2006-08-28 11:08:18 +00:00

232 lines
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Executable File

/* Strings manipulation
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _string_included
#define _string_included
/* Checks if source contains string. On success function
* returns position in source, on failure returns -1. */
native contain(const source[],const string[]);
/* Checks if source contains string with case ignoring. On success function
* returns position in source, on failure returns -1. */
native containi(const source[],const string[]);
/* Replaces given string to another in given text. */
native replace(text[],len,const what[],const with[]);
/* Adds one string to another. Last parameter different from 0, specifies
* how many chars we want to add. Function returns number of all merged chars. */
native add(dest[],len,const src[],max=0);
/* Fills string with given format and parameters.
* Function returns number of copied chars.
* Example: format(dest,"Hello %s. You are %d years old","Tom",17).
* If any of your input buffers overlap with the destination buffer,
* format() falls back to a "copy-back" version as of 1.65. This is
* slower, so you should using a source string that is the same as
* the destination.
native format(output[] ,len ,const format[] , {Float,Sql,Result,_}:...);
/* Same as format(), except does not perform a "copy back" check.
* This means formatex() is faster, but DOES NOT ALLOW this type
* of call:
* formatex(buffer, len, "%s", buffer)
* formatex(buffer, len, buffer, buffer)
* formatex(buffer, len, "%s", buffer[5])
* This is because the output is directly stored into "buffer",
* rather than copied back at the end.
native formatex(output[] ,len ,const format[] , {Float,Sql,Result,_}:...);
/* Replacement for format_args. Much faster and %L compatible.
* This works exactly like vsnprintf() from C.
* You must pass in the output buffer and its size,
* the string to format, and the number of the FIRST variable
* argument parameter. For example, for:
* function (a, b, c, ...)
* You would pass 4 (a is 1, b is 2, c is 3, et cetera).
* There is no vformatex().
native vformat(buffer[], len, const fmt[], vararg);
* Same as vformat(), except works in normal style dynamic natives.
* Instead of passing the format arg string, you can only pass the
* actual format argument number itself.
* If you pass 0, it will read the format string from an optional
* fifth parameter.
native vdformat(buffer[], len, fmt_arg, vararg, ...);
/* Gets parameters from function as formated string. */
native format_args(output[] ,len ,pos = 0);
/* Converts number to string. */
native num_to_str(num,string[],len);
/* Returns converted string to number. */
native str_to_num(const string[]);
/* Converts float to string. */
native float_to_str(Float:fl, string[], len);
/* Parses a float. */
native Float:str_to_float(const string[]);
/* Checks if two strings equal. If len var is set
* then there are only c chars comapred. */
native equal(const a[],const b[],c=0);
/* Checks if two strings equal with case ignoring.
* If len var is set then there are only c chars comapred. */
native equali(const a[],const b[],c=0);
/* Copies one string to another. By len var
* you may specify max. number of chars to copy. */
native copy(dest[],len,const src[]);
/* Copies one string to another until char ch is found.
* By len var you may specify max. number of chars to copy. */
native copyc(dest[],len,const src[],ch);
/* Sets string with given character. */
native setc(src[],len,ch);
/* Gets parameters from text.
* Example: to split text: "^"This is^" the best year",
* call function like this: parse(text,arg1,len1,arg2,len2,arg3,len3,arg4,len4)
* and you will get: "This is", "the", "best", "year"
* Function returns number of parsed parameters. */
native parse(const text[], ... );
/* Breaks a string into two halves, by token.
See strbreak() for doing this with parameters.
str1[] = This *is*some text
strtok(str1, left, 24, right, 24, '*')
left will be "This "
Right will be "is*some text"
If you use trimSpaces, all spaces are trimmed from Left.
native strtok(const text[], Left[], leftLen, Right[], rightLen, token=' ', trimSpaces=0);
/* Gets parameters from text one at a time
It breaks a string into the first parameter and the rest of the parameters
(A left side and right side of the string)
Example: to split text: "^"This is^" the best year",
strbreak(text, arg1, len1, arg2, len2)
arg1="This is", arg2=the best year
This is more useful than parse() because you can keep breaking
any number of arguments */
native strbreak(const text[], Left[], leftLen, Right[], rightLen);
/* Strips spaces from the beginning and end of a string. */
native trim(text[]);
/* Converts all chars in string to lower case. */
native strtolower(string[]);
/* Converts all chars in string to upper case. */
native strtoupper(string[]);
/* Make a string's first character uppercase */
native ucfirst(string[]);
/* Returns true when value is digit. */
native isdigit(ch);
/* Returns true when value is letter. */
native isalpha(ch);
/* Returns true when value is space. */
native isspace(ch);
/* Returns true when value is letter or digit. */
native isalnum(ch);
/* Concatenates a string. Maxlength is the total buffer of the destination. */
native strcat(dest[], const source[], maxlength);
/* Finds a string in another string. Returns -1 if not found. */
native strfind(const string[], const sub[], ignorecase=0, pos=0);
/* Compares two strings with the C function strcmp(). Returns 0 on equal. */
native strcmp(const string1[], const string2[], ignorecase=0);
/* Tests if given string contains only digits. Also, returns false for zero-length strings. */
stock bool:is_str_num(sString[])
new i = 0;
while (sString[i] && isdigit(sString[i]))
return sString[i] == 0 && i != 0;
/* It is basically strbreak but you have a delimiter that is more than one character in length.
You pass the Input string, the Left output, the max length of the left output,
the right output , the max right length, and then the delimiter string.
By Suicid3
stock split(szInput[], szLeft[], pL_Max, szRight[], pR_Max, szDelim[])
new iEnd = contain(szInput, szDelim);
new iStart = iEnd + strlen(szDelim);
//If delimiter isnt in Input just split the string at max lengths
if (iEnd == -1)
iStart = copy(szLeft, pL_Max, szInput);
copy(szRight, pR_Max, szInput[iStart]);
//If delimter is in Input then split at input for max lengths
if (pL_Max >= iEnd)
copy(szLeft, iEnd, szInput);
copy(szLeft, pL_Max, szInput);
copy(szRight, pR_Max, szInput[iStart]);
/* Removes a path from szFilePath leaving the name of the file in szFile for a pMax length. */
stock remove_filepath(szFilePath[], szFile[], pMax)
new len = strlen(szFilePath);
while ((--len >= 0) && (szFilePath[len] != '/') && (szFilePath[len] != '\')) { }
copy(szFile, pMax, szFilePath[len + 1]);
/* Replaces a contained string
By jtp10181
stock replace_all(string[], len, what[], with[])
new withlen, charnum = 0;
withlen = strlen(with);
while (replace(string[charnum], len, what, with) != 0)
charnum += contain(string[charnum], with) + withlen;