# PROJECT ABANDONED ## Installation Open psql as user ```postgres```: ```sh psql -U postgres ``` Create a user with password, allowed to login and a database: ```sql CREATE ROLE nxy WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your-password'; ALTER ROLE nxy LOGIN; CREATE DATABASE nxy_prod OWNER nxy; \q ``` Apply database schema and optionally restore a dump: ```sh psql -U nxy -d nxy_prod < nxy/files/schema.sql psql -U nxy -d nxy_prod < path/to/dump.sql ``` Clone git repo, create virtual env, activate it and install dependencies: ```sh git clone https://gitfap.de/mrhanky/nxy.git python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate pip install -U -r nxy/requirements.txt ``` Copy sample configs to ```$HOME``` and edit them: ```sh cp nxy/files/{.env,config.json} . vim .env config.json ``` ### Running as Service Enable linger for the bot user (so it starts at boot and keeps running), install and activate systemd unit: ```sh sudo loginctl enable-linger nxy mkdir -p $HOME/.config/systemd/user ln -fs $HOME/nxy/files/nxy-bot.service $HOME/.config/systemd/user systemctl --user enable --now nxy-bot.service ``` Install and activate timer for database dumps: ```sh ln -fs $HOME/nxy/files/nxy-db-dump.{timer,service} $HOME/.config/systemd/user systemctl --user enable --now nxy-db-dump.timer ``` ### Running as Standalone in Development Mode For development set the BOT_DEV variable: ``` export BOT_DEV= ``` Then add the current git repository to your python path: ``` export PYTHONPATH=:$PYTHONPATH ``` Finally run nxy: ``` python3 -m bot ```