# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import irc3 import requests from docopt import Dict from irc3.plugins.command import command from irc3.utils import IrcString from . import Plugin from ..utils import date_from_iso @irc3.plugin class YouTube(Plugin): requires = ['irc3.plugins.command'] URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3' API = '{}/videos?part=snippet,statistics,contentDetails'.format(URL) SEARCH = '{}/search?part=id'.format(URL) def get_video_data(self, video_id: str): """Requests the infos for a video id and formats them.""" data = self._api(self.API, id=video_id) if not data.get('items'): return item = data['items'][0] date = date_from_iso(item['snippet']['publishedAt']) length = re.findall('(\d+[DHMS])', item['contentDetails']['duration']) views = int(item['statistics'].get('viewCount', 0)) likes = int(item['statistics'].get('likeCount', 0)) dislikes = int(item['statistics'].get('dislikeCount', 0)) try: score = 100 * float(likes) / (likes + dislikes) except ZeroDivisionError: score = 0 return '\x02[YouTube]\x02 ' \ '{title} - length {length} -\x033 {likes:,}\x03 /' \ '\x034 {dislikes:,}\x03 ({score:,.1f}%) - {views:,} ' \ 'views - {channel} on {date}' \ .format(title=item['snippet']['title'], channel=item['snippet']['channelTitle'], length=' '.join([l.lower() for l in length]), likes=likes, dislikes=dislikes, score=score, views=views, date=date.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')) @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:\S+ PRIVMSG (?P<target>\S+) :.*(?:youtube.*?(?:v=|/v/)' r'|youtu\.be/)(?P<video_id>[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+).*') def youtube_parser(self, target: str, video_id: str): data = self.get_video_data(video_id) if data: self.bot.privmsg(target, data) @command def yt(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: Dict): """Searches for query on YouTube and returns first result. %%yt <query>... """ data = self._api(self.SEARCH, q=' '.join(args['<query>'])) if 'error' in data: return '\x02[YouTube]\x02 Error performing search' elif data['pageInfo']['totalResults'] is 0: return '\x02[YouTube]\x02 No results found' else: video_id = data['items'][0]['id']['videoId'] data = self.get_video_data(video_id) return '{} - https://youtu.be/{}'.format(data, video_id) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _api(self, url: str, **kwargs): """Wrapper around requests.get which adds the Google API key.""" kwargs['key'] = os.environ['GOOGLE_API_KEY'] return requests.get(url, params=kwargs).json()