This commit is contained in:
Flummi 2019-01-08 08:04:56 +01:00
parent 1897e3c1b5
commit 3bf47324bf

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ export default bot => {
bot._trigger.set("weather", new bot.trigger({
bot._trigger.set("wttrnew", new bot.trigger({
call: /^(\.|\/)w .*/i,
set: "all",
help: {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default bot => {
usage: "[b].w[/b] [i]<location>[/i]"
f: e => {
const loc = e.message.trim().substring(3);
const loc = encodeURIComponent(e.message.trim().substring(3));
const key = cfg.main.owm.val.key;
const api = `${loc}&appid=${key}&units=metric&lang=de`;
@ -81,36 +81,70 @@ export default bot => {
.then(res => {
if(res.cod !== 200)
return e.reply(res.message);
const data = [
let data = [];
let icon = "";
if(/^bremen/i.test(loc)) {
const temp_min = (res.main.temp_min / Math.PI).toFixed(2);
const temp_max = Math.sqrt(res.main.temp_max).toFixed(2);
data = [
"Gewitter mit Hagal",
`${temp_min} * π bis ${temp_max}² °C`,
`${[..."↓↙←↖↑↗→↘"][-~parseInt((res.wind.deg + 22) % 360 / 45)] || ""} ${res.wind.speed} km/h`,
"Mathe macht Spaß,",
"wenn's vorbei ist."
icon = conds(202);
else {
data = [[0].description,
`${res.main.temp} °C`,
`${[..."↓↙←↖↑↗→↘"][-~parseInt((res.wind.deg + 22) % 360 / 45)]} ${res.wind.speed} km/h`,
`${res.main.temp_min} - ${res.main.temp_max} °C`,
`${[..."↓↙←↖↑↗→↘"][-~parseInt((res.wind.deg + 22) % 360 / 45)] || ""} ${res.wind.speed} km/h`,
e.reply(`Wetterbericht für: ${}, ${}\n${[...Array(5)].map((_, i) => `${conds([0].id)[i].padEnd(15)} ${data[i]}`).join("\n")}`);
icon = conds([0].id);
e.reply(`Wetterbericht für: ${}, ${}\n${[...Array(5)].map((_, i) => `${icon[i].padEnd(15)} ${data[i]}`).join("\n")}`);
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
bot._trigger.set("weather", new bot.trigger({
call: /^(\.|\/)weather .*/i,
set: "all",
help: {
text: "Gets the weather from OWM",
usage: "[b].weather[/b] [i]<location>[/i]"
f: e => {
const loc = encodeURIComponent(e.message.trim().substring(9));
const key = cfg.main.owm.val.key;
const api = `${loc}&appid=${key}&units=metric&lang=de`;
/*const url = ``
+ `select * from weather.forecast where u="c" and woeid in`
+ `(select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="${encodeURIComponent(loc)}")`;
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
return e.reply("Location not found");
const res =;
const location = res.location;
const condition = res.item.condition;
const units = res.units;
const wind = res.wind;
.then(res => {
if(res.cod !== 200)
return e.reply(res.message);
if(/^bremen/i.test(loc)) {
const temp = Math.sqrt(res.main.temp).toFixed(2);
`${}, ${location.region.trim()}, ${}: `
+ `${condition.temp}°${units.temperature} ${condition.text}, `
+ `${[...'↑↗→↘↓↙←↖'][-~(parseInt(wind.direction) / 45) % 8]} ${wind.speed} ${units.speed}`
`Bremen, DE: `
+ `${temp}² °C Schwere Gewitter mit Hagal und Sturzfluten, `
+ `${[..."↓↙←↖↑↗→↘"][-~parseInt((res.wind.deg + 22) % 360 / 45)] || ""} ${res.wind.speed} km/h`
}).catch(err => console.log(err));*/
else {
`${}, ${}: `
+ `${res.main.temp}°C ${[0].description}, `
+ `${[..."↓↙←↖↑↗→↘"][-~parseInt((res.wind.deg + 22) % 360 / 45)] || ""} ${res.wind.speed} km/h`
}).catch(err => e.reply(err));