
532 lines
11 KiB

* Do not edit this file. Any changes will be overwritten by the gamedata
* updater or by upgrading your AMX Mod X install.
* To override data in this file, create a subdirectory named "custom" and
* place your own gamedata file(s) inside of it. Such files will be parsed
* after AMXX's own.
* For more information, see
"pev" // entvars_t*
"type" "entvars"
"windows" "4"
"linux" "4"
"mac" "4"
"m_pGoalEnt" // CBaseEntity*
"type" "classptr"
"windows" "8"
"linux" "8"
"mac" "8"
"m_pLink" // CBaseEntity*
"type" "classptr"
"windows" "12"
"linux" "12"
"mac" "12"
"m_pfnThink" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*)
"type" "function"
"windows" "16"
"linux" "16"
"mac" "16"
"m_pfnTouch" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*)
"type" "function"
"windows" "20"
"linux" "24"
"mac" "24"
"m_pfnUse" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*, USE_TYPE, float)
"type" "function"
"windows" "24"
"linux" "32"
"mac" "32"
"m_pfnBlocked" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*)
"type" "function"
"windows" "28"
"linux" "40"
"mac" "40"
"current_ammo" // int*
"type" "pointer"
"windows" "32"
"linux" "48"
"mac" "48"
"currentammo" // float
"type" "float"
"windows" "36"
"linux" "52"
"mac" "52"
"maxammo_buckshot" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "40"
"linux" "56"
"mac" "56"
"ammo_buckshot" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "44"
"linux" "60"
"mac" "60"
"maxammo_9mm" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "48"
"linux" "64"
"mac" "64"
"ammo_9mm" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "52"
"linux" "68"
"mac" "68"
"maxammo_556nato" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "56"
"linux" "72"
"mac" "72"
"ammo_556nato" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "60"
"linux" "76"
"mac" "76"
"maxammo_556natobox" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "64"
"linux" "80"
"mac" "80"
"ammo_556natobox" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "68"
"linux" "84"
"mac" "84"
"maxammo_762nato" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "72"
"linux" "88"
"mac" "88"
"ammo_762nato" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "76"
"linux" "92"
"mac" "92"
"maxammo_45acp" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "80"
"linux" "96"
"mac" "96"
"ammo_45acp" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "84"
"linux" "100"
"mac" "100"
"maxammo_50ae" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "88"
"linux" "104"
"mac" "104"
"ammo_50ae" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "92"
"linux" "108"
"mac" "108"
"maxammo_338mag" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "96"
"linux" "112"
"mac" "112"
"ammo_338mag" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "100"
"linux" "116"
"mac" "116"
"maxammo_57mm" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "104"
"linux" "120"
"mac" "120"
"ammo_57mm" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "108"
"linux" "124"
"mac" "124"
"maxammo_357sig" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "112"
"linux" "128"
"mac" "128"
"ammo_357sig" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "116"
"linux" "132"
"mac" "132"
"m_flStartThrow" // float
"type" "float"
"windows" "120"
"linux" "136"
"mac" "136"
"m_flReleaseThrow" // float
"type" "float"
"windows" "124"
"linux" "140"
"mac" "140"
"m_iSwing" // int
"type" "integer"
"windows" "128"
"linux" "144"
"mac" "144"
"has_disconnected" // bool
"type" "boolean"
"windows" "132"
"linux" "148"
"mac" "148"
* Class Hierarchy
* -
* CBaseEntity
* CAmbientGeneric
* CArmoury
* CBaseDelay
* CAutoTrigger
* CBaseAnimating
* CBasePlayerItem
* CBasePlayerWeapon
* CAK47
* CC4
* CFamas
* CFiveSeven
* CFlashbang
* CG3SG1
* CGalil
* CHEGrenade
* CKnife
* CM249
* CM3
* CM4A1
* CMAC10
* CP228
* CP90
* CSG550
* CSG552
* CSmokeGrenade
* CUMP45
* CWeaponCycler
* CXM1014
* CBaseToggle
* CBaseButton
* CRotButton
* CBaseDoor
* CRotDoor
* CBaseMonster
* CBasePlayer
* CBot
* CCSBot
* CCycler
* CCyclerProbe
* CGenericCycler
* CDeadHEV
* CEnvExplosion
* CGrenade
* CAirtank
* CMortar
* CGunTarget
* CHostage
* CWreckage
* CBasePlatTrain
* CFuncPlat
* CFuncPlatRot
* CFuncTrackChange
* CFuncTrackAuto
* CFuncTrain
* CBaseTrigger
* CBombTarget
* CBuyZone
* CChangeLevel
* CEscapeZone
* CHostageRescue
* CLadder
* CTriggerCDAudio
* CTriggerCounter
* CTriggerEndSection
* CTriggerGravity
* CTriggerHurt
* CTriggerMonsterJump
* CTriggerMultiple
* CTriggerOnce
* CTriggerPush
* CTriggerSave
* CTriggerTeleport
* CVIP_SafetyZone
* CWeather
* CFuncIllusionary
* CFuncMortarField
* CMomentaryDoor
* CMomentaryRotButton
* CMultiManager
* CRecharge
* CWallHealth
* CBreakable
* CPushable
* CEnvBeverage
* CEnvFunnel
* CFireAndDie
* CGibShooter
* CEnvShooter
* CTestEffect
* CTriggerCamera
* CTriggerChangeTarget
* CTriggerRelay
* CBaseGrenCatch
* CBasePlayerAmmo
* C338MagnumAmmo
* C357SIGAmmo
* C45ACPAmmo
* C50AEAmmo
* C556NatoAmmo
* C556NatoBoxAmmo
* C57MMAmmo
* C762NatoAmmo
* C9MMAmmo
* CBuckShotAmmo
* CBaseSpectator
* CBeam
* CLaser
* CLightning
* CBloodSplat
* CBubbling
* CButtonTarget
* CClientFog
* CCorpse
* CCyclerSprite
* CDecal
* CEnvSpark
* CFrictionModifier
* CFuncRotating
* CFuncTank
* CFuncTankGun
* CFuncTankLaser
* CFuncTankMortar
* CFuncTankRocket
* CFuncTankControls
* CFuncTrackTrain
* CFuncTrainControls
* CFuncVehicle
* CFuncVehicleControls
* CFuncWall
* CFuncConveyor
* CFuncMonsterClip
* CFuncWallToggle
* CFuncWeaponCheck
* CGib
* CItem
* CHealthKit
* CItemAntidote
* CItemAssaultSuit
* CItemBattery
* CItemKevlar
* CItemLongJump
* CItemSecurity
* CItemSuit
* CItemThighPack
* CItemSoda
* CNullEntity
* CPendulum
* CPlatTrigger
* CPointEntity
* CBaseDMStart
* CBlood
* CEnvGlobal
* CEnvSound
* CFade
* CGlow
* CInfoIntermission
* CLight
* CEnvLight
* CMapInfo
* CMessage
* CMultiSource
* CPathCorner
* CPathTrack
* CRevertSaved
* CShake
* CSprite
* CBombGlow
* CStripWeapons
* CTargetCDAudio
* CTriggerVolume
* CRenderFxManager
* CRuleEntity
* CRuleBrushEntity
* CGamePlayerZone
* CRulePointEntity
* CGameCounter
* CGameCounterSet
* CGameEnd
* CGamePlayerEquip
* CGamePlayerHurt
* CGamePlayerTeam
* CGameScore
* CGameTeamMaster
* CGameTeamSet
* CGameText
* CShower
* CSoundEnt
* CSpeaker
* CSprayCan
* CWShield
* CWeaponBox
* CWorld
* CWorldItem