2022-05-21 15:03:01 +00:00

245 lines
8.7 KiB

import db from "../sql.mjs";
import lib from "../lib.mjs";
import cfg from "../config.mjs";
import fs from "fs";
import url from "url";
const globalfilter = cfg.nsfp.map(n => `tag_id = ${n}`).join(' or ');
export default {
getf0cks: async (o = { user, tag, mime, page, mode, fav, session }) => {
const user = o.user ? decodeURI(o.user) : null;
const tag = lib.parseTag(o.tag ?? null);
const mime = o.mime ?? null;
const page = +(o.page ?? 1);
const smime = cfg.allowedMimes.includes(mime) ? mime + "/%" : mime === "" ? "%" : "%";
const tmp = { user, tag, mime, smime, page, mode: o.mode };
const modequery = mime == "audio" ? lib.getMode(0) : lib.getMode(o.mode ?? 0);
const total = (await db`
select distinct on (items.id)
count(items.id) as total
from items
left join tags_assign on tags_assign.item_id = items.id
left join tags on tags.id = tags_assign.tag_id
left join favorites on favorites.item_id = items.id
left join "user" on "user".id = favorites.user_id
${ db.unsafe(modequery) }
${ tag ? db`and tags.normalized ilike '%' || slugify(${tag}) || '%'` : db`` }
${ o.fav ? db`and "user".user ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ user ? db`and items.username ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ mime ? db`and items.mime ilike ${smime}` : db`` }
${ !o.session ? db`and items.id not in (select item_id from tags_assign where item_id = items.id and (${db.unsafe(globalfilter)}))` : db`` }
group by items.id, tags.tag
`)?.length || 0;
if(!total || total === 0) {
return {
success: false,
message: "404 - no f0cks given"
const pages = +Math.ceil(total / cfg.websrv.eps);
const act_page = Math.min(pages, page || 1);
const offset = Math.max(0, (act_page - 1) * cfg.websrv.eps);
const rows = await db`
select distinct on (items.id)
from items
left join tags_assign on tags_assign.item_id = items.id
left join tags on tags.id = tags_assign.tag_id
left join favorites on favorites.item_id = items.id
left join "user" on "user".id = favorites.user_id
left join tags_assign ta on ta.item_id = items.id and (ta.tag_id = 1 or ta.tag_id = 2)
${ db.unsafe(modequery) }
${ tag ? db`and tags.normalized ilike '%' || slugify(${tag}) || '%'` : db`` }
${ o.fav ? db`and "user".user ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ user ? db`and items.username ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ mime ? db`and items.mime ilike ${smime}` : db`` }
${ !o.session ? db`and items.id not in (select item_id from tags_assign where item_id = items.id and (${db.unsafe(globalfilter)}))` : db`` }
group by items.id, tags.tag, ta.tag_id
order by items.id desc
offset ${offset}
limit ${cfg.websrv.eps}
const cheat = [];
for(let i = Math.max(1, act_page - 3); i <= Math.min(act_page + 3, pages); i++)
const link = lib.genLink({ user, tag, mime, type: o.fav ? 'favs' : 'f0cks', path: 'p/' });
return {
success: true,
items: rows,
pagination: {
start: 1,
end: pages,
prev: (act_page > 1) ? act_page - 1 : null,
next: (act_page < pages) ? act_page + 1 : null,
page: act_page,
cheat: cheat
getf0ck: async (o = ({ user, tag, mime, itemid, mode, session })) => {
const user = o.user ? decodeURI(o.user) : null;
const tag = lib.parseTag(o.tag ?? null);
const mime = (o.mime ?? "");
const itemid = +(o.itemid ?? 404);
const smime = cfg.allowedMimes.includes(mime) ? mime + "/%" : mime === "" ? "%" : "%";
const tmp = { user, tag, mime, smime, itemid };
const modequery = mime == "audio" ? lib.getMode(0) : lib.getMode(o.mode ?? 0);
if(itemid === 404) {
return {
success: false,
message: "404 - f0ck not found"
const items = await db`
select distinct on (items.id)
from items
left join tags_assign on tags_assign.item_id = items.id
left join tags on tags.id = tags_assign.tag_id
left join favorites on favorites.item_id = items.id
left join "user" on "user".id = favorites.user_id
left join tags_assign ta on ta.item_id = items.id and (ta.tag_id = 1 or ta.tag_id = 2)
${ db.unsafe(modequery) }
${ tag ? db`and tags.normalized ilike '%' || slugify(${tag}) || '%'` : db`` }
${ o.fav ? db`and "user".user ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ user ? db`and items.username ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ mime ? db`and items.mime ilike ${smime}` : db`` }
${ !o.session ? db`and items.id not in (select item_id from tags_assign where item_id = items.id and (${db.unsafe(globalfilter)}))` : db`` }
group by items.id, tags.tag, ta.tag_id
order by items.id desc
const item = items.findIndex(i => i.id === itemid);
const actitem = items[item];
if(!actitem) { // sfw-check!
return {
success: false,
message: "Sorry, this post is currently not visible."
const tags = await lib.getTags(itemid);
const cheat = [...new Set(items.slice(Math.max(0, item - 3), item + 4).map(i => i.id))];
const link = lib.genLink({ user, tag, mime, type: o.fav ? 'favs' : 'f0cks', path: '' });
const favorites = await db`
select "user".user, "user_options".avatar
from "favorites"
left join "user" on "user".id = "favorites".user_id
left join "user_options" on "user_options".user_id = "favorites".user_id
where "favorites".item_id = ${itemid}
let coverart = true;
try {
await fs.promises.access(`./public${cfg.websrv.paths.coverarts}/${actitem.id}.webp`);
} catch(err) {
coverart = false;
const data = {
success: true,
user: {
name: actitem.username,
channel: actitem.usernetwork == "Telegram" && actitem.userchannel !== "f0ck.me" ? "anonymous" : actitem.userchannel,
network: actitem.usernetwork
item: {
id: actitem.id,
src: {
long: actitem.src,
short: url.parse(actitem.src).hostname,
thumbnail: `${cfg.websrv.paths.thumbnails}/${actitem.id}.png`,
coverart: coverart ? `${cfg.websrv.paths.coverarts}/${actitem.id}.webp` : '/s/img/music.webp',
dest: `${cfg.websrv.paths.images}/${actitem.dest}`,
mime: actitem.mime,
size: lib.formatSize(actitem.size),
timestamp: {
timeago: lib.timeAgo(new Date(actitem.stamp * 1e3).toISOString()),
timefull: new Date(actitem.stamp * 1e3).toISOString()
favorites: favorites,
tags: tags
title: `${actitem.id} - f0ck.me`,
pagination: {
end: items[items.length - 1]?.id,
start: items[0]?.id,
next: items[item + 1]?.id,
prev: items[item - 1]?.id,
page: actitem.id,
cheat: cheat
phrase: cfg.websrv.phrases[~~(Math.random() * cfg.websrv.phrases.length)],
return data;
getRandom: async (o = ({ user, tag, mime, mode, session })) => {
const user = o.user ? decodeURI(o.user) : null;
const tag = lib.parseTag(o.tag ?? null);
const mime = (o.mime ?? "");
const smime = cfg.allowedMimes.includes(mime) ? mime + "/%" : mime === "" ? "%" : "%";
const modequery = mime == "audio" ? lib.getMode(0) : lib.getMode(o.mode ?? 0);
const item = await db`
from items
left join tags_assign on tags_assign.item_id = items.id
left join tags on tags.id = tags_assign.tag_id
left join favorites on favorites.item_id = items.id
left join "user" on "user".id = favorites.user_id
${ db.unsafe(modequery) }
${ tag ? db`and tags.normalized ilike '%' || slugify(${tag}) || '%'` : db`` }
${ o.fav ? db`and "user".user ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ user ? db`and items.username ilike ${'%'+user+'%'}` : db`` }
${ mime ? db`and items.mime ilike ${smime}` : db`` }
${ !o.session ? db`and items.id not in (select item_id from tags_assign where item_id = items.id and (${db.unsafe(globalfilter)}))` : db`` }
group by items.id, tags.tag
order by random()
limit 1
if(item.length === 0) {
return {
success: false,
message: "no f0cks found :("
const link = lib.genLink({ user, tag, mime, type: o.fav ? 'favs' : 'f0cks' });
return {
success: true,
link: link,
itemid: item[0].id