# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random import irc3 from docopt import Dict as DocOptDict from irc3.plugins.command import command from irc3.utils import IrcString from psycopg2 import Error from . import DatabasePlugin from ..utils import re_generator RAINBOW = (5, 7, 8, 9, 3, 10, 12, 2, 6, 13) RAINBOW_LEN = len(RAINBOW) ISPS = ( 't-ipconnect', 'telefonica', 'vodafone', 'kabel', 'unity-media', ) @irc3.plugin class Useless(DatabasePlugin): requires = ['irc3.plugins.command', 'bot.plugins.storage'] WOAH = ( 'woah', 'woah indeed', 'woah woah woah!', 'keep your woahs to yourself', ) @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:(?P\S+@\S+({isps})\S+) JOIN :(?P#\S+)$'.format(isps='|'.join(ISPS))) def bounce(self, mask, target): nick = IrcString(mask).nick if target != '#w0bm' or nick == self.bot.nick: return self.bot.privmsg(target, '{}: Du musst bouncen!'.format(nick)) @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:\S+ PRIVMSG (?P\S+) :.*(woah|whoa).*$') def woah(self, target: str): """Colorize words in a sentence with rainbow colors.""" if random.randint(0, 4) is 0: self.bot.privmsg(target, random.choice(self.WOAH)) @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:\S+ PRIVMSG (?P\S+) :(?Phuehuehue)$') def huehuehue(self, target: str, msg: str): """Returns a huehuehue when someone writes it.""" self.bot.privmsg(target, msg) @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:\S+ PRIVMSG (?P\S+) :re+$') def reeeeee(self, target: str): """Returns a REEEE.""" self.bot.privmsg(target, re_generator()) @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:\S+ PRIVMSG (?P\S+) :same$') def same(self, target: str): """Returns a plain same when a user writes same.""" self.bot.privmsg(target, 'same') @irc3.event(r'(?i)^:\S+ PRIVMSG (?P\S+) :\[(?P.*)\]$') def intensifies(self, target: str, msg: str): """String with brackets around will be returned with INTENSIFIES.""" self.bot.privmsg(target, '\x02[{} INTENSIFIES]'.format(msg.upper())) @command def kill(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Kills a user with a random message. %%kill [] """ self.cur.execute(''' select item from kills order by random() limit 1 ''') self.bot.action(target, self.cur.fetchone()['item'].format( nick=args.get('') or mask.nick, )) @command def yiff(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Yiffs a user with a random message. %%yiff [] """ self.cur.execute(''' select item from yiffs order by random() limit 1 ''') self.bot.action(target, self.cur.fetchone()['item'].format( nick=args.get('') or mask.nick, yiffer=mask.nick, )) @command def waifu(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Get waifu for a user. %%waifu [...] """ nick = ' '.join(args.get('')) or mask.nick if nick.startswith('='): waifu = nick[1:] try: self.cur.execute(''' insert into users (nick, waifu) values (lower(%s), %s) on conflict (nick) do update set waifu = excluded.waifu ''', [mask.nick, waifu]) self.con.commit() self.bot.notice(mask.nick, 'Waifu set to: {}'.format(waifu)) except Error as ex: print(ex) self.con.rollback() else: self.cur.execute(''' select waifu from users where lower(nick) = lower(%s) ''', [nick]) result = self.cur.fetchone() if result and result['waifu']: return '\x02[Waifu]\x0F {}: {}'.format(nick, result['waifu']) @command def husbando(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Get husbando for a user. %%husbando [...] """ nick = ' '.join(args.get('')) or mask.nick if nick.startswith('='): nick = nick[1:] try: self.cur.execute(''' insert into users (nick, husbando) values (lower(%s), %s) on conflict (nick) do update set husbando = excluded.husbando ''', [mask.nick, nick]) self.con.commit() self.bot.notice(mask.nick, 'Husbando set to: {}'.format(nick)) except Error as ex: print(ex) self.con.rollback() else: self.cur.execute(''' select husbando from users where lower(nick) = lower(%s) ''', [nick]) result = self.cur.fetchone() if result and result['husbando']: return '\x02[Husbando]\x0F {}: {}'.format(nick, result['husbando']) @command def storyofpomfface(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Story of pomf face. %%storyofpomfface """ for face in (':O C==3', ':OC==3', ':C==3', ':C=3', ':C3', ':3'): self.bot.privmsg(target, face) @command def choose(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Decides between items separated by comma. %%choose ... """ choice = random.choice(' '.join(args['']).split(',')) return '{}: {}'.format(mask.nick, choice.strip()) @command def jn(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Decides between yes and no (for a question). %%jn ... %%jn """ choice = random.choice(['3Ja', '4Nein']) return '{}: \x02\x030{}'.format(mask.nick, choice) @command def kiss(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Kisses a user. %%kiss [] """ return '(づ。◕‿‿◕。)\x0304。。・゜゜・。。・゜❤\x0F {} \x0304❤'.format(args.get('') or mask.nick) @command def hug(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Hugs a user. %%hug [] """ return '\x0304♥♡❤♡♥\x0F {} \x0304♥♡❤♡♥'.format(args.get('') or mask.nick) @command def bier(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Gives nick a beer. %%bier [] """ nick = args.get('') or mask.nick self.bot.action(target, 'schenkt ein kühles Blondes an {} aus.'.format(nick)) @command def fucken(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Kills and fucks a nick. %%fucken [] """ nick = args.get('') or mask.nick self.bot.action(target, 'fuckt {0} und tötet {0} anschließend.'.format(nick, nick)) @command def anhero(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Kicks a nick. %%anhero """ self.bot.kick(target, mask.nick, 'Sayonara bonzai-chan...') @command def sudoku(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Kicks a nick. %%sudoku """ self.anhero(mask, target, args) @command def hack(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Hacks (a user). %%hack [] """ nick = args.get('') or '' return 'hacking{}...'.format(' %s' % nick if nick else '') @command def gay(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Make someone gay (alias to rainbow) %%gay ... """ return self.rainbow(mask, target, args) @command def rainbow(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Colorize a word in rainbow colors. %%rainbow ... """ last = 0 word = [] for char in ' '.join(args.get('')): if char != ' ': char = self._rainbow(last, char) last += 1 word.append(char) return ''.join(word) @command def wrainbow(self, mask: IrcString, target: IrcString, args: DocOptDict): """Colorize words in a sentence with rainbow colors. %%wrainbow ... """ return ' '.join([self._rainbow(i, word) for i, word in enumerate(args[''])]) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _rainbow(self, i, char): return '\x03{0:02d}{1}'.format(RAINBOW[i % RAINBOW_LEN], char)