2006-08-27 02:22:59 +00:00

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* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
===== quake_gun.cpp ========================================================
This is a half-life weapon that fires every one of the quake weapons.
It's automatically given to all players.
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "quake_gun.h"
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_quakegun, CQuakeGun );
void CQuakeGun::Spawn( )
Precache( );
SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/v_crowbar.mdl");
m_iDefaultAmmo = GLOCK_DEFAULT_GIVE;
void CQuakeGun::Precache( void )
int CQuakeGun::GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p)
p->pszName = STRING(pev->classname);
p->pszAmmo1 = NULL;
p->iMaxAmmo1 = -1;
p->pszAmmo2 = NULL;
p->iMaxAmmo2 = -1;
p->iMaxClip = -1;
p->iSlot = 1;
p->iPosition = 1;
p->iFlags = 0;
p->iId = m_iId = WEAPON_GLOCK;
p->iWeight = GLOCK_WEIGHT;
return 1;
void CQuakeGun::DestroyEffect( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( m_pBeam )
UTIL_Remove( m_pBeam );
m_pBeam = NULL;
void CQuakeGun::CreateEffect( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
m_pBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/laserbeam.spr", 40 );
m_pBeam->PointEntInit( pev->origin, m_pPlayer->entindex() );
m_pBeam->SetBrightness( 100 );
m_pBeam->SetEndAttachment( 1 );
m_pBeam->pev->spawnflags |= SF_BEAM_TEMPORARY; // Flag these to be destroyed on save/restore or level transition
m_pBeam->pev->flags |= FL_SKIPLOCALHOST;
m_pBeam->pev->owner = m_pPlayer->edict();
m_pBeam->SetScrollRate( 110 );
m_pBeam->SetNoise( 5 );
void CQuakeGun::UpdateEffect( void )
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
UTIL_MakeVectors( m_pPlayer->pev->v_angle + m_pPlayer->pev->punchangle );
Vector vecAiming = gpGlobals->v_forward;
Vector vecSrc = m_pPlayer->GetGunPosition( );
Vector vecDest = vecSrc + vecAiming * 2048;
edict_t *pentIgnore;
TraceResult tr;
pentIgnore = m_pPlayer->edict();
Vector tmpSrc = vecSrc + gpGlobals->v_up * -8 + gpGlobals->v_right * 3;
// ALERT( at_console, "." );
UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecDest, dont_ignore_monsters, pentIgnore, &tr );
if (tr.fAllSolid)
if ( !m_pBeam )
m_pBeam->SetStartPos( tr.vecEndPos );
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
BOOL CQuakeGun::Deploy( )
m_pPlayer->pev->viewmodel = MAKE_STRING("models/v_crowbar.mdl");
m_pPlayer->pev->weaponmodel = MAKE_STRING("models/p_9mmhandgun.mdl");
strcpy( m_pPlayer->m_szAnimExtention, "onehanded" );
g_flLightTime = 0.0;
SendWeaponAnim( 0 );
return TRUE;
// Plays quad sound if needed
int CQuakeGun::SuperDamageSound()
if ( m_pPlayer->m_iQuakeItems & IT_QUAD )
if ( m_pPlayer->m_flNextQuadSound < gpGlobals->time)
m_pPlayer->m_flNextQuadSound = gpGlobals->time + 1;
return 1;
return 0;
// Firing the Quakegun forces the player to fire the appropriate weapon
void CQuakeGun::PrimaryAttack( void )
int iQuadSound = 0;
iQuadSound = SuperDamageSound();
m_pPlayer->W_Attack( iQuadSound );
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
if ( m_pPlayer->m_iQuakeWeapon == IT_LIGHTNING && m_pPlayer->pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO )
m_bPlayedIdleAnim = FALSE;