import cfg from "../src/inc/config.mjs"; import db from "../src/inc/sql.mjs"; import fs from "node:fs"; import readline from 'node:readline/promises'; const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); // npm run clean -- --dry-run const dry = !!process.argv.filter(a => a == '--dry-run').length; console.log(`dry run? ${dry}`); const dirs = { b: "./public/b", t: "./public/t", tmp: "./tmp" }; const files = { b: (await fs.promises.readdir(dirs.b)) .filter(f => f !== '.empty'), t: (await fs.promises.readdir(dirs.t)) .filter(f => f !== '.empty'), tmp: (await fs.promises.readdir(dirs.tmp)).filter(f => f !== '.empty') }; const extensions = [ ...Object.values(cfg.mimes), 'mov' ]; const count = { missing: { b: [], t: [] }, invalid: { b: [], t: [] }, spare: { b: [], t: [] }, tmp: files.tmp }; const rows = await db`select id, dest from items where active = true`; const f0cks = { b: rows.flatMap(f => f.dest), t: rows.flatMap(f => `${}.webp`) }; // missing for(const row of rows) { if(!fs.existsSync(`${dirs.b}/${row.dest}`)) count.missing.b.push(; if(!fs.existsSync(`${dirs.t}/${}.webp`)) count.missing.t.push(; } // invalid count.invalid.b = files.b.filter(f => !extensions.includes(f.toLowerCase().split('.')[1])); count.invalid.t = files.t.filter(f => !f.endsWith('.webp')); // spare for(const file of files.b) if(!f0cks.b.includes(file)) count.spare.b.push(`${dirs.b}/${file}`); for(const file of files.t) if(!f0cks.t.includes(file)) count.spare.t.push(`${dirs.t}/${file}`); // show confusing summary console.log(count); // delete spare if --dry-run if(!dry) { let q; if(count.spare.b.length > 0) { q = (await rl.question(`delete ${count.spare.b.length} unnecessary files in ${dirs.b}? [y/N] `)) == 'y'; if(q) { await Promise.all( => fs.promises.unlink(f))); console.log(`deleted ${count.spare.b.length} files`); } else console.log('abort...'); } if(count.spare.t.length > 0) { q = (await rl.question(`delete ${count.spare.t.length} unnecessary files in ${dirs.t}? [y/N] `)) == 'y'; if(q) { await Promise.all( => fs.promises.unlink(f))); console.log(`deleted ${count.spare.t.length} files`); } else console.log('abort...'); } if(files.tmp.length > 0) { q = (await rl.question(`delete ${files.tmp.length} files in ${dirs.tmp}? [y/N] `)) == 'y'; if(q) { await Promise.all( => fs.promises.unlink(`${dirs.tmp}/${f}`))); console.log(`deleted ${files.tmp.length} files`); } else console.log('abort...'); } } // close connection await db.end(); process.exit();