/* AMX Mod X script. * * (c) 2002-2004, OLO * modified by BAILOPAN,Manip,PM,SniperBeamer * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #include // WARNING: If you comment this line make sure // that in your mapcycle file maps don't repeat. // However the same map in a row is still valid. #define OBEY_MAPCYCLE new g_nextMap[32] new g_mapCycle[32] new g_pos public plugin_init() { register_plugin("NextMap","0.1","default") register_event("30","changeMap","a") register_clcmd("say nextmap","sayNextMap",0,"- displays nextmap") register_cvar("amx_nextmap","",FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY) new szString[32], szString2[32], szString3[8] get_localinfo( "lastmapcycle", szString , 31 ) parse( szString, szString2, 31, szString3 , 7 ) g_pos = strtonum( szString3 ) get_cvar_string( "mapcyclefile" , g_mapCycle , 31 ) if ( !equal( g_mapCycle , szString2 ) ) g_pos = 0 // mapcyclefile has been changed - go from first readMapCycle( g_mapCycle , g_nextMap , 31 ) set_cvar_string( "amx_nextmap", g_nextMap ) format( szString3 , 31, "%s %d", g_mapCycle , g_pos ) // save lastmapcycle settings set_localinfo( "lastmapcycle", szString3 ) } getNextMapName(szArg[],iMax){ new len = get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap",szArg,iMax) if ( is_map_valid(szArg) ) return len len = copy(szArg,iMax,g_nextMap) set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap",g_nextMap) return len } public sayNextMap(){ new name[32] getNextMapName(name,31) client_print(0,print_chat,"Next Map: %s",name) } public delayedChange( param[] ) server_cmd( "changelevel %s", param ) public changeMap(){ new string[32] set_cvar_float( "mp_chattime" , 3.0 ) // make sure mp_chattime is long new len = getNextMapName(string, 31) + 1 set_task( 1.5 , "delayedChange" , 0 , string , len ) // change with 1.5 sec. delay } new g_warning[] = "WARNING: Couldn't find a valid map or the file doesn't exist (file ^"%s^")" #if defined OBEY_MAPCYCLE readMapCycle(szFileName[], szNext[], iNext ){ new b, i = 0, iMaps = 0 new szBuffer[32], szFirst[32] if ( file_exists( szFileName ) ) { while( read_file( szFileName , i++ , szBuffer , 31 , b ) ) { if ( !isalpha( szBuffer[0] ) || !is_map_valid( szBuffer ) ) continue if ( !iMaps ) copy( szFirst, 31, szBuffer ) if ( ++iMaps > g_pos ) { copy( szNext , iNext , szBuffer ) g_pos = iMaps return } } } if ( !iMaps ) { log_message( g_warning , szFileName ) get_mapname( szFirst , 31 ) } copy( szNext , iNext , szFirst ) g_pos = 1 } #else readMapCycle(szFileName[], szNext[], iNext ) { new b, i = 0, iMaps = 0 new szBuffer[32], szFirst[32], szCurrent[32] get_mapname( szCurrent , 31 ) new a = g_pos if ( file_exists( szFileName ) ) { while( read_file( szFileName , i++ , szBuffer , 31 , b ) ) { if ( !isalpha( szBuffer[0] ) || !is_map_valid( szBuffer ) ) continue if ( !iMaps ) { iMaps = 1 copy( szFirst, 31, szBuffer ) } if ( iMaps == 1 ){ if ( equali( szCurrent , szBuffer ) ) { if ( a-- == 0 ) iMaps = 2 } } else { if ( equali( szCurrent , szBuffer ) ) ++g_pos else g_pos = 0 copy( szNext , iNext , szBuffer ) return } } } if ( !iMaps ) { log_message( g_warning , szFileName ) copy( szNext ,iNext , szCurrent ) } else copy( szNext ,iNext , szFirst ) g_pos = 0 } #endif