  <title>f0ck me! but how?</title>
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<div class="irc">
  <h4>irc.n0xy.net +6697 (ssl only) #f0ck</h4>
  <p><code>SHA256 Fingerprint=10:2F:90:45:53:B9:1E:F8:7A:B4:7B:AE:03:70:4C:84:70:7A:A9:EE:11:49:2B:79:A0:7A:2D:01:B2:E6:0F:41</code></p>
  <p>Don't have a desktop  client? Why not join our Network via webirc? <a href="https://webirc.n0xy.net/#f0ck" target="about_blank">>>webirc.n0xy.net</a></p>
  <div class="page-header">
  <h4>IRC Rules</h4>
    <li>Do not spread CP of any kind at this server (loli included!).</li>
    <li>Do not attack against users or infrastructure of this server.</li>
    <li>Do not attack against any systems throught this server.</li>
    <li>Do not spread worms, viruses or any other kind of malware at this server.</li>
    <li>Do not try to sell, buy, or spread credit-card, banking etc info at this server!</li>
    <li>Do not spread content, that is at the moment illegal at the hosting country, or your country.</li>
    <li>Don't be an asshole, no butthurt allowed beyond this line ^-^</li>
  <h4>how the f0ck to f0ck, you ask?</h4>
  <p>f0ck will f0ck any media link posted in the channel ending with: jpg|gif|png|webm|mp3|mp4</p>
  <p>If you don't want f0ck to f0ck it put !ignore behind your link. Example: https://retard-journal.com/stupidshit.png !ignore</a>
  <p>f0ck will only f0ck media links with the maximum size of 30MB</p>
  <p>Don't let f0ck f0ck childporn :( ... please</p>
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