var _ = require('lodash'), Events = require(__dirname + '/irc').Events; function ListCache() { this.lists = {}; }; // ======================================== // this object manages list caching, in a normal single client // scenario, grabbing the list on request is fine, but irc-factory // isnt really designed for single client usage // the ircanywhere use case requires lists to be available to all, for // all networks. ListCache.prototype.requestList = function(ircObject, search, page, limit) { if (!Events) { Events = require(__dirname + '/irc').Events; } var self = this, key = ircObject.key; if (key === '') { return false; } if (!this.lists[key]) { this.createList(ircObject); ircObject.raw(['LIST']); Events.once([ircObject.key, 'listend'], function() { self.filterList(ircObject, search, page, limit); }); // no cache is available? request one and wait to filter it } else { self.filterList(ircObject, search, page, limit); // looks like we already have a cached list, pass it straight to filter } clearTimeout(this.lists[key].deleteTimer); this.lists[key].deleteTimer = setTimeout(function() { delete self.lists[key]; }, 600000); // lets set a timer to trash this data if its not been requested in a while (10min) // the only reason we cache it is to prevent people doing /list then /list, then /list // and blocking the process }; ListCache.prototype.filterList = function(ircObject, search, page, limit) { var key = ircObject.key, regex = new RegExp('(' + search + ')', 'i'), list = this.lists[key]; if (key === '' || !list) { return false; } // make sure the list exists var output = { list: [], raw: [], search: search.replace(/[-[\]{}()+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\$&").replace(/\(\.\*\)/g, '*'), page: page, limit: limit, time: new Date() }; var clone = _.cloneDeep(list.list); var buffer = _.sortBy(clone, function(channel) { return 0 - channel.users; }); // sort it buffer = _.filter(buffer, function(channel) { return regex.test(; }); // filter via the search parameters buffer = _.take(, (page - 1) * limit), limit); // paginate for (var c in buffer) { var channel = buffer[c]; output.raw.push(channel.raw); delete buffer[c].raw; } // i don't really like this, but we pull .raw from channel objects // and push it into the output Events.emit([ircObject.key, 'list'], _.extend(output, { list: buffer })); // emit the list event }; ListCache.prototype.createList = function(ircObject) { var key = ircObject.key; if (key === '' || this.lists[key]) { return false; } this.lists[key] = { key: key, requestedAt: new Date(), deleteTimer: null, list: [] }; }; ListCache.prototype.insertListData = function(ircObject, message) { var key = ircObject.key; if (key !== '' && !this.lists[key]) { this.createList(key); } this.lists[key].list.push({ channel: message.params[1], users: message.params[2], topic: message.params[3], raw: message.raw }); }; // ======================================== exports.ListCache = new ListCache();