class f0ck { constructor(hash = "") { /*this.tpl = { row: ({ rowid, items }) => `
`, item: ({ id, title, stamp }) => ``, };*/ this.tpl = { row: ({ rowid, items }) => `
`, item: ({ stamp }) => ``, }; this._layout = { items: { size: 128, gutter: 8 }, min_margin: 16, min_rows: 2, min_cols: 3 }; this.tmp = { first: 0, last: 0 } this._lastmode = "desc"; this.scrollrows = 4; this._dims = null; this.init_events(); this._scroll = false; this._items = new Map(); this.tmphash = null; this.hash = hash; //setter } render(tmp = null) { if(tmp !== null) { tmp.forEach(e => { this._items.set(e.stamp, e); }); /*let tmprow = ""; for(let rows = 0; rows < this._dims.rows; rows++) { tmprow += [{ }] for(let cols = 0; cols < this._dims.cols; cols++) { } }*/ } } init_events() { let that = this; function resize() { let rows = Math.max(~~((window.innerHeight - that._layout.min_margin + that._layout.items.size) / (that._layout.items.size + that._layout.items.gutter)), that._layout.min_rows); let cols = Math.max(~~((window.innerWidth - that._layout.min_margin) / (that._layout.items.size + that._layout.items.gutter)), that._layout.min_cols); let pageWidth = cols * (that._layout.items.size + that._layout.items.gutter); let margin = Math.max((window.innerWidth - pageWidth + that._layout.items.gutter) / that._layout.min_rows, 0); let page = document.querySelector("div#page"); = pageWidth; = margin; that._dims = { rows: rows, cols: cols, eps: rows * cols, pageWidth: pageWidth, margin: margin }; that.render(); } resize(); function scroll(e) { if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); let deltaY = e.deltaY < 0?-1:1; // - up, + down } window.addEventListener('resize', resize); // onresize document.addEventListener("wheel", scroll); // mousewheel document.querySelectorAll("div.pscroll").forEach(elem => elem.addEventListener("click", e => scroll({ deltaY: === "up"?-1:1 }))); // buttons window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => { this.hash = window.location.hash }, false); // hashchange } set hash(val) { console.log("hash changed"); this.tmphash = this.getlink(val); this.firstrun = false; fetch(`/api/`, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(this.tmphash) }) .then(res => { if(res.status === 200) return res.json(); else return { error: true }; }) .then(data => { if(!data.error) { this.tmp = { first: data.meta.atFirst, last: data.meta.atLast }; //const tmpmap = new Map(); //data.items.forEach(e => tmpmap.set(e.stamp, e)); //this.render(tmpmap); this.render(data.items); } }); } getlink(tmp) { const tpl = { user: ({ user, mime, last }) => `user,${user},${mime},${last}`, mime: ({ user, mime, last }) => `mime,${mime},${user},${last}`, new: ({ user, mime, last }) => `items,${last}`, }; let blah = { mode: "", user: "", mime: "", last: 0, post: 0 }; let api = "/api/"; if(!tmp.match(/\,/)) { tmp = "#new"; } tmp = (tmp.match(/,/)?tmp:`${tmp},`).substr(1).split(","); const args = { l: tmp[0].split("/"), r: tmp[1].split("/") }; blah.mode = ( args.l[0].length === 0 )? "new" : args.l[0]; blah.last = parseInt(args.r[0]) || 0; = parseInt(args.r[1]) || 0; switch(blah.mode) { case "user": blah.user = ( args.l[1] )? args.l[1] : ""; blah.mime = ( args.l[2] )? args.l[2] : ""; break; case "mime": blah.user = ( args.l[2] )? args.l[2] : ""; blah.mime = ( args.l[1] )? args.l[1] : ""; break; } console.log(this._lastmode); return { mode: blah.mode, user: blah.user, stamp: blah.last, mime: blah.mime, eps: this._dims.eps, sort: this._lastmode }; } } function getKey(_map, _search) { let i = 0; for(let [key] of _map) { if(key === _search) return i; i++; } }