amxmodx: Sixth and final batch of documentation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ forward plugin_end();
forward plugin_log();
* This forward allows you to add models, sounds and generic files to the
* This forward allows plugins to add models, sounds and generic files to the
* precache tables using the precache_* set of functions.
* @note Adding files to the precaching tables will trigger the client to
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ native change_level(const map[]);
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error
* is thrown.
native set_user_info(index,const info[], const value[]);
native set_user_info(index, const info[], const value[]);
* Gets info from the client.
@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ native console_cmd(id, const cmd[], any:...);
* "2&Buy" - Second parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring
* "2!Buy" - Second parameter of message must not equal "Buy"
* @note Due to a long-standing bug that would break compatibility with older
* plugins, the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if you
* use flags "d" or "e".
* plugins, the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if using
* flags "d" or "e".
* @param event Name of event that should be hooked
* @param function Name of callback function
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ...);
* @noreturn
native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2,channel=-1);
native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2, channel=-1);
* Displays a message on the client HUD.
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ native set_dhudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, e
* @note Use set_dhudmessage to define how the message should look on screen.
* @note Unlike the classic HUD message which is channel-based, director
* messages are stack-based. You can have up to 8 messages displaying at
* once, if you add more they will be overwtitten in the order they were
* once, if more are added they will be overwritten in the order they were
* sent. There is no way to clear a specific message.
* @note The message has a maximum length of 128 characters which this function
* will automatically enforce.
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ native show_menu(index, keys, const menu[], time = -1, const title[] = "");
* If two additional parameters are provided, the function
* will return the number of cells written to the buffer.
native read_data(value, any:... );
native read_data(value, any:...);
* Returns the number of values in the client message.
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ native read_datatype();
* @error If called outside of the plugin_log() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native read_logdata(output[],len);
native read_logdata(output[], len);
* Returns number of log message arguments.
@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ native get_user_name(index, name[], len);
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_user_authid(index, authid[] ,len);
native get_user_authid(index, authid[], len);
* Returns the userid of a client.
@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ native get_flags(flags, output[], len);
* @param ... String to match against (integer if "k" flag is specified)
native find_player(const flags[], ... );
native find_player(const flags[], ...);
* Removes double-quotes from the beginning and end of a string.
@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ native amxclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[] = "", const arg2[] = "
* @noreturn
native server_cmd(const command[],any:...);
native server_cmd(const command[], any:...);
* Sets a cvar to a given string value. The cvar is accessed by name.
@ -1775,65 +1775,255 @@ native get_user_flags(index, id=0);
native remove_user_flags(index, flags=-1, id=0);
/* Registers function which will be called from client console.
* Set FlagManager to 1 to make FlagManager always include this command
* Set FlagManager to 0 to make FlagManager never include this command
* Returns the command ID.
* Registers a callback to be called when the client executes a command from the
* console.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @note Opting in to FlagManager enables the admin privileges to be overwritten
* by the end user via the cmdaccess.ini config file.
* @note Automatic detection for FlagManager will only include a command if it
* has required privileges (flags is not -1) and it is not a command
* starting with "say".
* @param client_cmd Command to register
* @param function Callback function
* @param flags Admin privilege flags required
* @param info Command description
* @param FlagManager 0 opts out of flag manager, 1 opts in, -1 selects
* automatically
* @return Command id, 0 on failure
* @error If an invalid callback function is specified, an error
* will be thrown.
native register_clcmd(const client_cmd[], const function[], flags=-1, const info[]="", FlagManager=-1);
/* Registers function which will be called from any console.
* Set FlagManager to 1 to make FlagManager always include this command
* Set FlagManager to 0 to make FlagManager never include this command
* Returns the command ID.
* Registers a callback to be called when the client or server executes a
* command from the console.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @note Opting in to FlagManager enables the admin privileges to be overwritten
* by the end user via the cmdaccess.ini config file.
* @note Automatic detection for FlagManager will only include a command if it
* has required privileges (flags is not -1) and it is not a command
* starting with "say".
* @param client_cmd Command to register
* @param function Callback function
* @param flags Admin privilege flags required
* @param info Command description
* @param FlagManager 0 opts out of flag manager, 1 opts in, -1 selects
* automatically
* @return Command id, 0 on failure
* @error If an invalid callback function is specified, an error
* will be thrown.
native register_concmd(const cmd[], const function[], flags=-1, const info[]="", FlagManager=-1);
/* Registers function which will be called from server console.
* Returns the command ID.
* Registers a callback to be called when the server executes a command from the
* console.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param client_cmd Command to register
* @param function Callback function
* @param flags Admin privilege flags required
* @param info Command description
* @return Command id, 0 on failure
* @error If an invalid callback function is specified, an error
* will be thrown.
native register_srvcmd(const server_cmd[], const function[], flags=-1, const info[]="");
/* Gets info about client command. */
* Retrieves information about a client command.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param index Command index
* @param command Buffer to copy command name to
* @param len1 Maximum name buffer size
* @param flags Variable to store privilege flags to
* @param info Buffer to copy command description to
* @param len2 Maximum description buffer size
* @param flag Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @return 1 on succes, 0 if command was not found
native get_clcmd(index, command[], len1, &flags, info[], len2, flag);
/* Returns number of registered client commands. */
* Returns number of registered client commands.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param flag Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @return Number of registered client commants
native get_clcmdsnum(flag);
/* Gets info about server command. */
native get_srvcmd(index,server_cmd[],len1,&flags, info[],len2, flag);
* Retrieves information about a server command.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param index Command index
* @param command Buffer to copy command name to
* @param len1 Maximum name buffer size
* @param flags Variable to store privilege flags to
* @param info Buffer to copy command description to
* @param len2 Maximum description buffer size
* @param flag Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @return 1 on succes, 0 if command was not found
native get_srvcmd(index, server_cmd[], len1, &flags, info[], len2, flag);
/* Returns number of registered server commands. */
* Returns number of registered server commands.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param flag Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @return Number of registered server commants
native get_srvcmdsnum(flag);
/* Gets info about console command. If id is set to 0,
then function returns only server cmds, if positive then
returns only client cmds. in other case returns all console commands. */
native get_concmd(index,cmd[],len1,&flags, info[],len2, flag, id = -1);
* Retrieves information about a console command.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param index Command index
* @param command Buffer to copy command name to
* @param len1 Maximum name buffer size
* @param flags Variable to store privilege flags to
* @param info Buffer to copy command description to
* @param len2 Maximum description buffer size
* @param flag Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @param id If set to 0 only server commands will be considered,
* positive will only consider client commands, otherwise
* all console commands will be considered.
* @return 1 on succes, 0 if command was not found
native get_concmd(index, cmd[], len1, &flags, info[], len2, flag, id=-1);
/* Gets the parent plugin id of a console command. */
* Returns the parent plugin id of a console command
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param cid Command index
* @param flag_mask Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @param id_type If set to 0 only server commands will be considered,
* positive will only consider client commands, otherwise
* all console commands will be considered.
native get_concmd_plid(cid, flag_mask, id_type);
/* Returns number of registered console commands. */
native get_concmdsnum(flag,id = -1);
* Returns number of registered console commands.
* @note For a list of possible access flags see the ADMIN_* constans in
* @param flag Only considers commands that can be accessed with
* the specified privilege flags.
* @param id If set to 0 only server commands will be considered,
* positive will only consider client commands, otherwise
* all console commands will be considered.
* @return Number of registered console commants
native get_concmdsnum(flag, id = -1);
/* Returns the number of plugin-registered cvars. */
* Returns the number of plugin-registered cvars.
* @return Number of registered cvars
native get_plugins_cvarsnum();
/* Returns information about a plugin-registered cvar. */
* Retrieves information about a plugin-registered cvar.
* @note The returned cvar pointer should be used with the get_pcvar_* and
* set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param num Cvar index, this does not equal the cvar pointer, it is
* the internal index, incremented for each registered cvar
* @param name Buffer to copy cvar name to
* @param namelen Maximum buffer size
* @param flags Variable to store cvar flags to
* @param plugin_id Variable to store id of the registering plugin to
* @param pcvar_handle Variable to store cvar pointer to
* @return 1 on success, 0 if index is invalid
native get_plugins_cvar(num, name[], namelen, &flags=0, &plugin_id=0, &pcvar_handle=0);
/* Gets unique id of menu. Outside set to 1 allows
* to catch menus outside a plugin where register_menuid is called. */
native register_menuid(const menu[], outside=0 );
* Returns unique menu id of a menu.
* @param menu Menu name
* @param outside Catch menus outside the calling plugin
* @return Menu id
native register_menuid(const menu[], outside=0);
/* Calls function when player uses specified menu and proper keys. */
native register_menucmd(menuid,keys, const function[] );
* Registers a callback function to a menu id and keys.
* @param menuid Menu id
* @param keys Key flags
* @param function Callback function
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid callback function is specified, an error
* will be thrown.
native register_menucmd(menuid, keys, const function[]);
/* Gets what menu the player is watching and what keys for menu he have.
* When there is no menu the index is 0. If the id is negative then the menu
* is VGUI in other case the id is from register_menuid() function. */
native get_user_menu(index,&id,&keys);
* Returns if the client is watching a menu.
* @note If there is no menu the id is 0. If the id is negative then the client
* views a VGUI menu. Otherwise the id is an id acquired from the
* register_menuid() function.
* @param index Client index
* @param id Variable to store menu id to
* @param keys Variable to store menu keys to
* @return 1 if client views a menu, 0 otherwise
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native get_user_menu(index, &id, &keys);
* Forces the server to execute the command queue immediately.
@ -1862,7 +2052,7 @@ native server_exec();
* @param flags Emit flags
* @param pitch Sound pitch
native emit_sound(index, channel, const sample[], Float:vol, Float:att,flags, pitch);
native emit_sound(index, channel, const sample[], Float:vol, Float:att, flags, pitch);
* Registers a new cvar for the engine.
@ -2080,7 +2270,7 @@ native is_plugin_loaded(const name[], bool:usefilename=false);
* @return Plugin index on success, -1 if there is no plugin with given
* index
native get_plugin(index,filename[]="",len1=0,name[]="",len2=0,version[]="",len3=0,author[]="",len4=0,status[]="",len5=0,...);
native get_plugin(index, filename[]="", len1=0, name[]="", len2=0, version[]="", len3=0, author[]="", len4=0, status[]="", len5=0, ...);
* Returns the number of loaded AMXX plugins.
@ -2107,7 +2297,7 @@ native get_pluginsnum();
* @error If it is attempted to use the deprecated functionality,
* an error is thrown.
native pause(const flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
native pause(const flag[], const param1[]="", const param2[]="");
* Unpauses a plugin so it will resume execution if it was previously paused.
@ -2128,7 +2318,7 @@ native pause(const flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
* @error If it is attempted to use the deprecated functionality,
* an error is thrown.
native unpause(const flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
native unpause(const flag[], const param1[]="", const param2[]="");
* Initiates a function call to this or another plugin by function name.
@ -2285,7 +2475,7 @@ native callfunc_end();
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the engine kick the client
* PLUGIN_HANDLED to block the inconsistency kick
forward inconsistent_file(id,const filename[], reason[64] );
forward inconsistent_file(id, const filename[], reason[64]);
* Forces the clients and server to be running with the same version of a
@ -2301,7 +2491,7 @@ forward inconsistent_file(id,const filename[], reason[64] );
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
native force_unmodified(force_type, const mins[3] , const maxs[3], const filename[]);
native force_unmodified(force_type, const mins[3], const maxs[3], const filename[]);
* Calculates the MD5 keysum of a string.
@ -2377,163 +2567,385 @@ native is_amd64_server();
native find_plugin_byfile(const filename[], ignoreCase=1);
* Called before plugin_init(), allowing the plugin to register natives.
* Called before plugin_init(), allows the plugin to register natives.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_natives();
/* Registers a NATIVE. When a plugin uses your native (you should distribute a .inc),
* the handler will be called with two parameters: the calling plugin id, and the
* number of parameters.
* If you set style=1, the method of parameter passing is a tad more efficient.
* Instead of "id, numParams", you label the native exactly as how the parameters
* should, in theory, be sent. Then for each byreference parameter, you call
* param_convert(num). This is theoretically more efficient but quite hacky.
* The method was discovered by dJeyL, props to him!
* Registers a native.
* @note Stlye 0 natives call the handler in the following manner:
* public native_handler(plugin_id, argc)
* plugin_id - plugin calling the native
* argc - number of parameters
* @note Style 1 natives are deprecated. Plugins should not use them, they might
* break.
* @note Style 1 natives work a little different. Instead of passing plugin id
* and number of parameters the handler should be prototyped just like the
* native would be called. For each by-reference parameter the plugin
* then has to use param_convert() to properly use them.
* @note A native should *never* recurse. Bad things will happen.
* @param name Native name
* @param handler Callback function
* @param style Native style
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid callback is specified, an error is thrown.
native register_native(const name[], const handler[], style=0);
/* Registers a library. To mark a library as required, place the following
* in your include file:
* #pragma reqlib <name>
* #pragma loadlib <name>
* #endif
* Registers the plugin as a library.
* @note To mark a library as required, place the following in the include
* file:
* #pragma reqlib <name>
* #pragma loadlib <name>
* #endif
* @noreturn
native register_library(const library[]);
/* Logs an error in your native, and breaks into the debugger.
* Acts as if the calling plugin had the error.
* Logs an error in the native and breaks into the AMXX debugger.
* @note This acts as if the calling plugin - the plugin that is calling the
* native, not the plugin calling this function - triggered the error,
* just like when AMXX natives error.
* @param error Error number
* @param fmt Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @noreturn
* @error The function is guaranteed to throw an error, but will make
* it appear as if the plugin calling the native triggered it.
native log_error(error, const fmt[], any:...);
// More Dynamic Native System Stuff
// Each of these natives affects one of the parameters sent to your native.
// Parameters go from 1 to n, just like in modules, and it is important to
// remember two things: The parameters are actually coming from another plugin
// (and just like modules, you must use these special natives).
// two: you CANNOT call your native from inside your native. This is very bad.
//This function should only be called if you registered with style=1
//You only need to use it on by-reference parameters.
* Converts a parameter to work as a by-reference parameter.
* @deprecated Style 1 natives are deprecated and should be converted to
* style 0. This should not be used.
* @note Only needs to be called this if the native was registered with style 1.
* @note Remember that arrays (and strings) are always by-reference and need to
* be converted.
* @param num Argument to convert, starting from 1
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 0, an error will be thrown.
native param_convert(num);
// Gets a string from the calling plugin
* Retrieves a string from the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @param dest Buffer to copy string to
* @param maxlen Maximum size of buffer
* @return Number of cells copied to buffer
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native get_string(param, dest[], maxlen);
// Sets a string in the calling plugin
* Copies a string to the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to set, starting from 1
* @param dest Buffer to copy string from
* @param maxlen Maximum size of buffer
* @return Number of cells copied from buffer
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native set_string(param, dest[], maxlen);
// Gets a normal int or float parameter
* Returns the integer value of a parameter from the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @return Integer value
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native get_param(param);
native Float:get_param_f(param);
// Gets/Sets a float or int parameter by reference
native get_param_byref(param);
native Float:get_float_byref(param);
native set_param_byref(param, value);
native set_float_byref(param, Float:value);
// Copies an array either from the calling plugin to you
// Or copies an array from you to the calling plugin
native get_array(param, dest[], size);
native get_array_f(param, Float:dest[], size);
native set_array(param, const source[], size);
native set_array_f(param, const Float:source[], size);
// Dispatches a client cvar query
// id: Player id
// cvar: cvar name
// resultFunc: public handler function
// paramLen + params: optional array parameter
// resultFunc looks like:
// public callbackCvarValue(id, const cvar[], const value[])
// or if you use the optional parameter:
// public callbackCvarValue(id, const cvar[], const value[], const param[])
native query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultFunc[], paramlen=0, const params[] = "");
* Allows you to trap error messages that occur in your plugin.
* You can use this to override the debug messages that occur when your plugin
* causes some sort of runtime error. Your handler will be called in this style:
* Returns the float value of a parameter from the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @return Float value
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native Float:get_param_f(param);
* Returns the integer value of a by-reference parameter from the plugin calling
* the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @return Integer value
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native get_param_byref(param);
* Returns the float value of a by-reference parameter from the plugin calling
* the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @return Float value
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native Float:get_float_byref(param);
* Sets the integer value of a by-reference parameter to the plugin calling the
* native.
* @param param Argument to set, starting from 1
* @param value Value to set parameter to
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native set_param_byref(param, value);
* Sets the float value of a by-reference parameter to the plugin calling the
* native.
* @param param Argument to set, starting from 1
* @param value Value to set parameter to
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native set_float_byref(param, Float:value);
* Retrieves an array from the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @param dest Buffer to copy array to
* @param maxlen Size of buffer
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native get_array(param, dest[], size);
* Retrieves a float array from the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to retrieve, starting from 1
* @param dest Buffer to copy array to
* @param maxlen Size of buffer
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native get_array_f(param, Float:dest[], size);
* Copies an array to the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to set, starting from 1
* @param source Buffer to copy array from
* @param maxlen Size of buffer
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native set_array(param, const source[], size);
* Copies a float array to the plugin calling the native.
* @param param Argument to set, starting from 1
* @param source Buffer to copy array from
* @param maxlen Size of buffer
* @noreturn
* @error If used outside of a native callback or the native was
* created with style 1, an error will be thrown.
native set_array_f(param, const Float:source[], size);
* Dispatches a client cvar query, allowing the plugin to query for its value on
* the client.
* @note The callback will be called in the following manner:
* public cvar_query_callback(id, const cvar[], const value[], const param[])
* id - Client index
* cvar - Cvar queried
* value - Cvar value on the client
* param - Extra data [optional]
* @param id Client index
* @param cvar Cvar to query
* @param resultFunc Callback function
* @param paramlen Size of extra data
* @param params Extra data to pass through to callback
* @noreturn
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients or the client is not connected, an error
* will be thrown.
* If the callback function is invalid, cvar querying is
* unavailable or the querying process runs out of memory,
* an error will be thrown.
native query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultFunc[], paramlen=0, const params[] = "");
* Allows to trap error messages that occur in a plugin.
* @note This can be used to override the debug messages that occur when the
* plugin causes some kind of runtime error.
* @note The handler will be called in the following manner:
* public error_filter(error_code, bool:debugging, message[])
* error_code is the AMX_ERR code. debugging is whether or not the plugin is in debug mode.
* message[] is any message that was sent along with the error.
* Return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the error pass through the filter.
* Return PLUGIN_HANDLED to block the error from displaying.
* error_code - AMX_ERR_* code.
* debugging - True if the plugin is in debug mode, false otherwise
* message[] - Message sent along with the error
* @note The handler should return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the error through the
* filter, or PLUGIN_HANDLED to block the error from displaying.
* @param handler Callback function
* @error If an invalid callback is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_error_filter(const handler[]);
* Gets a trace handle for the item at the top of the traced call stack.
* Returns 0 if no debugging information is available.
* Returns a trace handle for the item at the top of the traced call stack.
* @note Intended for use inside an error handler set with set_error_filter().
* @return Trace handle, 0 if no debugging information is available
native dbg_trace_begin();
* Gets the next item in a traced call stack. Returns 0 if no more traces exist.
* Returns the next item in a traced call stack.
* @param trace Trace handle
* @return New trace handle, 0 if no more traces exist
native dbg_trace_next(trace);
* Gets the call stack info for a trace.
* Retrieves the call stack info for a trace.
* @param trace Trace handle
* @param line Variable to set line at which plugin failed to
* @param function Buffer to copy function to
* @param maxLength1 Maximum function buffer size
* @param file Buffer to copy filename to
* @param maxLength2 Maximum filename buffer size
* @return 1 on success, 0 if no trace data is available
native dbg_trace_info(trace, &line, function[], maxLength1, file[], maxLength2);
* Gets the formatted error string, which looks like "Run time error X: (description)"
* Retrieves the formatted error string from a trace.
* @note The string format is generally: "Run time error <errno>: <description>"
* @param buffer Buffer to copy error message to
* @param maxLength Maximum buffer size
* @return 1 on success, 0 if no trace data is available
native dbg_fmt_error(buffer[], maxLength);
* The following two natives are useful for creating cross-mod plugins
* where instead of #define flags to compile separate versions, you can
* filter out the natives and modules depending on the current mod.
* Examples of this usage are in plmenu.sma, which filters out the cstrike module.
* Sets a native filter, letting the plugin intercept and handle an
* automatic native requirement.
* @note This has to be used inside the plugin_native() forward, otherwise it
* has no effect.
* @note This is useful for creating plugins that can dynamically decide which
* modules or features to use at runtime, often necessary for cross-mod
* plugins. It allows to deploy a single version of the plugin instead
* of compiling multiple versions for each use-case.
* @note The handler will be called in the following manner:
* public native_filter(const native[], index, trap)
* native - Native name
* index - Native index
* trap - 0 if native couldn't be found, 1 if native use was attempted
* Sets a native filter. This must be first set in plugin_natives(), but future calls will
* simply set a new filter.
* This filter will allow your plugin to load even if its modules aren't loaded. For example,
* if Fun isn't loaded and you use set_user_frags, your plugin will still load. However, if you
* attempt to call this native, your filter will intercept it with these parameters:
* public function native_filter(const native[], index, trap)
* native - name of native
* index - index of native
* trap - 0 if native couldn't be found, 1 if native use was attempted
* If you return PLUGIN_HANDLED, no error is thrown. If you return PLUGIN_CONTINUE,
* your plugin will have a run-time-error. To print your own error, or change the default,
* you can return PLUGIN_HANDLED or return PLUGIN_CONTINUE and use set_error_filter.
* If you return PLUGIN_CONTINUE when trap is 0, the plugin will ABORT AND FAIL TO LOAD!
* When trap is 0, it is unsafe to use natives that modify the server or use other plugins.
* @note The handler should return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the error through the
* filter (which will throw a run-time error), or return PLUGIN_HANDLED
* to continue operation.
* @note Returning PLUGIN_CONTINUE if trap is 0 will result in the plugin
* failing to load!
native set_native_filter(const handler[]);
* This function sets a module/library filter. It will let you intercept the automatic requirement
* of a module and return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to fail load or PLUGIN_HANDLED to imply that load
* can continue even without the module.
* Sets a module/library filter, letting the plugin intercept and handle an
* automatic module requirement.
* This is the most unforgiving of the filter functions. You can ONLY call it during plugin_natives,
* and any error that occurs is not filtered -- instead your plugin will fail to load as if you
* @note This has to be used inside the plugin_native() forward, otherwise it
* has no effect.
* @note This is useful for creating plugins that can dynamically decide which
* modules or features to use at runtime, often necessary for cross-mod
* plugins. It allows to deploy a single version of the plugin instead
* of compiling multiple versions for each use-case.
* @note For a list of possible libtypes see the LibType enum in
* @note The handler will be called in the following manner:
* Your handler will be called with this prototype:
* public module_filter(const library[], LibType:type)
* public module_filter(const library[], LibType:type);
* library - library or class name of the module that is required
* libtype - The type of requirement being checked (library/module or class).
* library - Shortname of library or class that is required
* libtrype - Type of requirement being checked (library/module or class)
* @note The handler should return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the error through the
* filter (which will result in the plugin failing to load), or
* PLUGIN_HANDLED to imply that load can continue without the module.
* @note Errors occuring inside the handler will not be filtered and cause the
* plugin to fail load as if the handler returned PLUGIN_CONTINUE.
* set_module_filter() returns 0 on success (unlike most natives).
* @return 0 on success, -1 if filtering is not available, -2 if handler
* could not be found.
native set_module_filter(const handler[]);
@ -2603,7 +3015,7 @@ native next_hudchannel(player);
* Creates a HUD synchronization object.
* @note Create one of these for each section of the screen that contains
* overlapping HUD messages. For example, if you use both sides of the
* overlapping HUD messages. For example, if using both sides of the
* screen to display three messages that could potentially overlap,
* each side is considered a synchronizable area. You can then use
* ShowSyncHudMsg() to correctly synchronize displaying the HUD message
@ -2622,7 +3034,7 @@ native CreateHudSyncObj(num=0, ...);
* Displays a synchronized HUD message.
* @note This will check that your HUD object has its previous display on the
* @note This will check that the HUD object has its previous display on the
* screen cleared before it proceeds to write another message. It will
* only do this in the case of that channel not having been cleared
* already.
@ -2804,7 +3216,7 @@ native DestroyForward(forward_handle);
* Returns the cvar pointer of the specified cvar.
* @note A pointer is also returned by register_cvar(). You can (and should)
* @note A pointer is also returned by register_cvar(). Plugins can (and should)
* retrieve and use pointers for already existing mod cvars.
* @param cvar Cvar name to find
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