modoffs != null) pldir = modoffs + "\\"; else pldir = ""; AmxxPc(PropSlashes(pldir + pl.source), pl.options); string outfile = pldir + + ".amxx"; return outfile; } public abstract void AmxxPc(string inpath, string args); public abstract string BuildModule(Module module); public abstract string GetLibExt(); public abstract void CompressDir(string target, string dir); public static string PropSlashes(string path) { char sep; char alt; if (Releaser.IsWindows) { sep = '\\'; alt = '/'; } else { sep = '/'; alt = '\\'; } return path.Replace(alt,sep); } } }