<p>fpaste.cc is here in it's 1st version – and it's better than expected! A completly backend written in NodeJS makes it possible to develop new features faster than ever before.</p>
<p>With the <ahref="http://www.mariadb.org/">MariaDB</a> database backend fpaste.cc is even more reliable and the <ahref="http://expressjs.com">expressjs</a> webserver library offers a powerfull framework.</p>
<p>The <ahref="https://github.com/andris9/highlight">highlight.js highlighting engine</a> offers great support for a variety of programming languages.</p>
<p>If you're interested in the source code of fpaste.cc, take a look at <ahref="https://gitfap.de/Flummi/fpaste">gitfap.de</a>. If you have any questions/suggestions or would like to contribute to fpaste.cc feel free to <ahref="/a/contact">contact me</a>.</p>
<p>Frontend stolen from <ahref="http://github.com/nilscc/npaste.de">github.com/nilscc/npaste.de</a>, luv ya <3</p>