# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import irc3 from docopt import Dict from irc3.plugins.command import command from irc3.utils import IrcString from . import DatabasePlugin from .utils import parse_int class McManiac(DatabasePlugin): @command(options_first=True) def mcmaniac(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: Dict): """Get a random McManiaC or by index. %%mcmaniac [] """ index = args.get('') if index: index = parse_int(index) if not index: return index, order = index order = 'id {order}'.format(order=order) offset = 'OFFSET %s' else: order = 'random()' offset = '' # Fetch result from database with self.con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(''' SELECT item, rank() OVER (ORDER BY id), count(*) OVER (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS total FROM mcmaniacs ORDER BY {order} LIMIT 1 {offset} '''.format(order=order, offset=offset), [index]) result = cur.fetchone() if result: return '[{rank}/{total}] {item}'.format(**result) @irc3.event(r'^:(?P\S+) PRIVMSG (?P#\S+) :.*?\b(?PMc\S+iaC)\b.*') def save(self, mask: str, channel: str, item: str): if IrcString(mask).nick != self.bot.nick: with self.con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(''' INSERT INTO mcmaniacs (item) VALUES (%s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING (SELECT (count(*) + 1) AS total FROM mcmaniacs) ''', [item]) self.con.commit() result = cur.fetchone() if result is None: return self.bot.privmsg(channel, f"{result['total']}. mcmaniac added: {item}")