2017-02-02 17:34:46 +00:00

3773 lines
135 KiB

// ==========================================================================
// Plyr
// plyr.js v2.0.11
// https://github.com/selz/plyr
// License: The MIT License (MIT)
// ==========================================================================
// Credits: http://paypal.github.io/accessible-html5-video-player/
// ==========================================================================
;(function(root, factory) {
'use strict';
/*global define,module*/
if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
// Node, CommonJS-like
module.exports = factory(root, document);
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define([], function () { return factory(root, document); });
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.plyr = factory(root, document);
}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function(window, document) {
'use strict';
// Globals
var fullscreen,
scroll = { x: 0, y: 0 },
// Default config
defaults = {
enabled: true,
debug: false,
autoplay: false,
loop: false,
seekTime: 10,
volume: 10,
volumeMin: 0,
volumeMax: 10,
volumeStep: 1,
duration: null,
displayDuration: true,
loadSprite: true,
iconPrefix: 'plyr',
iconUrl: 'https://f0ck.me/s/plyr.svg',
clickToPlay: true,
hideControls: true,
showPosterOnEnd: false,
disableContextMenu: true,
keyboardShorcuts: {
focused: true,
global: false
tooltips: {
controls: false,
seek: true
selectors: {
html5: 'video, audio',
embed: '[data-type]',
editable: 'input, textarea, select, [contenteditable]',
container: '.plyr',
controls: {
container: null,
wrapper: '.plyr__controls'
labels: '[data-plyr]',
buttons: {
seek: '[data-plyr="seek"]',
play: '[data-plyr="play"]',
pause: '[data-plyr="pause"]',
restart: '[data-plyr="restart"]',
rewind: '[data-plyr="rewind"]',
forward: '[data-plyr="fast-forward"]',
mute: '[data-plyr="mute"]',
captions: '[data-plyr="captions"]',
fullscreen: '[data-plyr="fullscreen"]'
volume: {
input: '[data-plyr="volume"]',
display: '.plyr__volume--display'
progress: {
container: '.plyr__progress',
buffer: '.plyr__progress--buffer',
played: '.plyr__progress--played'
captions: '.plyr__captions',
currentTime: '.plyr__time--current',
duration: '.plyr__time--duration'
classes: {
setup: 'plyr--setup',
ready: 'plyr--ready',
videoWrapper: 'plyr__video-wrapper',
embedWrapper: 'plyr__video-embed',
type: 'plyr--{0}',
stopped: 'plyr--stopped',
playing: 'plyr--playing',
muted: 'plyr--muted',
loading: 'plyr--loading',
hover: 'plyr--hover',
tooltip: 'plyr__tooltip',
hidden: 'plyr__sr-only',
hideControls: 'plyr--hide-controls',
isIos: 'plyr--is-ios',
isTouch: 'plyr--is-touch',
captions: {
enabled: 'plyr--captions-enabled',
active: 'plyr--captions-active'
fullscreen: {
enabled: 'plyr--fullscreen-enabled',
active: 'plyr--fullscreen-active'
tabFocus: 'tab-focus'
captions: {
defaultActive: false
fullscreen: {
enabled: true,
fallback: true,
allowAudio: false
storage: {
enabled: true,
key: 'plyr'
controls: ['play-large', 'play', 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'volume', 'captions', 'fullscreen'],
i18n: {
restart: 'Restart',
rewind: 'Rewind {seektime} secs',
play: 'Play',
pause: 'Pause',
forward: 'Forward {seektime} secs',
played: 'played',
buffered: 'buffered',
currentTime: 'Current time',
duration: 'Duration',
volume: 'Volume',
toggleMute: 'Toggle Mute',
toggleCaptions: 'Toggle Captions',
toggleFullscreen: 'Toggle Fullscreen',
frameTitle: 'Player for {title}'
types: {
embed: ['youtube', 'vimeo', 'soundcloud'],
html5: ['video', 'audio']
// URLs
urls: {
vimeo: {
api: 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js',
youtube: {
api: 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api'
soundcloud: {
api: 'https://w.soundcloud.com/player/api.js'
// Custom control listeners
listeners: {
seek: null,
play: null,
pause: null,
restart: null,
rewind: null,
forward: null,
mute: null,
volume: null,
captions: null,
fullscreen: null
// Events to watch on HTML5 media elements
events: ['ready', 'ended', 'progress', 'stalled', 'playing', 'waiting', 'canplay', 'canplaythrough', 'loadstart', 'loadeddata', 'loadedmetadata', 'timeupdate', 'volumechange', 'play', 'pause', 'error', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'emptied'],
// Logging
logPrefix: '[Plyr]'
// Credits: http://paypal.github.io/accessible-html5-video-player/
// Unfortunately, due to mixed support, UA sniffing is required
function _browserSniff() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent,
name = navigator.appName,
fullVersion = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),
majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10),
isIE = false,
isFirefox = false,
isChrome = false,
isSafari = false;
if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Windows NT') !== -1) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('rv:11') !== -1)) {
// MSIE 11
isIE = true;
name = 'IE';
fullVersion = '11';
} else if ((verOffset = ua.indexOf('MSIE')) !== -1) {
isIE = true;
name = 'IE';
fullVersion = ua.substring(verOffset + 5);
} else if ((verOffset = ua.indexOf('Chrome')) !== -1) {
// Chrome
isChrome = true;
name = 'Chrome';
fullVersion = ua.substring(verOffset + 7);
} else if ((verOffset = ua.indexOf('Safari')) !== -1) {
// Safari
isSafari = true;
name = 'Safari';
fullVersion = ua.substring(verOffset + 7);
if ((verOffset = ua.indexOf('Version')) !== -1) {
fullVersion = ua.substring(verOffset + 8);
} else if ((verOffset = ua.indexOf('Firefox')) !== -1) {
// Firefox
isFirefox = true;
name = 'Firefox';
fullVersion = ua.substring(verOffset + 8);
} else if ((nameOffset = ua.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1) < (verOffset = ua.lastIndexOf('/'))) {
// In most other browsers, 'name/version' is at the end of userAgent
name = ua.substring(nameOffset,verOffset);
fullVersion = ua.substring(verOffset + 1);
if (name.toLowerCase() === name.toUpperCase()) {
name = navigator.appName;
// Trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space if present
if ((ix = fullVersion.indexOf(';')) !== -1) {
fullVersion = fullVersion.substring(0, ix);
if ((ix = fullVersion.indexOf(' ')) !== -1) {
fullVersion = fullVersion.substring(0, ix);
// Get major version
majorVersion = parseInt('' + fullVersion, 10);
if (isNaN(majorVersion)) {
fullVersion = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10);
// Return data
return {
name: name,
version: majorVersion,
isIE: isIE,
isFirefox: isFirefox,
isChrome: isChrome,
isSafari: isSafari,
isIos: /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.platform),
isIphone: /(iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent),
isTouch: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement
// Check for mime type support against a player instance
// Credits: http://diveintohtml5.info/everything.html
// Related: http://www.leanbackplyr.com/test/h5mt.html
function _supportMime(plyr, mimeType) {
var media = plyr.media;
if (plyr.type === 'video') {
// Check type
switch (mimeType) {
case 'video/webm': return !!(media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/no/, ''));
case 'video/mp4': return !!(media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"').replace(/no/, ''));
case 'video/ogg': return !!(media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"').replace(/no/, ''));
} else if (plyr.type === 'audio') {
// Check type
switch (mimeType) {
case 'audio/mpeg': return !!(media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;').replace(/no/, ''));
case 'audio/ogg': return !!(media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/no/, ''));
case 'audio/wav': return !!(media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"').replace(/no/, ''));
// If we got this far, we're stuffed
return false;
// Inject a script
function _injectScript(source) {
if (document.querySelectorAll('script[src="' + source + '"]').length) {
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = source;
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// Element exists in an array
function _inArray(haystack, needle) {
return Array.prototype.indexOf && (haystack.indexOf(needle) !== -1);
// Replace all
function _replaceAll(string, find, replace) {
return string.replace(new RegExp(find.replace(/([.*+?\^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'), 'g'), replace);
// Wrap an element
function _wrap(elements, wrapper) {
// Convert `elements` to an array, if necessary.
if (!elements.length) {
elements = [elements];
// Loops backwards to prevent having to clone the wrapper on the
// first element (see `child` below).
for (var i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var child = (i > 0) ? wrapper.cloneNode(true) : wrapper;
var element = elements[i];
// Cache the current parent and sibling.
var parent = element.parentNode;
var sibling = element.nextSibling;
// Wrap the element (is automatically removed from its current
// parent).
// If the element had a sibling, insert the wrapper before
// the sibling to maintain the HTML structure; otherwise, just
// append it to the parent.
if (sibling) {
parent.insertBefore(child, sibling);
} else {
return child;
// Unwrap an element
// http://plainjs.com/javascript/manipulation/unwrap-a-dom-element-35/
/*function _unwrap(wrapper) {
// Get the element's parent node
var parent = wrapper.parentNode;
// Move all children out of the element
while (wrapper.firstChild) {
parent.insertBefore(wrapper.firstChild, wrapper);
// Remove the empty element
// Remove an element
function _remove(element) {
if (!element) {
// Prepend child
function _prependChild(parent, element) {
parent.insertBefore(element, parent.firstChild);
// Set attributes
function _setAttributes(element, attributes) {
for (var key in attributes) {
element.setAttribute(key, (_is.boolean(attributes[key]) && attributes[key]) ? '' : attributes[key]);
// Insert a HTML element
function _insertElement(type, parent, attributes) {
// Create a new <element>
var element = document.createElement(type);
// Set all passed attributes
_setAttributes(element, attributes);
// Inject the new element
_prependChild(parent, element);
// Get a classname from selector
function _getClassname(selector) {
return selector.replace('.', '');
// Toggle class on an element
function _toggleClass(element, className, state) {
if (element) {
if (element.classList) {
element.classList[state ? 'add' : 'remove'](className);
} else {
var name = (' ' + element.className + ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(' ' + className + ' ', '');
element.className = name + (state ? ' ' + className : '');
// Has class name
function _hasClass(element, className) {
if (element) {
if (element.classList) {
return element.classList.contains(className);
} else {
return new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)').test(element.className);
return false;
// Element matches selector
function _matches(element, selector) {
var p = Element.prototype;
var f = p.matches || p.webkitMatchesSelector || p.mozMatchesSelector || p.msMatchesSelector || function(s) {
return [].indexOf.call(document.querySelectorAll(s), this) !== -1;
return f.call(element, selector);
// Bind along with custom handler
function _proxyListener(element, eventName, userListener, defaultListener, useCapture) {
_on(element, eventName, function(event) {
if (userListener) {
userListener.apply(element, [event]);
defaultListener.apply(element, [event]);
}, useCapture);
// Toggle event listener
function _toggleListener(element, events, callback, toggle, useCapture) {
var eventList = events.split(' ');
// Whether the listener is a capturing listener or not
// Default to false
if (!_is.boolean(useCapture)) {
useCapture = false;
// If a nodelist is passed, call itself on each node
if (element instanceof NodeList) {
for (var x = 0; x < element.length; x++) {
if (element[x] instanceof Node) {
_toggleListener(element[x], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
// If a single node is passed, bind the event listener
for (var i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) {
element[toggle ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'](eventList[i], callback, useCapture);
// Bind event
function _on(element, events, callback, useCapture) {
if (element) {
_toggleListener(element, events, callback, true, useCapture);
// Unbind event
/*function _off(element, events, callback, useCapture) {
if (element) {
_toggleListener(element, events, callback, false, useCapture);
// Trigger event
function _event(element, type, bubbles, properties) {
// Bail if no element
if (!element || !type) {
// Default bubbles to false
if (!_is.boolean(bubbles)) {
bubbles = false;
// Create and dispatch the event
var event = new CustomEvent(type, {
bubbles: bubbles,
detail: properties
// Dispatch the event
// Toggle aria-pressed state on a toggle button
// http://www.ssbbartgroup.com/blog/how-not-to-misuse-aria-states-properties-and-roles
function _toggleState(target, state) {
// Bail if no target
if (!target) {
// Get state
state = (_is.boolean(state) ? state : !target.getAttribute('aria-pressed'));
// Set the attribute on target
target.setAttribute('aria-pressed', state);
return state;
// Get percentage
function _getPercentage(current, max) {
if (current === 0 || max === 0 || isNaN(current) || isNaN(max)) {
return 0;
return ((current / max) * 100).toFixed(2);
// Deep extend/merge destination object with N more objects
// http://andrewdupont.net/2009/08/28/deep-extending-objects-in-javascript/
// Removed call to arguments.callee (used explicit function name instead)
function _extend() {
// Get arguments
var objects = arguments;
// Bail if nothing to merge
if (!objects.length) {
// Return first if specified but nothing to merge
if (objects.length === 1) {
return objects[0];
// First object is the destination
var destination = Array.prototype.shift.call(objects),
length = objects.length;
// Loop through all objects to merge
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var source = objects[i];
for (var property in source) {
if (source[property] && source[property].constructor && source[property].constructor === Object) {
destination[property] = destination[property] || {};
_extend(destination[property], source[property]);
} else {
destination[property] = source[property];
return destination;
// Check variable types
var _is = {
object: function(input) {
return input !== null && typeof(input) === 'object';
array: function(input) {
return input !== null && (typeof(input) === 'object' && input.constructor === Array);
number: function(input) {
return input !== null && (typeof(input) === 'number' && !isNaN(input - 0) || (typeof input === 'object' && input.constructor === Number));
string: function(input) {
return input !== null && (typeof input === 'string' || (typeof input === 'object' && input.constructor === String));
boolean: function(input) {
return input !== null && typeof input === 'boolean';
nodeList: function(input) {
return input !== null && input instanceof NodeList;
htmlElement: function(input) {
return input !== null && input instanceof HTMLElement;
function: function(input) {
return input !== null && typeof input === 'function';
undefined: function(input) {
return input !== null && typeof input === 'undefined';
// Parse YouTube ID from url
function _parseYouTubeId(url) {
var regex = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/;
return (url.match(regex)) ? RegExp.$2 : url;
// Parse Vimeo ID from url
function _parseVimeoId(url) {
var regex = /^.*(vimeo.com\/|video\/)(\d+).*/;
return (url.match(regex)) ? RegExp.$2 : url;
// Fullscreen API
function _fullscreen() {
var fullscreen = {
supportsFullScreen: false,
isFullScreen: function() { return false; },
requestFullScreen: function() {},
cancelFullScreen: function() {},
fullScreenEventName: '',
element: null,
prefix: ''
browserPrefixes = 'webkit o moz ms khtml'.split(' ');
// Check for native support
if (!_is.undefined(document.cancelFullScreen)) {
fullscreen.supportsFullScreen = true;
} else {
// Check for fullscreen support by vendor prefix
for (var i = 0, il = browserPrefixes.length; i < il; i++ ) {
fullscreen.prefix = browserPrefixes[i];
if (!_is.undefined(document[fullscreen.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen'])) {
fullscreen.supportsFullScreen = true;
} else if (!_is.undefined(document.msExitFullscreen) && document.msFullscreenEnabled) {
// Special case for MS (when isn't it?)
fullscreen.prefix = 'ms';
fullscreen.supportsFullScreen = true;
// Update methods to do something useful
if (fullscreen.supportsFullScreen) {
// Yet again Microsoft awesomeness,
// Sometimes the prefix is 'ms', sometimes 'MS' to keep you on your toes
fullscreen.fullScreenEventName = (fullscreen.prefix === 'ms' ? 'MSFullscreenChange' : fullscreen.prefix + 'fullscreenchange');
fullscreen.isFullScreen = function(element) {
if (_is.undefined(element)) {
element = document.body;
switch (this.prefix) {
case '':
return document.fullscreenElement === element;
case 'moz':
return document.mozFullScreenElement === element;
return document[this.prefix + 'FullscreenElement'] === element;
fullscreen.requestFullScreen = function(element) {
if (_is.undefined(element)) {
element = document.body;
return (this.prefix === '') ? element.requestFullScreen() : element[this.prefix + (this.prefix === 'ms' ? 'RequestFullscreen' : 'RequestFullScreen')]();
fullscreen.cancelFullScreen = function() {
return (this.prefix === '') ? document.cancelFullScreen() : document[this.prefix + (this.prefix === 'ms' ? 'ExitFullscreen' : 'CancelFullScreen')]();
fullscreen.element = function() {
return (this.prefix === '') ? document.fullscreenElement : document[this.prefix + 'FullscreenElement'];
return fullscreen;
// Local storage
var _storage = {
supported: (function() {
if (!('localStorage' in window)) {
return false;
// Try to use it (it might be disabled, e.g. user is in private/porn mode)
// see: https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/131
try {
// Add test item
window.localStorage.setItem('___test', 'OK');
// Get the test item
var result = window.localStorage.getItem('___test');
// Clean up
// Check if value matches
return (result === 'OK');
catch (e) {
return false;
return false;
// Player instance
function Plyr(media, config) {
var plyr = this,
timers = {},
// Set media
plyr.media = media;
var original = media.cloneNode(true);
// Trigger events, with plyr instance passed
function _triggerEvent(element, type, bubbles, properties) {
_event(element, type, bubbles, _extend({}, properties, {
plyr: api
// Debugging
function _console(type, args) {
if (config.debug && window.console) {
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args);
if (_is.string(config.logPrefix) && config.logPrefix.length) {
console[type].apply(console, args);
var _log = function() { _console('log', arguments) },
_warn = function() { _console('warn', arguments) };
// Log config options
_log('Config', config);
// Get icon URL
function _getIconUrl() {
return {
url: config.iconUrl,
absolute: (config.iconUrl.indexOf("http") === 0) || plyr.browser.isIE
// Build the default HTML
function _buildControls() {
// Create html array
var html = [],
iconUrl = _getIconUrl(),
iconPath = (!iconUrl.absolute ? iconUrl.url : '') + '#' + config.iconPrefix;
// Larger overlaid play button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'play-large')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="play" class="plyr__play-large">',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-play" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.play + '</span>',
html.push('<div class="plyr__controls">');
// Restart button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'restart')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="restart">',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-restart" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.restart + '</span>',
// Rewind button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'rewind')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="rewind">',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-rewind" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.rewind + '</span>',
// Play Pause button
// TODO: This should be a toggle button really?
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'play')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="play">',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-play" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.play + '</span>',
'<button type="button" data-plyr="pause">',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-pause" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.pause + '</span>',
// Fast forward button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'fast-forward')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="fast-forward">',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-fast-forward" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.forward + '</span>',
// Progress
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'progress')) {
// Create progress
html.push('<span class="plyr__progress">',
'<label for="seek{id}" class="plyr__sr-only">Seek</label>',
'<input id="seek{id}" class="plyr__progress--seek" type="range" min="0" max="100" step="0.1" value="0" data-plyr="seek">',
'<progress class="plyr__progress--played" max="100" value="0" role="presentation"></progress>',
'<progress class="plyr__progress--buffer" max="100" value="0">',
'<span>0</span>% ' + config.i18n.buffered,
// Seek tooltip
if (config.tooltips.seek) {
html.push('<span class="plyr__tooltip">00:00</span>');
// Close
// Media current time display
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'current-time')) {
'<span class="plyr__time">',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.currentTime + '</span>',
'<span class="plyr__time--current">00:00</span>',
// Media duration display
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'duration')) {
'<span class="plyr__time">',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.duration + '</span>',
'<span class="plyr__time--duration">00:00</span>',
// Toggle mute button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'mute')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="mute">',
'<svg class="icon--muted"><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-muted" /></svg>',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-volume" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.toggleMute + '</span>',
// Volume range control
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'volume')) {
'<span class="plyr__volume">',
'<label for="volume{id}" class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.volume + '</label>',
'<input id="volume{id}" class="plyr__volume--input" type="range" min="' + config.volumeMin + '" max="' + config.volumeMax + '" value="' + config.volume + '" data-plyr="volume">',
'<progress class="plyr__volume--display" max="' + config.volumeMax + '" value="' + config.volumeMin + '" role="presentation"></progress>',
// Toggle captions button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'captions')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="captions">',
'<svg class="icon--captions-on"><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-captions-on" /></svg>',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath+ '-captions-off" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.toggleCaptions + '</span>',
// Toggle fullscreen button
if (_inArray(config.controls, 'fullscreen')) {
'<button type="button" data-plyr="fullscreen">',
'<svg class="icon--exit-fullscreen"><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-exit-fullscreen" /></svg>',
'<svg><use xlink:href="' + iconPath + '-enter-fullscreen" /></svg>',
'<span class="plyr__sr-only">' + config.i18n.toggleFullscreen + '</span>',
// Close everything
return html.join('');
// Setup fullscreen
function _setupFullscreen() {
if (!plyr.supported.full) {
if ((plyr.type !== 'audio' || config.fullscreen.allowAudio) && config.fullscreen.enabled) {
// Check for native support
var nativeSupport = fullscreen.supportsFullScreen;
if (nativeSupport || (config.fullscreen.fallback && !_inFrame())) {
_log((nativeSupport ? 'Native' : 'Fallback') + ' fullscreen enabled');
// Add styling hook
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.fullscreen.enabled, true);
} else {
_log('Fullscreen not supported and fallback disabled');
// Toggle state
if (plyr.buttons && plyr.buttons.fullscreen) {
_toggleState(plyr.buttons.fullscreen, false);
// Setup focus trap
// Setup captions
function _setupCaptions() {
// Bail if not HTML5 video
if (plyr.type !== 'video') {
// Inject the container
if (!_getElement(config.selectors.captions)) {
plyr.videoContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<div class="' + _getClassname(config.selectors.captions) + '"></div>');
// Determine if HTML5 textTracks is supported
plyr.usingTextTracks = false;
if (plyr.media.textTracks) {
plyr.usingTextTracks = true;
// Get URL of caption file if exists
var captionSrc = '',
children = plyr.media.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'track') {
kind = children[i].kind;
if (kind === 'captions' || kind === 'subtitles') {
captionSrc = children[i].getAttribute('src');
// Record if caption file exists or not
plyr.captionExists = true;
if (captionSrc === '') {
plyr.captionExists = false;
_log('No caption track found');
} else {
_log('Caption track found; URI: ' + captionSrc);
// If no caption file exists, hide container for caption text
if (!plyr.captionExists) {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.captions.enabled);
} else {
// Turn off native caption rendering to avoid double captions
// This doesn't seem to work in Safari 7+, so the <track> elements are removed from the dom below
var tracks = plyr.media.textTracks;
for (var x = 0; x < tracks.length; x++) {
tracks[x].mode = 'hidden';
// Enable UI
// Disable unsupported browsers than report false positive
// Firefox bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1033144
if ((plyr.browser.isIE && plyr.browser.version >= 10) ||
(plyr.browser.isFirefox && plyr.browser.version >= 31)) {
// Debugging
_log('Detected browser with known TextTrack issues - using manual fallback');
// Set to false so skips to 'manual' captioning
plyr.usingTextTracks = false;
// Rendering caption tracks
// Native support required - http://caniuse.com/webvtt
if (plyr.usingTextTracks) {
_log('TextTracks supported');
for (var y = 0; y < tracks.length; y++) {
var track = tracks[y];
if (track.kind === 'captions' || track.kind === 'subtitles') {
_on(track, 'cuechange', function() {
// Display a cue, if there is one
if (this.activeCues[0] && 'text' in this.activeCues[0]) {
} else {
} else {
// Caption tracks not natively supported
_log('TextTracks not supported so rendering captions manually');
// Render captions from array at appropriate time
plyr.currentCaption = '';
plyr.captions = [];
if (captionSrc !== '') {
// Create XMLHttpRequest Object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var captions = [],
req = xhr.responseText;
//According to webvtt spec, line terminator consists of one of the following
// CRLF (U+000D U+000A), LF (U+000A) or CR (U+000D)
var lineSeparator = '\r\n';
if(req.indexOf(lineSeparator+lineSeparator) === -1) {
if(req.indexOf('\r\r') !== -1){
lineSeparator = '\r';
} else {
lineSeparator = '\n';
captions = req.split(lineSeparator+lineSeparator);
for (var r = 0; r < captions.length; r++) {
caption = captions[r];
plyr.captions[r] = [];
// Get the parts of the captions
var parts = caption.split(lineSeparator),
index = 0;
// Incase caption numbers are added
if (parts[index].indexOf(":") === -1) {
index = 1;
plyr.captions[r] = [parts[index], parts[index + 1]];
// Remove first element ('VTT')
_log('Successfully loaded the caption file via AJAX');
} else {
_warn(config.logPrefix + 'There was a problem loading the caption file via AJAX');
xhr.open('get', captionSrc, true);
// Set the current caption
function _setCaption(caption) {
/* jshint unused:false */
var container = _getElement(config.selectors.captions),
content = document.createElement('span');
// Empty the container
container.innerHTML = '';
// Default to empty
if (_is.undefined(caption)) {
caption = '';
// Set the span content
if (_is.string(caption)) {
content.innerHTML = caption.trim();
} else {
// Set new caption text
// Force redraw (for Safari)
var redraw = container.offsetHeight;
// Captions functions
// Seek the manual caption time and update UI
function _seekManualCaptions(time) {
// Utilities for caption time codes
function _timecodeCommon(tc, pos) {
var tcpair = [];
tcpair = tc.split(' --> ');
for(var i = 0; i < tcpair.length; i++) {
// WebVTT allows for extra meta data after the timestamp line
// So get rid of this if it exists
tcpair[i] = tcpair[i].replace(/(\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+).*/, "$1");
return _subTcSecs(tcpair[pos]);
function _timecodeMin(tc) {
return _timecodeCommon(tc, 0);
function _timecodeMax(tc) {
return _timecodeCommon(tc, 1);
function _subTcSecs(tc) {
if (tc === null || tc === undefined) {
return 0;
} else {
var tc1 = [],
tc2 = [],
tc1 = tc.split(',');
tc2 = tc1[0].split(':');
seconds = Math.floor(tc2[0]*60*60) + Math.floor(tc2[1]*60) + Math.floor(tc2[2]);
return seconds;
// If it's not video, or we're using textTracks, bail.
if (plyr.usingTextTracks || plyr.type !== 'video' || !plyr.supported.full) {
// Reset subcount
plyr.subcount = 0;
// Check time is a number, if not use currentTime
// IE has a bug where currentTime doesn't go to 0
// https://twitter.com/Sam_Potts/status/573715746506731521
time = _is.number(time) ? time : plyr.media.currentTime;
// If there's no subs available, bail
if (!plyr.captions[plyr.subcount]) {
while (_timecodeMax(plyr.captions[plyr.subcount][0]) < time.toFixed(1)) {
if (plyr.subcount > plyr.captions.length - 1) {
plyr.subcount = plyr.captions.length - 1;
// Check if the next caption is in the current time range
if (plyr.media.currentTime.toFixed(1) >= _timecodeMin(plyr.captions[plyr.subcount][0]) &&
plyr.media.currentTime.toFixed(1) <= _timecodeMax(plyr.captions[plyr.subcount][0])) {
plyr.currentCaption = plyr.captions[plyr.subcount][1];
// Render the caption
} else {
// Display captions container and button (for initialization)
function _showCaptions() {
// If there's no caption toggle, bail
if (!plyr.buttons.captions) {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.captions.enabled, true);
// Try to load the value from storage
var active = plyr.storage.captionsEnabled;
// Otherwise fall back to the default config
if (!_is.boolean(active)) {
active = config.captions.defaultActive;
if (active) {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.captions.active, true);
_toggleState(plyr.buttons.captions, true);
// Find all elements
function _getElements(selector) {
return plyr.container.querySelectorAll(selector);
// Find a single element
function _getElement(selector) {
return _getElements(selector)[0];
// Determine if we're in an iframe
function _inFrame() {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
catch (e) {
return true;
// Trap focus inside container
function _focusTrap() {
var tabbables = _getElements('input:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled])'),
first = tabbables[0],
last = tabbables[tabbables.length - 1];
function _checkFocus(event) {
// If it is TAB
if (event.which === 9 && plyr.isFullscreen) {
if (event.target === last && !event.shiftKey) {
// Move focus to first element that can be tabbed if Shift isn't used
} else if (event.target === first && event.shiftKey) {
// Move focus to last element that can be tabbed if Shift is used
// Bind the handler
_on(plyr.container, 'keydown', _checkFocus);
// Add elements to HTML5 media (source, tracks, etc)
function _insertChildElements(type, attributes) {
if (_is.string(attributes)) {
_insertElement(type, plyr.media, { src: attributes });
} else if (attributes.constructor === Array) {
for (var i = attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
_insertElement(type, plyr.media, attributes[i]);
// Insert controls
function _injectControls() {
// Sprite
if (config.loadSprite) {
var iconUrl = _getIconUrl();
// Only load external sprite using AJAX
if (iconUrl.absolute) {
_log('AJAX loading absolute SVG sprite' + (plyr.browser.isIE ? ' (due to IE)' : ''));
loadSprite(iconUrl.url, "sprite-plyr");
} else {
_log('Sprite will be used as external resource directly');
// Make a copy of the html
var html = config.html;
// Insert custom video controls
_log('Injecting custom controls');
// If no controls are specified, create default
if (!html) {
html = _buildControls();
// Replace seek time instances
html = _replaceAll(html, '{seektime}', config.seekTime);
// Replace all id references with random numbers
html = _replaceAll(html, '{id}', Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000)));
// Controls container
var target;
// Inject to custom location
if (_is.string(config.selectors.controls.container)) {
target = document.querySelector(config.selectors.controls.container);
// Inject into the container by default
if (!_is.htmlElement(target)) {
target = plyr.container
// Inject controls HTML
target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);
// Setup tooltips
if (config.tooltips.controls) {
var labels = _getElements([config.selectors.controls.wrapper, ' ', config.selectors.labels, ' .', config.classes.hidden].join(''));
for (var i = labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var label = labels[i];
_toggleClass(label, config.classes.hidden, false);
_toggleClass(label, config.classes.tooltip, true);
// Find the UI controls and store references
function _findElements() {
try {
plyr.controls = _getElement(config.selectors.controls.wrapper);
// Buttons
plyr.buttons = {};
plyr.buttons.seek = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.seek);
plyr.buttons.play = _getElements(config.selectors.buttons.play);
plyr.buttons.pause = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.pause);
plyr.buttons.restart = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.restart);
plyr.buttons.rewind = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.rewind);
plyr.buttons.forward = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.forward);
plyr.buttons.fullscreen = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.fullscreen);
// Inputs
plyr.buttons.mute = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.mute);
plyr.buttons.captions = _getElement(config.selectors.buttons.captions);
// Progress
plyr.progress = {};
plyr.progress.container = _getElement(config.selectors.progress.container);
// Progress - Buffering
plyr.progress.buffer = {};
plyr.progress.buffer.bar = _getElement(config.selectors.progress.buffer);
plyr.progress.buffer.text = plyr.progress.buffer.bar && plyr.progress.buffer.bar.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
// Progress - Played
plyr.progress.played = _getElement(config.selectors.progress.played);
// Seek tooltip
plyr.progress.tooltip = plyr.progress.container && plyr.progress.container.querySelector('.' + config.classes.tooltip);
// Volume
plyr.volume = {};
plyr.volume.input = _getElement(config.selectors.volume.input);
plyr.volume.display = _getElement(config.selectors.volume.display);
// Timing
plyr.duration = _getElement(config.selectors.duration);
plyr.currentTime = _getElement(config.selectors.currentTime);
plyr.seekTime = _getElements(config.selectors.seekTime);
return true;
catch(e) {
_warn('It looks like there is a problem with your controls HTML');
// Restore native video controls
return false;
// Toggle style hook
function _toggleStyleHook() {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.selectors.container.replace('.', ''), plyr.supported.full);
// Toggle native controls
function _toggleNativeControls(toggle) {
if (toggle && _inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type)) {
plyr.media.setAttribute('controls', '');
} else {
// Setup aria attribute for play and iframe title
function _setTitle(iframe) {
// Find the current text
var label = config.i18n.play;
// If there's a media title set, use that for the label
if (_is.string(config.title) && config.title.length) {
label += ', ' + config.title;
// Set container label
plyr.container.setAttribute('aria-label', config.title);
// If there's a play button, set label
if (plyr.supported.full && plyr.buttons.play) {
for (var i = plyr.buttons.play.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
plyr.buttons.play[i].setAttribute('aria-label', label);
// Set iframe title
// https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/124
if (_is.htmlElement(iframe)) {
iframe.setAttribute('title', config.i18n.frameTitle.replace('{title}', config.title));
// Setup localStorage
function _setupStorage() {
var value = null;
plyr.storage = {};
// Bail if we don't have localStorage support or it's disabled
if (!_storage.supported || !config.storage.enabled) {
// Clean up old volume
// https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/171
// load value from the current key
value = window.localStorage.getItem(config.storage.key);
if (!value) {
// Key wasn't set (or had been cleared), move along
} else if (/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(value)) {
// If value is a number, it's probably volume from an older
// version of plyr. See: https://github.com/Selz/plyr/pull/313
// Update the key to be JSON
_updateStorage({volume: parseFloat(value)});
} else {
// Assume it's JSON from this or a later version of plyr
plyr.storage = JSON.parse(value);
// Save a value back to local storage
function _updateStorage(value) {
// Bail if we don't have localStorage support or it's disabled
if (!_storage.supported || !config.storage.enabled) {
// Update the working copy of the values
_extend(plyr.storage, value);
// Update storage
window.localStorage.setItem(config.storage.key, JSON.stringify(plyr.storage));
// Setup media
function _setupMedia() {
// If there's no media, bail
if (!plyr.media) {
_warn('No media element found!');
if (plyr.supported.full) {
// Add type class
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.type.replace('{0}', plyr.type), true);
// Add video class for embeds
// This will require changes if audio embeds are added
if (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type)) {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.type.replace('{0}', 'video'), true);
// If there's no autoplay attribute, assume the video is stopped and add state class
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.stopped, config.autoplay);
// Add iOS class
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.isIos, plyr.browser.isIos);
// Add touch class
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.isTouch, plyr.browser.isTouch);
// Inject the player wrapper
if (plyr.type === 'video') {
// Create the wrapper div
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.setAttribute('class', config.classes.videoWrapper);
// Wrap the video in a container
_wrap(plyr.media, wrapper);
// Cache the container
plyr.videoContainer = wrapper;
// Embeds
if (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type)) {
// Setup YouTube/Vimeo
function _setupEmbed() {
var container = document.createElement('div'),
id = plyr.type + '-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000));
// Parse IDs from URLs if supplied
switch (plyr.type) {
case 'youtube':
mediaId = _parseYouTubeId(plyr.embedId);
case 'vimeo':
mediaId = _parseVimeoId(plyr.embedId);
mediaId = plyr.embedId;
// Remove old containers
var containers = _getElements('[id^="' + plyr.type + '-"]');
for (var i = containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Add embed class for responsive
_toggleClass(plyr.media, config.classes.videoWrapper, true);
_toggleClass(plyr.media, config.classes.embedWrapper, true);
if (plyr.type === 'youtube') {
// Create the YouTube container
// Set ID
container.setAttribute('id', id);
// Setup API
if (_is.object(window.YT)) {
_youTubeReady(mediaId, container);
} else {
// Load the API
// Setup callback for the API
window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks = window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks || [];
// Add to queue
window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks.push(function() { _youTubeReady(mediaId, container); });
// Set callback to process queue
window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () {
window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(); });
} else if (plyr.type === 'vimeo') {
// Vimeo needs an extra div to hide controls on desktop (which has full support)
if (plyr.supported.full) {
} else {
container = plyr.media;
// Set ID
container.setAttribute('id', id);
// Load the API if not already
if (!_is.object(window.Vimeo)) {
// Wait for fragaloop load
var vimeoTimer = window.setInterval(function() {
if (_is.object(window.Vimeo)) {
_vimeoReady(mediaId, container);
}, 50);
} else {
_vimeoReady(mediaId, container);
} else if (plyr.type === 'soundcloud') {
// TODO: Currently unsupported and undocumented
// Inject the iframe
var soundCloud = document.createElement('iframe');
// Watch for iframe load
soundCloud.loaded = false;
_on(soundCloud, 'load', function() { soundCloud.loaded = true; });
_setAttributes(soundCloud, {
'src': 'https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/' + mediaId,
'id': id
// Load the API if not already
if (!window.SC) {
// Wait for SC load
var soundCloudTimer = window.setInterval(function() {
if (window.SC && soundCloud.loaded) {
}, 50);
// When embeds are ready
function _embedReady() {
// Setup the UI and call ready if full support
if (plyr.supported.full) {
// Set title
// Handle YouTube API ready
function _youTubeReady(videoId, container) {
// Setup instance
// https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference
plyr.embed = new window.YT.Player(container.id, {
videoId: videoId,
playerVars: {
autoplay: (config.autoplay ? 1 : 0),
controls: (plyr.supported.full ? 0 : 1),
rel: 0,
showinfo: 0,
iv_load_policy: 3,
cc_load_policy: (config.captions.defaultActive ? 1 : 0),
cc_lang_pref: 'en',
wmode: 'transparent',
modestbranding: 1,
disablekb: 1,
origin: '*' // https://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=5788#c45
events: {
'onError': function(event) {
_triggerEvent(plyr.container, 'error', true, {
code: event.data,
embed: event.target
'onReady': function(event) {
// Get the instance
var instance = event.target;
// Create a faux HTML5 API using the YouTube API
plyr.media.play = function() {
plyr.media.paused = false;
plyr.media.pause = function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.stop = function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.duration = instance.getDuration();
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.currentTime = 0;
plyr.media.muted = instance.isMuted();
// Set title
config.title = instance.getVideoData().title;
// Set the tabindex
if (plyr.supported.full) {
plyr.media.querySelector('iframe').setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
// Update UI
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'durationchange');
// Reset timer
// Setup buffering
timers.buffering = window.setInterval(function() {
// Get loaded % from YouTube
plyr.media.buffered = instance.getVideoLoadedFraction();
// Trigger progress only when we actually buffer something
if (plyr.media.lastBuffered === null || plyr.media.lastBuffered < plyr.media.buffered) {
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'progress');
// Set last buffer point
plyr.media.lastBuffered = plyr.media.buffered;
// Bail if we're at 100%
if (plyr.media.buffered === 1) {
// Trigger event
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'canplaythrough');
}, 200);
'onStateChange': function(event) {
// Get the instance
var instance = event.target;
// Reset timer
// Handle events
// -1 Unstarted
// 0 Ended
// 1 Playing
// 2 Paused
// 3 Buffering
// 5 Video cued
switch (event.data) {
case 0:
plyr.media.paused = true;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'ended');
case 1:
plyr.media.paused = false;
// If we were seeking, fire seeked event
if (plyr.media.seeking) {
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'seeked');
plyr.media.seeking = false;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'play');
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'playing');
// Poll to get playback progress
timers.playing = window.setInterval(function() {
// Set the current time
plyr.media.currentTime = instance.getCurrentTime();
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
}, 100);
// Check duration again due to YouTube bug
// https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/374
// https://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=8690
if (plyr.media.duration !== instance.getDuration()) {
plyr.media.duration = instance.getDuration();
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'durationchange');
case 2:
plyr.media.paused = true;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'pause');
_triggerEvent(plyr.container, 'statechange', false, {
code: event.data
// Vimeo ready
function _vimeoReady(mediaId, container) {
// Setup instance
// https://github.com/vimeo/player.js
plyr.embed = new window.Vimeo.Player(container, {
id: parseInt(mediaId),
loop: config.loop,
autoplay: config.autoplay,
byline: false,
portrait: false,
title: false
// Create a faux HTML5 API using the Vimeo API
plyr.media.play = function() {
plyr.media.paused = false;
plyr.media.pause = function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.stop = function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.currentTime = 0;
// Update UI
plyr.embed.getCurrentTime().then(function(value) {
plyr.media.currentTime = value;
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
plyr.embed.getDuration().then(function(value) {
plyr.media.duration = value;
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'durationchange');
// TODO: Captions
/*if (config.captions.defaultActive) {
plyr.embed.on('loaded', function() {
// Fix keyboard focus issues
// https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/317
if (_is.htmlElement(plyr.embed.element) && plyr.supported.full) {
plyr.embed.element.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
plyr.embed.on('play', function() {
plyr.media.paused = false;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'play');
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'playing');
plyr.embed.on('pause', function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'pause');
plyr.embed.on('timeupdate', function(data) {
plyr.media.seeking = false;
plyr.media.currentTime = data.seconds;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
plyr.embed.on('progress', function(data) {
plyr.media.buffered = data.percent;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'progress');
if (parseInt(data.percent) === 1) {
// Trigger event
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'canplaythrough');
plyr.embed.on('seeked', function() {
plyr.media.seeking = false;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'seeked');
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'play');
plyr.embed.on('ended', function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'ended');
// Soundcloud ready
function _soundcloudReady() {
/* jshint validthis: true */
plyr.embed = window.SC.Widget(this);
// Setup on ready
plyr.embed.bind(window.SC.Widget.Events.READY, function() {
// Create a faux HTML5 API using the Soundcloud API
plyr.media.play = function() {
plyr.media.paused = false;
plyr.media.pause = function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.stop = function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.paused = true;
plyr.media.currentTime = 0;
plyr.embed.getDuration(function(value) {
plyr.media.duration = value/1000;
// Update UI
plyr.embed.getPosition(function(value) {
plyr.media.currentTime = value;
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
plyr.embed.bind(window.SC.Widget.Events.PLAY, function() {
plyr.media.paused = false;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'play');
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'playing');
plyr.embed.bind(window.SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE, function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'pause');
plyr.embed.bind(window.SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, function(data) {
plyr.media.seeking = false;
plyr.media.currentTime = data.currentPosition/1000;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
plyr.embed.bind(window.SC.Widget.Events.LOAD_PROGRESS, function(data) {
plyr.media.buffered = data.loadProgress;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'progress');
if (parseInt(data.loadProgress) === 1) {
// Trigger event
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'canplaythrough');
plyr.embed.bind(window.SC.Widget.Events.FINISH, function() {
plyr.media.paused = true;
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'ended');
// Play media
function _play() {
if ('play' in plyr.media) {
// Pause media
function _pause() {
if ('pause' in plyr.media) {
// Toggle playback
function _togglePlay(toggle) {
// True toggle
if (!_is.boolean(toggle)) {
toggle = plyr.media.paused;
if (toggle) {
} else {
return toggle;
// Rewind
function _rewind(seekTime) {
// Use default if needed
if (!_is.number(seekTime)) {
seekTime = config.seekTime;
_seek(plyr.media.currentTime - seekTime);
// Fast forward
function _forward(seekTime) {
// Use default if needed
if (!_is.number(seekTime)) {
seekTime = config.seekTime;
_seek(plyr.media.currentTime + seekTime);
// Seek to time
// The input parameter can be an event or a number
function _seek(input) {
var targetTime = 0,
paused = plyr.media.paused,
duration = _getDuration();
if (_is.number(input)) {
targetTime = input;
} else if (_is.object(input) && _inArray(['input', 'change'], input.type)) {
// It's the seek slider
// Seek to the selected time
targetTime = ((input.target.value / input.target.max) * duration);
// Normalise targetTime
if (targetTime < 0) {
targetTime = 0;
} else if (targetTime > duration) {
targetTime = duration;
// Update seek range and progress
// Set the current time
// Try/catch incase the media isn't set and we're calling seek() from source() and IE moans
try {
plyr.media.currentTime = targetTime.toFixed(4);
catch(e) {}
// Embeds
if (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type)) {
switch(plyr.type) {
case 'youtube':
case 'vimeo':
// Round to nearest second for vimeo
case 'soundcloud':
plyr.embed.seekTo(targetTime * 1000);
if (paused) {
// Trigger timeupdate
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'timeupdate');
// Set seeking flag
plyr.media.seeking = true;
// Trigger seeking
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'seeking');
// Logging
_log('Seeking to ' + plyr.media.currentTime + ' seconds');
// Special handling for 'manual' captions
// Get the duration (or custom if set)
function _getDuration() {
// It should be a number, but parse it just incase
var duration = parseInt(config.duration),
// True duration
mediaDuration = 0;
// Only if duration available
if (plyr.media.duration !== null && !isNaN(plyr.media.duration)) {
mediaDuration = plyr.media.duration;
// If custom duration is funky, use regular duration
return (isNaN(duration) ? mediaDuration : duration);
// Check playing state
function _checkPlaying() {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.playing, !plyr.media.paused);
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.stopped, plyr.media.paused);
// Save scroll position
function _saveScrollPosition() {
scroll = {
x: window.pageXOffset || 0,
y: window.pageYOffset || 0
// Restore scroll position
function _restoreScrollPosition() {
window.scrollTo(scroll.x, scroll.y);
// Toggle fullscreen
function _toggleFullscreen(event) {
// Check for native support
var nativeSupport = fullscreen.supportsFullScreen;
if (nativeSupport) {
// If it's a fullscreen change event, update the UI
if (event && event.type === fullscreen.fullScreenEventName) {
plyr.isFullscreen = fullscreen.isFullScreen(plyr.container);
} else {
// Else it's a user request to enter or exit
if (!fullscreen.isFullScreen(plyr.container)) {
// Save scroll position
// Request full screen
} else {
// Bail from fullscreen
// Check if we're actually full screen (it could fail)
plyr.isFullscreen = fullscreen.isFullScreen(plyr.container);
} else {
// Otherwise, it's a simple toggle
plyr.isFullscreen = !plyr.isFullscreen;
// Bind/unbind escape key
document.body.style.overflow = plyr.isFullscreen ? 'hidden' : '';
// Set class hook
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.fullscreen.active, plyr.isFullscreen);
// Trap focus
// Set button state
if (plyr.buttons && plyr.buttons.fullscreen) {
_toggleState(plyr.buttons.fullscreen, plyr.isFullscreen);
// Trigger an event
_triggerEvent(plyr.container, plyr.isFullscreen ? 'enterfullscreen' : 'exitfullscreen', true);
// Restore scroll position
if (!plyr.isFullscreen && nativeSupport) {
// Mute
function _toggleMute(muted) {
// If the method is called without parameter, toggle based on current value
if (!_is.boolean(muted)) {
muted = !plyr.media.muted;
// Set button state
_toggleState(plyr.buttons.mute, muted);
// Set mute on the player
plyr.media.muted = muted;
// If volume is 0 after unmuting, set to default
if (plyr.media.volume === 0) {
// Embeds
if (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type)) {
// YouTube
switch(plyr.type) {
case 'youtube':
plyr.embed[plyr.media.muted ? 'mute' : 'unMute']();
case 'vimeo':
case 'soundcloud':
plyr.embed.setVolume(plyr.media.muted ? 0 : parseFloat(config.volume / config.volumeMax));
// Trigger volumechange for embeds
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'volumechange');
// Set volume
function _setVolume(volume) {
var max = config.volumeMax,
min = config.volumeMin;
// Load volume from storage if no value specified
if (_is.undefined(volume)) {
volume = plyr.storage.volume;
// Use config if all else fails
if (volume === null || isNaN(volume)) {
volume = config.volume;
// Maximum is volumeMax
if (volume > max) {
volume = max;
// Minimum is volumeMin
if (volume < min) {
volume = min;
// Set the player volume
plyr.media.volume = parseFloat(volume / max);
// Set the display
if (plyr.volume.display) {
plyr.volume.display.value = volume;
// Embeds
if (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type)) {
switch(plyr.type) {
case 'youtube':
plyr.embed.setVolume(plyr.media.volume * 100);
case 'vimeo':
case 'soundcloud':
// Trigger volumechange for embeds
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'volumechange');
// Toggle muted state
if (volume === 0) {
plyr.media.muted = true;
} else if (plyr.media.muted && volume > 0) {
// Increase volume
function _increaseVolume(step) {
var volume = plyr.media.muted ? 0 : (plyr.media.volume * config.volumeMax);
if (!_is.number(step)) {
step = config.volumeStep;
_setVolume(volume + step);
// Decrease volume
function _decreaseVolume(step) {
var volume = plyr.media.muted ? 0 : (plyr.media.volume * config.volumeMax);
if (!_is.number(step)) {
step = config.volumeStep;
_setVolume(volume - step);
// Update volume UI and storage
function _updateVolume() {
// Get the current volume
var volume = plyr.media.muted ? 0 : (plyr.media.volume * config.volumeMax);
// Update the <input type="range"> if present
if (plyr.supported.full) {
if (plyr.volume.input) {
plyr.volume.input.value = volume;
if (plyr.volume.display) {
plyr.volume.display.value = volume;
// Update the volume in storage
_updateStorage({volume: volume});
// Toggle class if muted
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.muted, (volume === 0));
// Update checkbox for mute state
if (plyr.supported.full && plyr.buttons.mute) {
_toggleState(plyr.buttons.mute, (volume === 0));
// Toggle captions
function _toggleCaptions(show) {
// If there's no full support, or there's no caption toggle
if (!plyr.supported.full || !plyr.buttons.captions) {
// If the method is called without parameter, toggle based on current value
if (!_is.boolean(show)) {
show = (plyr.container.className.indexOf(config.classes.captions.active) === -1);
// Set global
plyr.captionsEnabled = show;
// Toggle state
_toggleState(plyr.buttons.captions, plyr.captionsEnabled);
// Add class hook
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.captions.active, plyr.captionsEnabled);
// Trigger an event
_triggerEvent(plyr.container, plyr.captionsEnabled ? 'captionsenabled' : 'captionsdisabled', true);
// Save captions state to localStorage
_updateStorage({captionsEnabled: plyr.captionsEnabled});
// Check if media is loading
function _checkLoading(event) {
var loading = (event.type === 'waiting');
// Clear timer
// Timer to prevent flicker when seeking
timers.loading = setTimeout(function() {
// Toggle container class hook
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.loading, loading);
// Show controls if loading, hide if done
}, (loading ? 250 : 0));
// Update <progress> elements
function _updateProgress(event) {
if (!plyr.supported.full) {
var progress = plyr.progress.played,
value = 0,
duration = _getDuration();
if (event) {
switch (event.type) {
// Video playing
case 'timeupdate':
case 'seeking':
if (plyr.controls.pressed) {
value = _getPercentage(plyr.media.currentTime, duration);
// Set seek range value only if it's a 'natural' time event
if (event.type === 'timeupdate' && plyr.buttons.seek) {
plyr.buttons.seek.value = value;
// Check buffer status
case 'playing':
case 'progress':
progress = plyr.progress.buffer;
value = (function() {
var buffered = plyr.media.buffered;
if (buffered && buffered.length) {
// HTML5
return _getPercentage(buffered.end(0), duration);
} else if (_is.number(buffered)) {
// YouTube returns between 0 and 1
return (buffered * 100);
return 0;
// Set values
_setProgress(progress, value);
// Set <progress> value
function _setProgress(progress, value) {
if (!plyr.supported.full) {
// Default to 0
if (_is.undefined(value)) {
value = 0;
// Default to buffer or bail
if (_is.undefined(progress)) {
if (plyr.progress && plyr.progress.buffer) {
progress = plyr.progress.buffer;
} else {
// One progress element passed
if (_is.htmlElement(progress)) {
progress.value = value;
} else if (progress) {
// Object of progress + text element
if (progress.bar) {
progress.bar.value = value;
if (progress.text) {
progress.text.innerHTML = value;
// Update the displayed time
function _updateTimeDisplay(time, element) {
// Bail if there's no duration display
if (!element) {
// Fallback to 0
if (isNaN(time)) {
time = 0;
plyr.secs = parseInt(time % 60);
plyr.mins = parseInt((time / 60) % 60);
plyr.hours = parseInt(((time / 60) / 60) % 60);
// Do we need to display hours?
var displayHours = (parseInt(((_getDuration() / 60) / 60) % 60) > 0);
// Ensure it's two digits. For example, 03 rather than 3.
plyr.secs = ('0' + plyr.secs).slice(-2);
plyr.mins = ('0' + plyr.mins).slice(-2);
// Render
element.innerHTML = (displayHours ? plyr.hours + ':' : '') + plyr.mins + ':' + plyr.secs;
// Show the duration on metadataloaded
function _displayDuration() {
if (!plyr.supported.full) {
// Determine duration
var duration = _getDuration() || 0;
// If there's only one time display, display duration there
if (!plyr.duration && config.displayDuration && plyr.media.paused) {
_updateTimeDisplay(duration, plyr.currentTime);
// If there's a duration element, update content
if (plyr.duration) {
_updateTimeDisplay(duration, plyr.duration);
// Update the tooltip (if visible)
// Handle time change event
function _timeUpdate(event) {
// Duration
_updateTimeDisplay(plyr.media.currentTime, plyr.currentTime);
// Ignore updates while seeking
if (event && event.type === 'timeupdate' && plyr.media.seeking) {
// Playing progress
// Update seek range and progress
function _updateSeekDisplay(time) {
// Default to 0
if (!_is.number(time)) {
time = 0;
var duration = _getDuration(),
value = _getPercentage(time, duration);
// Update progress
if (plyr.progress && plyr.progress.played) {
plyr.progress.played.value = value;
// Update seek range input
if (plyr.buttons && plyr.buttons.seek) {
plyr.buttons.seek.value = value;
// Update hover tooltip for seeking
function _updateSeekTooltip(event) {
var duration = _getDuration();
// Bail if setting not true
if (!config.tooltips.seek || !plyr.progress.container || duration === 0) {
// Calculate percentage
var clientRect = plyr.progress.container.getBoundingClientRect(),
percent = 0,
visible = config.classes.tooltip + '--visible';
// Determine percentage, if already visible
if (!event) {
if (_hasClass(plyr.progress.tooltip, visible)) {
percent = plyr.progress.tooltip.style.left.replace('%', '');
} else {
} else {
percent = ((100 / clientRect.width) * (event.pageX - clientRect.left));
// Set bounds
if (percent < 0) {
percent = 0;
} else if (percent > 100) {
percent = 100;
// Display the time a click would seek to
_updateTimeDisplay(((duration / 100) * percent), plyr.progress.tooltip);
// Set position
plyr.progress.tooltip.style.left = percent + "%";
// Show/hide the tooltip
// If the event is a moues in/out and percentage is inside bounds
if (event && _inArray(['mouseenter', 'mouseleave'], event.type)) {
_toggleClass(plyr.progress.tooltip, visible, (event.type === 'mouseenter'));
// Show the player controls in fullscreen mode
function _toggleControls(toggle) {
// Don't hide if config says not to, it's audio, or not ready or loading
if (!config.hideControls || plyr.type === 'audio') {
var delay = 0,
isEnterFullscreen = false,
show = toggle,
loading = _hasClass(plyr.container, config.classes.loading);
// Default to false if no boolean
if (!_is.boolean(toggle)) {
if (toggle && toggle.type) {
// Is the enter fullscreen event
isEnterFullscreen = (toggle.type === 'enterfullscreen');
// Whether to show controls
show = _inArray(['mousemove', 'touchstart', 'mouseenter', 'focus'], toggle.type);
// Delay hiding on move events
if (_inArray(['mousemove', 'touchmove'], toggle.type)) {
delay = 20000;
// Delay a little more for keyboard users
if (toggle.type === 'focus') {
delay = 3000;
} else {
show = _hasClass(plyr.container, config.classes.hideControls);
// Clear timer every movement
// If the mouse is not over the controls, set a timeout to hide them
if (show || plyr.media.paused || loading) {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.hideControls, false);
// Always show controls when paused or if touch
if (plyr.media.paused || loading) {
// Delay for hiding on touch
if (plyr.browser.isTouch) {
delay = 3000;
// If toggle is false or if we're playing (regardless of toggle),
// then set the timer to hide the controls
if (!show || !plyr.media.paused) {
timers.hover = window.setTimeout(function() {
// If the mouse is over the controls (and not entering fullscreen), bail
if ((plyr.controls.pressed || plyr.controls.hover) && !isEnterFullscreen) {
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.hideControls, true);
}, delay);
// Add common function to retrieve media source
function _source(source) {
// If not null or undefined, parse it
if (!_is.undefined(source)) {
// Return the current source
var url;
switch(plyr.type) {
case 'youtube':
url = plyr.embed.getVideoUrl();
case 'vimeo':
plyr.embed.getVideoUrl.then(function (value) {
url = value;
case 'soundcloud':
plyr.embed.getCurrentSound(function(object) {
url = object.permalink_url;
url = plyr.media.currentSrc;
return url || '';
// Update source
// Sources are not checked for support so be careful
function _updateSource(source) {
if (!_is.object(source) || !('sources' in source) || !source.sources.length) {
_warn('Invalid source format');
// Remove ready class hook
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.ready, false);
// Pause playback
// Update seek range and progress
// Reset buffer progress
// Cancel current network requests
// Setup new source
function setup() {
// Remove embed object
plyr.embed = null;
// Remove the old media
// Remove video container
if (plyr.type === 'video' && plyr.videoContainer) {
// Reset class name
if (plyr.container) {
// Set the type
if ('type' in source) {
plyr.type = source.type;
// Get child type for video (it might be an embed)
if (plyr.type === 'video') {
var firstSource = source.sources[0];
if ('type' in firstSource && _inArray(config.types.embed, firstSource.type)) {
plyr.type = firstSource.type;
// Check for support
plyr.supported = supported(plyr.type);
// Create new markup
switch(plyr.type) {
case 'video':
plyr.media = document.createElement('video');
case 'audio':
plyr.media = document.createElement('audio');
case 'youtube':
case 'vimeo':
case 'soundcloud':
plyr.media = document.createElement('div');
plyr.embedId = source.sources[0].src;
// Inject the new element
_prependChild(plyr.container, plyr.media);
// Autoplay the new source?
if (_is.boolean(source.autoplay)) {
config.autoplay = source.autoplay;
// Set attributes for audio and video
if (_inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type)) {
if (config.crossorigin) {
plyr.media.setAttribute('crossorigin', '');
if (config.autoplay) {
plyr.media.setAttribute('autoplay', '');
if ('poster' in source) {
plyr.media.setAttribute('poster', source.poster);
if (config.loop) {
plyr.media.setAttribute('loop', '');
// Restore class hooks
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.fullscreen.active, plyr.isFullscreen);
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.captions.active, plyr.captionsEnabled);
// Set new sources for html5
if (_inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type)) {
_insertChildElements('source', source.sources);
// Set up from scratch
// HTML5 stuff
if (_inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type)) {
// Setup captions
if ('tracks' in source) {
_insertChildElements('track', source.tracks);
// Load HTML5 sources
// If HTML5 or embed but not fully supported, setupInterface and call ready now
if (_inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type) || (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type) && !plyr.supported.full)) {
// Setup interface
// Call ready
// Set aria title and iframe title
config.title = source.title;
// Destroy instance adn wait for callback
// Vimeo throws a wobbly if you don't wait
_destroy(setup, false);
// Update poster
function _updatePoster(source) {
if (plyr.type === 'video') {
plyr.media.setAttribute('poster', source);
// Listen for control events
function _controlListeners() {
// IE doesn't support input event, so we fallback to change
var inputEvent = (plyr.browser.isIE ? 'change' : 'input');
// Click play/pause helper
function togglePlay() {
var play = _togglePlay();
// Determine which buttons
var trigger = plyr.buttons[play ? 'play' : 'pause'],
target = plyr.buttons[play ? 'pause' : 'play'];
// Get the last play button to account for the large play button
if (target && target.length > 1) {
target = target[target.length - 1];
} else {
target = target[0];
// Setup focus and tab focus
if (target) {
var hadTabFocus = _hasClass(trigger, config.classes.tabFocus);
setTimeout(function() {
if (hadTabFocus) {
_toggleClass(trigger, config.classes.tabFocus, false);
_toggleClass(target, config.classes.tabFocus, true);
}, 100);
// Get the focused element
function getFocusElement() {
var focused = document.activeElement;
if (!focused || focused === document.body) {
focused = null;
} else {
focused = document.querySelector(':focus');
return focused;
// Get the key code for an event
function getKeyCode(event) {
return event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which;
// Detect tab focus
function checkTabFocus(focused) {
for (var button in plyr.buttons) {
var element = plyr.buttons[button];
if (_is.nodeList(element)) {
for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
_toggleClass(element[i], config.classes.tabFocus, (element[i] === focused));
} else {
_toggleClass(element, config.classes.tabFocus, (element === focused));
// Keyboard shortcuts
if (config.keyboardShorcuts.focused) {
var last = null;
// Handle global presses
if (config.keyboardShorcuts.global) {
_on(window, 'keydown keyup', function(event) {
var code = getKeyCode(event),
focused = getFocusElement(),
allowed = [48,49,50,51,52,53,54,56,57,75,77,70,67],
count = get().length;
// Only handle global key press if there's only one player
// and the key is in the allowed keys
// and if the focused element is not editable (e.g. text input)
// and any that accept key input http://webaim.org/techniques/keyboard/
if (count === 1 && _inArray(allowed, code) && (!_is.htmlElement(focused) || !_matches(focused, config.selectors.editable))) {
// Handle presses on focused
_on(plyr.container, 'keydown keyup', handleKey);
function handleKey(event) {
var code = getKeyCode(event),
pressed = event.type === 'keydown',
held = pressed && code === last;
// If the event is bubbled from the media element
// Firefox doesn't get the keycode for whatever reason
if (!_is.number(code)) {
// Seek by the number keys
function seekByKey() {
// Get current duration
var duration = plyr.media.duration;
// Bail if we have no duration set
if (!_is.number(duration)) {
// Divide the max duration into 10th's and times by the number value
_seek((duration / 10) * (code - 48));
// Handle the key on keydown
// Reset on keyup
if (pressed) {
// Which keycodes should we prevent default
var preventDefault = [48,49,50,51,52,53,54,56,57,32,75,38,40,77,39,37,70,67];
// If the code is found prevent default (e.g. prevent scrolling for arrows)
if (_inArray(preventDefault, code)) {
switch(code) {
// 0-9
case 48:
case 49:
case 50:
case 51:
case 52:
case 53:
case 54:
case 55:
case 56:
case 57: if (!held) { seekByKey(); } break;
// Space and K key
case 32:
case 75: if (!held) { _togglePlay(); } break;
// Arrow up
case 38: _increaseVolume(); break;
// Arrow down
case 40: _decreaseVolume(); break;
// M key
case 77: if (!held) { _toggleMute() } break;
// Arrow forward
case 39: _forward(); break;
// Arrow back
case 37: _rewind(); break;
// F key
case 70: _toggleFullscreen(); break;
// C key
case 67: if (!held) { _toggleCaptions(); } break;
// Escape is handle natively when in full screen
// So we only need to worry about non native
if (!fullscreen.supportsFullScreen && plyr.isFullscreen && code === 27) {
// Store last code for next cycle
last = code;
} else {
last = null;
// Focus/tab management
_on(window, 'keyup', function(event) {
var code = getKeyCode(event),
focused = getFocusElement();
if (code === 9) {
_on(document.body, 'click', function() {
_toggleClass(_getElement('.' + config.classes.tabFocus), config.classes.tabFocus, false);
for (var button in plyr.buttons) {
var element = plyr.buttons[button];
_on(element, 'blur', function() {
_toggleClass(element, 'tab-focus', false);
// Play
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.play, 'click', config.listeners.play, togglePlay);
// Pause
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.pause, 'click', config.listeners.pause, togglePlay);
// Restart
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.restart, 'click', config.listeners.restart, _seek);
// Rewind
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.rewind, 'click', config.listeners.rewind, _rewind);
// Fast forward
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.forward, 'click', config.listeners.forward, _forward);
// Seek
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.seek, inputEvent, config.listeners.seek, _seek);
// Set volume
_proxyListener(plyr.volume.input, inputEvent, config.listeners.volume, function() {
// Mute
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.mute, 'click', config.listeners.mute, _toggleMute);
// Fullscreen
_proxyListener(plyr.buttons.fullscreen, 'click', config.listeners.fullscreen, _toggleFullscreen);
// Handle user exiting fullscreen by escaping etc
if (fullscreen.supportsFullScreen) {
_on(document, fullscreen.fullScreenEventName, _toggleFullscreen);
// Captions
_on(plyr.buttons.captions, 'click', _toggleCaptions);
// Seek tooltip
_on(plyr.progress.container, 'mouseenter mouseleave mousemove', _updateSeekTooltip);
// Toggle controls visibility based on mouse movement
if (config.hideControls) {
// Toggle controls on mouse events and entering fullscreen
_on(plyr.container, 'mouseenter mouseleave mousemove touchstart touchend touchcancel touchmove enterfullscreen', _toggleControls);
// Watch for cursor over controls so they don't hide when trying to interact
_on(plyr.controls, 'mouseenter mouseleave', function(event) {
plyr.controls.hover = event.type === 'mouseenter';
// Watch for cursor over controls so they don't hide when trying to interact
_on(plyr.controls, 'mousedown mouseup touchstart touchend touchcancel', function(event) {
plyr.controls.pressed = _inArray(['mousedown', 'touchstart'], event.type);
// Focus in/out on controls
_on(plyr.controls, 'focus blur', _toggleControls, true);
// Adjust volume on scroll
_on(plyr.volume.input, 'wheel', function(event) {
// Detect "natural" scroll - suppored on OS X Safari only
// Other browsers on OS X will be inverted until support improves
var inverted = event.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice,
step = (config.volumeStep / 5);
// Scroll down (or up on natural) to decrease
if (event.deltaY < 0 || event.deltaX > 0) {
if (inverted) {
} else {
// Scroll up (or down on natural) to increase
if (event.deltaY > 0 || event.deltaX < 0) {
if (inverted) {
} else {
// Listen for media events
function _mediaListeners() {
// Time change on media
_on(plyr.media, 'timeupdate seeking', _timeUpdate);
// Update manual captions
_on(plyr.media, 'timeupdate', _seekManualCaptions);
// Display duration
_on(plyr.media, 'durationchange loadedmetadata', _displayDuration);
// Handle the media finishing
_on(plyr.media, 'ended', function() {
// Show poster on end
if (plyr.type === 'video' && config.showPosterOnEnd) {
// Clear
if (plyr.type === 'video') {
// Restart
// Re-load media
// Check for buffer progress
_on(plyr.media, 'progress playing', _updateProgress);
// Handle native mute
_on(plyr.media, 'volumechange', _updateVolume);
// Handle native play/pause
_on(plyr.media, 'play pause ended', _checkPlaying);
// Loading
_on(plyr.media, 'waiting canplay seeked', _checkLoading);
// Click video
if (config.clickToPlay && plyr.type !== 'audio') {
// Re-fetch the wrapper
var wrapper = _getElement('.' + config.classes.videoWrapper);
// Bail if there's no wrapper (this should never happen)
if (!wrapper) {
// Set cursor
wrapper.style.cursor = "pointer";
// On click play, pause ore restart
_on(wrapper, 'click', function() {
// Touch devices will just show controls (if we're hiding controls)
if (config.hideControls && plyr.browser.isTouch && !plyr.media.paused) {
if (plyr.media.paused) {
} else if (plyr.media.ended) {
} else {
// Disable right click
// Proxy events to container
// Bubble up key events for Edge
_on(plyr.media, config.events.concat(['keyup', 'keydown']).join(' '), function(event) {
_triggerEvent(plyr.container, event.type, true);
// Cancel current network requests
// See https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/174
function _cancelRequests() {
if (!_inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type)) {
// Remove child sources
var sources = plyr.media.querySelectorAll('source');
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
// Set blank video src attribute
// This is to prevent a MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error
// Info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32231579/how-to-properly-dispose-of-an-html5-video-and-close-socket-or-connection
plyr.media.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdn.selz.com/plyr/blank.mp4');
// Load the new empty source
// This will cancel existing requests
// See https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/174
// Debugging
_log('Cancelled network requests');
// Destroy an instance
// Event listeners are removed when elements are removed
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12528049/if-a-dom-element-is-removed-are-its-listeners-also-removed-from-memory
function _destroy(callback, restore) {
// Bail if the element is not initialized
if (!plyr.init) {
return null;
// Type specific stuff
switch (plyr.type) {
case 'youtube':
// Clear timers
// Destroy YouTube API
// Clean up
case 'vimeo':
// Destroy Vimeo API
// then clean up (wait, to prevent postmessage errors)
// Vimeo does not always return
timers.cleanUp = window.setTimeout(cleanUp, 200);
case 'video':
case 'audio':
// Restore native video controls
// Clean up
function cleanUp() {
// Default to restore original element
if (!_is.boolean(restore)) {
restore = true;
// Callback
if (_is.function(callback)) {
// Bail if we don't need to restore the original element
if (!restore) {
// Remove init flag
plyr.init = false;
// Replace the container with the original element provided
plyr.container.parentNode.replaceChild(original, plyr.container);
// Allow overflow (set on fullscreen)
document.body.style.overflow = '';
// Event
_triggerEvent(original, 'destroyed', true);
// Setup a player
function _init() {
// Bail if the element is initialized
if (plyr.init) {
return null;
// Setup the fullscreen api
fullscreen = _fullscreen();
// Sniff out the browser
plyr.browser = _browserSniff();
// Bail if nothing to setup
if (!_is.htmlElement(plyr.media)) {
// Load saved settings from localStorage
// Set media type based on tag or data attribute
// Supported: video, audio, vimeo, youtube
var tagName = media.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tagName === 'div') {
plyr.type = media.getAttribute('data-type');
plyr.embedId = media.getAttribute('data-video-id');
// Clean up
} else {
plyr.type = tagName;
config.crossorigin = (media.getAttribute('crossorigin') !== null);
config.autoplay = (config.autoplay || (media.getAttribute('autoplay') !== null));
config.loop = (config.loop || (media.getAttribute('loop') !== null));
// Check for support
plyr.supported = supported(plyr.type);
// If no native support, bail
if (!plyr.supported.basic) {
// Wrap media
plyr.container = _wrap(media, document.createElement('div'));
// Allow focus to be captured
plyr.container.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
// Add style hook
// Debug info
_log('' + plyr.browser.name + ' ' + plyr.browser.version);
// Setup media
// Setup interface
// If embed but not fully supported, setupInterface (to avoid flash of controls) and call ready now
if (_inArray(config.types.html5, plyr.type) || (_inArray(config.types.embed, plyr.type) && !plyr.supported.full)) {
// Setup UI
// Call ready
// Set title on button and frame
// Successful setup
plyr.init = true;
// Setup the UI
function _setupInterface() {
// Don't setup interface if no support
if (!plyr.supported.full) {
_warn('Basic support only', plyr.type);
// Remove controls
// Remove large play
// Restore native controls
// Bail
// Inject custom controls if not present
var controlsMissing = !_getElements(config.selectors.controls.wrapper).length;
if (controlsMissing) {
// Inject custom controls
// Find the elements
if (!_findElements()) {
// If the controls are injected, re-bind listeners for controls
if (controlsMissing) {
// Media element listeners
// Remove native controls
// Setup fullscreen
// Captions
// Set volume
// Reset time display
// Update the UI
api = {
getOriginal: function() { return original; },
getContainer: function() { return plyr.container },
getEmbed: function() { return plyr.embed; },
getMedia: function() { return plyr.media; },
getType: function() { return plyr.type; },
getDuration: _getDuration,
getCurrentTime: function() { return plyr.media.currentTime; },
getVolume: function() { return plyr.media.volume; },
isMuted: function() { return plyr.media.muted; },
isReady: function() { return _hasClass(plyr.container, config.classes.ready); },
isLoading: function() { return _hasClass(plyr.container, config.classes.loading); },
isPaused: function() { return plyr.media.paused; },
on: function(event, callback) { _on(plyr.container, event, callback); return this; },
play: _play,
pause: _pause,
stop: function() { _pause(); _seek(); },
restart: _seek,
rewind: _rewind,
forward: _forward,
seek: _seek,
source: _source,
poster: _updatePoster,
setVolume: _setVolume,
togglePlay: _togglePlay,
toggleMute: _toggleMute,
toggleCaptions: _toggleCaptions,
toggleFullscreen: _toggleFullscreen,
toggleControls: _toggleControls,
isFullscreen: function() { return plyr.isFullscreen || false; },
support: function(mimeType) { return _supportMime(plyr, mimeType); },
destroy: _destroy
// Everything done
function _ready() {
// Ready event at end of execution stack
window.setTimeout(function() {
_triggerEvent(plyr.media, 'ready');
}, 0);
// Set class hook on media element
_toggleClass(plyr.media, defaults.classes.setup, true);
// Set container class for ready
_toggleClass(plyr.container, config.classes.ready, true);
// Store a refernce to instance
plyr.media.plyr = api;
// Autoplay
if (config.autoplay) {
// Initialize instance
// If init failed, return null
if (!plyr.init) {
return null;
return api;
// Load a sprite
function loadSprite(url, id) {
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
// If the id is set and sprite exists, bail
if (_is.string(id) && _is.htmlElement(document.querySelector('#' + id))) {
// Create placeholder (to prevent loading twice)
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.setAttribute('hidden', '');
if (_is.string(id)) {
container.setAttribute('id', id);
document.body.insertBefore(container, document.body.childNodes[0]);
// Check for CORS support
if ('withCredentials' in x) {
x.open('GET', url, true);
} else {
// Inject hidden div with sprite on load
x.onload = function() {
container.innerHTML = x.responseText;
// Check for support
function supported(type) {
var browser = _browserSniff(),
isOldIE = (browser.isIE && browser.version <= 9),
isIos = browser.isIos,
isIphone = browser.isIphone,
audioSupport = !!document.createElement('audio').canPlayType,
videoSupport = !!document.createElement('video').canPlayType,
basic = false,
full = false;
switch (type) {
case 'video':
basic = videoSupport;
full = (basic && (!isOldIE && !isIphone));
case 'audio':
basic = audioSupport;
full = (basic && !isOldIE);
// Vimeo does not seem to be supported on iOS via API
// Issue raised https://github.com/vimeo/player.js/issues/87
case 'vimeo':
basic = true;
full = (!isOldIE && !isIos);
case 'youtube':
basic = true;
full = (!isOldIE && !isIos);
// YouTube seems to work on iOS 10+ on iPad
if (isIos && !isIphone && browser.version >= 10) {
full = true;
case 'soundcloud':
basic = true;
full = (!isOldIE && !isIphone);
basic = (audioSupport && videoSupport);
full = (basic && !isOldIE);
return {
basic: basic,
full: full
// Setup function
function setup(targets, options) {
// Get the players
var players = [],
instances = [],
selector = [defaults.selectors.html5, defaults.selectors.embed].join(',');
// Select the elements
if (_is.string(targets)) {
// String selector passed
targets = document.querySelectorAll(targets);
} else if (_is.htmlElement(targets)) {
// Single HTMLElement passed
targets = [targets];
} else if (!_is.nodeList(targets) && !_is.array(targets) && !_is.string(targets)) {
// No selector passed, possibly options as first argument
// If options are the first argument
if (_is.undefined(options) && _is.object(targets)) {
options = targets;
// Use default selector
targets = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
// Convert NodeList to array
if (_is.nodeList(targets)) {
targets = Array.prototype.slice.call(targets);
// Bail if disabled or no basic support
// You may want to disable certain UAs etc
if (!supported().basic || !targets.length) {
return false;
// Add to container list
function add(target, media) {
if (!_hasClass(media, defaults.classes.hook)) {
// Always wrap in a <div> for styling
//container: _wrap(media, document.createElement('div')),
// Could be a container or the media itself
target: target,
// This should be the <video>, <audio> or <div> (YouTube/Vimeo)
media: media
// Check if the targets have multiple media elements
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
var target = targets[i];
// Get children
var children = target.querySelectorAll(selector);
// If there's more than one media element child, wrap them
if (children.length) {
for (var x = 0; x < children.length; x++) {
add(target, children[x]);
} else if (_matches(target, selector)) {
// Target is media element
add(target, target);
// Create a player instance for each element
players.forEach(function(player) {
var element = player.target,
media = player.media,
match = false;
// The target element can also be the media element
if (media === element) {
match = true;
// Setup a player instance and add to the element
// Create instance-specific config
var data = {};
// Try parsing data attribute config
try { data = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-plyr')); }
catch(e) { }
var config = _extend({}, defaults, options, data);
// Bail if not enabled
if (!config.enabled) {
return null;
// Create new instance
var instance = new Plyr(media, config);
// Go to next if setup failed
if (!_is.object(instance)) {
// Listen for events if debugging
if (config.debug) {
var events = config.events.concat(['setup', 'statechange', 'enterfullscreen', 'exitfullscreen', 'captionsenabled', 'captionsdisabled']);
_on(instance.getContainer(), events.join(' '), function(event) {
console.log([config.logPrefix, 'event:', event.type].join(' '), event.detail.plyr);
// Callback
_event(instance.getContainer(), 'setup', true, {
plyr: instance
// Add to return array even if it's already setup
return instances;
// Get all instances within a provided container
function get(container) {
if (_is.string(container)) {
// Get selector if string passed
container = document.querySelector(container);
} else if (_is.undefined(container)) {
// Use body by default to get all on page
container = document.body;
// If we have a HTML element
if (_is.htmlElement(container)) {
var elements = container.querySelectorAll('.' + defaults.classes.setup),
instances = [];
Array.prototype.slice.call(elements).forEach(function(element) {
if (_is.object(element.plyr)) {
return instances;
return [];
return {
setup: setup,
supported: supported,
loadSprite: loadSprite,
get: get
// Custom event polyfill
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent/CustomEvent
(function () {
if (typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function') {
function CustomEvent(event, params) {
params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined };
var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail);
return evt;
CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;
window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;