# flumm-fetch-cookies [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kein-Bot/flumm-fetch-cookies.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/kein-Bot/flumm-fetch-cookies) A [flumm-fetch](https://git.lat/keinBot/flumm-fetch) wrapper with support for cookies. It supports reading/writing from/to a JSON cookie jar and keeps cookies in memory until you call `CookieJar.save()` to reduce disk I/O. ### For upgrading from 1.2.x or below to 1.3.x or above, please read the [breaking API changes](#130-breaking-api-changes). ## Usage Examples ### with file... ```javascript import {fetch, CookieJar} from "flumm-fetch-cookies"; (async () => { // creates a CookieJar instance const cookieJar = new CookieJar("jar.json"); // load cookies from the cookie jar await cookieJar.load(); // usual fetch usage, except with one or multiple cookie jars as first parameter const response = await fetch(cookieJar, "https://example.com"); // save the received cookies to disk await cookieJar.save(); })(); ``` ### ...or without ```javascript import {fetch, CookieJar} from "flumm-fetch-cookies"; (async () => { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); // log in to some api let response = await fetch(cookieJar, "https://example.com/api/login", { method: "POST", body: "credentials" }); // do some requests you require login for response = await fetch( cookieJar, "https://example.com/api/admin/drop-all-databases" ); // and optionally log out again response = await fetch(cookieJar, "https://example.com/api/logout"); })(); ``` ## Documentation ### async fetch(cookieJars, url[, options]) - `cookieJars` A [CookieJar](#class-cookiejar) instance, an array of CookieJar instances or null, if you don't want to send or store cookies. - `url` and `options` as in https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch#fetchurl-options Returns a Promise resolving to a [Response](https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch#class-response) instance on success. ### Class: CookieJar A class that stores cookies. #### Properties - `flags` The read/write flags as specified below. - `file` The path of the cookie jar on the disk. - `cookies` A [Map](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map) mapping hostnames to maps, which map cookie names to the respective [Cookie](#class-cookie) instance. #### new CookieJar([file, flags = `rw`, cookies, cookieIgnoreCallback]) - `file` An optional string containing a relative or absolute path to the file on the disk to use. - `flags` An optional string specifying whether cookies should be read and/or written from/to the jar when passing it as parameter to [fetch](#fetchcookiejar-url-options). Default: `rw` - `r`: only read from this jar - `w`: only write to this jar - `rw` or `wr`: read/write from/to this jar - `cookies` An optional initializer for the cookie jar - either an array of [Cookie](#class-cookie) instances or a single Cookie instance. - `cookieIgnoreCallback(cookie, reason)` An optional callback function which will be called when a cookie is ignored instead of added to the cookie jar. - `cookie` The cookie string - `reason` A string containing the reason why the cookie has been ignored #### addCookie(cookie[, fromURL]) Adds a cookie to the jar. - `cookie` A [Cookie](#class-cookie) instance to add to the cookie jar. Alternatively this can also be a string, for example a serialized cookie received from a website. In this case `fromURL` must be specified. - `fromURL` The url a cookie has been received from. Returns `true` if the cookie has been added successfully. Returns `false` otherwise. If the parser throws a [CookieParseError](#class-cookieparseerror) it will be caught and a warning will be printed to console. #### domains() Returns an iterator over all domains currently stored cookies for. #### \*cookiesDomain(domain) Returns an iterator over all cookies currently stored for `domain`. #### \*cookiesValid(withSession) Returns an iterator over all valid (non-expired) cookies. - `withSession`: A boolean. Iterator will include session cookies if set to `true`. #### \*cookiesAll() Returns an iterator over all cookies currently stored. #### \*cookiesValidForRequest(requestURL) Returns an iterator over all cookies valid for a request to `url`. #### deleteExpired(sessionEnded) Removes all expired cookies from the jar. - `sessionEnded`: A boolean. Also removes session cookies if set to `true`. #### async load([file = this.file]) Reads cookies from `file` on the disk and adds the contained cookies. - `file`: Path to the file where the cookies should be saved. Default: `this.file`, the file that has been passed to the constructor. #### async save([file = this.file]) Saves the cookie jar to `file` on the disk. Only non-expired non-session cookies are saved. - `file`: Path to the file where the cookies should be saved. Default: `this.file`, the file that has been passed to the constructor. ### Class: Cookie An abstract representation of a cookie. #### Properties - `name` The identifier of the cookie. - `value` The value of the cookie. - `expiry` A [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) object of the cookies expiry date or `null`, if the cookie expires with the session. - `domain` The domain the cookie is valid for. - `path` The path the cookie is valid for. - `secure` A boolean value representing the cookie's secure attribute. If set the cookie will only be used for `https` requests. - `subdomains` A boolean value specifying whether the cookie should be used for requests to subdomains of `domain` or not. #### new Cookie(str, requestURL) Creates a cookie instance from the string representation of a cookie as send by a webserver. - `str` The string representation of a cookie. - `url` The url the cookie has been received from. Will throw a `CookieParseError` if `str` couldn't be parsed. #### static fromObject(obj) Creates a cookie instance from an already existing object with the same properties. #### serialize() Serializes the cookie, transforming it to `name=value` so it can be used in requests. #### hasExpired(sessionEnded) Returns whether the cookie has expired or not. - `sessionEnded`: A boolean that specifies whether the current session has ended, meaning if set to `true`, the function will return `true` for session cookies. #### isValidForRequest(requestURL) Returns whether the cookie is valid for a request to `url`. ### Class: CookieParseError The Error that is thrown when the cookie parser located in the constructor of the [Cookie](#class-cookie) class is unable to parse the input. ## 1.3.0 Breaking API Changes - `new CookieJar(flags, file, cookies)` has been changed to `new CookieJar(file, flags = "rw", cookies)`. `new CookieJar("rw")` can now be written as `new CookieJar()`, `new CookieJar("rw", "jar.json")` can now be written as `new CookieJar("jar.json")`. This change has been introduced to simplify the usage of this library, since `rw` is used for `flags` in most cases anyways. - `CookieJar.addFromFile(file)` has been renamed to the async function `async CookieJar.load([file = this.file])`, which uses the fsPromises API for non-blocking cookie loading. The default value for `file` is the file passed to the constructor. - `CookieJar.save(file)` was moved to `async CookieJar.save([file = this.file])` now also uses the fsPromises API. - `new CookieJar()` now doesn't load cookies from the specified file anymore. To do so, call `await CookieJar.load()` after creating the CookieJar. **NOTE: `CookieJar.load()` will throw an error if the cookie jar doesn't exist or doesn't contain valid JSON!** ## License This project is licensed under the MIT license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).