/* Fun functions
 * (c) 2004, the AMX Mod X Development Team
 * This file is provided as is (no warranties).

/* (untested) Returns 1 if receiver hears sender via voice communication. */
native get_client_listen(receiver, sender);

/* (untested) Sets who can listen who. Function returns 0 if for some reasons this setting can't be done. */
native set_client_listen(receiver, sender, listen);

/* Sets player godmode. If you want to disable godmode set only first parameter. */
native set_user_godmode(index, godmode = 0);

/* (untested) Returns 1 if godmode is set. */
native get_user_godmode(index);

/* Sets player frags. Doesn't autoupdate scoreboard, as Olo's version didn't. Fix? */
native set_user_frags(index, frags);

/* Sets player armor. */
native set_user_armor(index, armor);

/* Sets player health. */
native set_user_health(index, health);

/* Move player to origin. */
native set_user_origin(index, origin[3]);

/* Sets player rendering mode. */
native set_user_rendering(index, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16);

/* Gives item to player, name of item can start
 * with weapon_, ammo_ and item_. This event
 * is announced with proper message to all players. */
native give_item(index, const item[]);

/* (not yet implemented, don't know how to use native)
 * Sets hit zones for player. This event is announced
 * with proper message to all players.
 * Parts of body are as bits:
 * 2   - head
 * 4   - chest
 * 8   - stomach
 * 16  - left arm
 * 32  - right arm
 * 64  - left leg
 * 128 - right leg */
native set_hitzones(body = 255);

/* backwards compatibility */
stock set_user_hitzones(index=0,target=0,body=255)
  return set_hitzones(body)

/* Get current hitzones. */
native get_hitzones();

/* backwards compatibility */
stock get_user_hitzones(index,target)
  return get_hitzones()

/* Sets users max. speed. */
native set_user_maxspeed(index, Float:speed = -1.0);

/* Returns users max. speed. */
native Float:get_user_maxspeed(index);

/* Sets users gravity. */
native set_user_gravity(index, Float:gravity = 1.0);

/* Returns users gravity. */
native get_user_gravity(index);

/* Spawns entity. */
native spawn(index);

/* backwards compatibility */
stock user_spawn(index)
  return spawn(index)

/* Sets player noclip. If you want to disable noclip set only first parameter. */
native set_user_noclip(index, noclip = 0);

/* Returns 1 if noclip is set. */
native get_user_noclip(index);

/* Gives player silent footsteps.
 * if set = 0 it will return footsteps to normal */
native set_user_footsteps(id, set = 1);