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if(!confirm(`Reason for deleting f0ckpost ${postid} by ${poster} (Weihnachten™)`)) return; const res = await post("/api/v2/admin/deletepost", { postid: postid }); if(res.success) { flash({ type: "success", msg: "post was successfully deleted" }); } else { flash({ type: "error", msg: res.msg }); } }; const toggleFavEvent = async e => { const res = await post('/api/v2/admin/togglefav', { postid: postid }); if(res.success) { const fav = document.querySelector("svg#a_favo > use").href; fav.baseVal = '/s/img/iconset.svg#heart_' + (fav.baseVal.match(/heart_(regular|solid)$/)[1] == "solid" ? 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