import instaloader import concurrent.futures import PySimpleGUI as sg from pathlib import Path # Create an instance of Instaloader class L = instaloader.Instaloader() # Define function to download reel def download_reel(reel_url): try: post = instaloader.Post.from_shortcode(L.context, reel_url.split("/")[-2]) L.download_post(post, target=str(Path(post.owner_username))) # Delete all files except .mp4 in the post.owner_username directory for file in Path(post.owner_username).glob('*'): if not'.mp4'): file.unlink() return True except Exception as e: print(f"Error downloading reel: {e}") return False def download_reels(values): reel_urls = values['-URLS-'].split('\n') with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: results = list(, reel_urls)) if all(results): sg.Popup('Success', 'All reels downloaded successfully.') else: sg.Popup('Error', 'One or more reels failed to download.') # Define GUI layout layout = [[sg.Text('Enter Instagram Reel URLs (one URL per line):')], [sg.Multiline(size=(50, 10), key='-URLS-')], [sg.Button('Download Reels'), sg.Button('Exit')]] # Create GUI window window = sg.Window('Instagram Reel Downloader', layout) # Event loop to process "Download Reels" and "Exit" buttons while True: event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break elif event == 'Download Reels': download_reels(values) # Close GUI window window.close()