import { logger } from "../inc/log"; import { getLevel } from "../inc/admin"; import modules from "./irc/main"; import net from "net"; import tls from "tls"; import EventEmitter from "events"; const colors = { red: "\x0304$1\x0304", blue: "\x0312$1\x0312", yellow: "\x0308$1\x0308" }; const msgmodes = { normal: "PRIVMSG {recipient} :{msg}", action: "PRIVMSG {recipient} :\u0001ACTION {msg}\u0001", notice: "NOTICE {recipient} :{msg}" }; const replaceColor = (match, color, text) => { if (colors.hasOwnProperty(color)) return colors[color].replace("\$1", text); return text; }; export class irc extends EventEmitter { constructor(options) { super(); this.options = options || {}; this.options.channels = this.options.channels || []; = || ""; this.options.port = this.options.port || 6667; this.options.ssl = this.options.ssl || false; this.options.selfSigned = this.options.selfSigned || false; this.options.sasl = this.options.sasl || false; = || "test"; this.nickname = this.options.nickname || "test"; this.username = this.options.username || "test"; this.realname = this.options.realname || "test"; this.channels = this.options.channels || []; this.set = this.options.set || "all"; this._recachetime = 60 * 30; // 30 minutes this._cmd = new Map(); modules.forEach(mod => mod(this)); this.server = { set: this.set, motd: "", me: {}, channel: [], user: new Map() }; this.socket = (this.options.ssl ? tls : net).connect({ host:, port: this.options.port, rejectUnauthorized: !this.options.selfSigned }, () => { this.send(`NICK ${this.nickname}`); this.send(`USER ${this.username} 0 * : ${this.realname}`); if(this.options.sasl) this.send("CAP LS"); }); this.socket.setEncoding("utf-8"); this.socket.on("data", msg => { msg.split(/\r?\n|\r/).filter(tmp => tmp.length > 0).forEach(tmp => { const cmd = this.parse(tmp); if (this._cmd.has(cmd.command)) this._cmd.get(cmd.command)(cmd); }) }); } send(data) { this.socket.write(`${data}\n`); logger.debug(`(${}) out: ${data}`); } sendmsg(mode, recipient, msg) { msg.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(e => { this.send( msgmodes[mode].replace("{recipient}", recipient).replace("{msg}", e) ); }); } parse(data, [a, ...b] = data.split(/ +:/)) { let tmp = a.split(" ").concat(b); logger.debug(`(${}) in: ${[...tmp]}`); return data.charAt(0) === ":" ? { prefix: tmp.shift(), command: tmp.shift(), params: tmp } : { prefix: null, command: tmp.shift(), params: tmp }; } reply(tmp) { return { type: "irc", network:, channel: tmp.params[0], channelid: tmp.params[0], user: Object.assign(this.parsePrefix(tmp.prefix), { account: this.server.user.geti(this.parsePrefix(tmp.prefix).nick).account, prefix: tmp.prefix.charAt(0) === ":" ? tmp.prefix.substring(1) : tmp.prefix, level: getLevel(, Object.assign(this.parsePrefix(tmp.prefix), { account: this.server.user.geti(this.parsePrefix(tmp.prefix).nick).account, prefix: tmp.prefix.charAt(0) === ":" ? tmp.prefix.substring(1) : tmp.prefix })) }), message: tmp.params[1], time: ~~( / 1000), raw: tmp, reply: msg => this.sendmsg("normal", tmp.params[0], this.format(""+msg)), replyAction: msg => this.sendmsg("action", tmp.params[0], this.format(""+msg)), replyNotice: msg => this.sendmsg("notice", tmp.params[0], this.format(""+msg)), self: this.server, _chan:[tmp.params[0]], _user: this.server.user, _cmd: this._cmd, join: chan => this.join(chan), part: (chan, msg) => this.part(chan, msg), whois: user => this.whois(user), write: msg => this.send(msg) }; } join(channel) { this.send(`JOIN ${(typeof channel === "object") ? channel.join(",") : channel}`); } part(channel, msg=false) { this.send(`PART ${(typeof channel === "object") ? channel.join(",") : channel}${msg ? " " + msg : " part"}`); } whois(user, force = false) { user = user.toLowerCase(); let tmpuser = {}; if(this.server.user.hasi(user) && !force) { tmpuser = this.server.user.geti(user); if(tmpuser.cached >= ~~( / 1000) - this._recachetime) return; } tmpuser = { nickname: tmpuser.nickname || false, username: tmpuser.username || false, hostname: tmpuser.hostname || false, realname: tmpuser.realname || false, account: tmpuser.account || false, prefix: tmpuser.prefix || false, registered: tmpuser.registered || false, oper: tmpuser.oper || false, channels: tmpuser.channels || [], cached: ~~( / 1000) }; this.server.user.set(user, tmpuser); this.send(`WHOIS ${user}`); } parsePrefix(prefix) { prefix = /:?(.*)\!(.*)@(.*)/.exec(prefix); return { nick: prefix[1], username: prefix[2], hostname: prefix[3] }; } format(msg) { return msg .replace(/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/g, "\x02$1\x02") // bold .replace(/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/g, "\x1D$1\x1D") // italic .replace(/\[color=(.*?)](.*?)\[\/color\]/g, replaceColor) // colors ; } } Map.prototype.hasi = function(val) { for (let [key] of this) if(key.toLowerCase() === val.toLowerCase()) return true; return false; }; Map.prototype.geti = function(val) { for (let [key, value] of this) if(key.toLowerCase() === val.toLowerCase()) return value; return false; }; Map.prototype.deli = function(val) { for (let [key] of this) if(key.toLowerCase() === val.toLowerCase()) this.delete(key); };