2022-05-22 04:15:26 +00:00

1.0 KiB

how to install:


sudo pacman -S nodejs npm ffmpeg yt-dlp ffmpegthumbnailer postgresql python python-pip imagemagick git mime-types


sudo -u postgres initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
 #(if it fails: sudo localectl set-locale en_US.UTF-8)
sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql
 #(if you're retarded or lazy, append postgresql and postgresql-libs to your ignorepkg)
sudo -u postgres createuser -S -D -R -e f0ck
sudo -u postgres createdb f0ck -O f0ck

install f0ck

sudo useradd f0ck -m
sudo -iu f0ck
cd ~
git clone https://git.lat/f0ck/f0ckv2.git
cd f0ckv2
 #(for developers: git checkout dev)
npm i
psql f0ck < f0ck.sql
mkdir -p public/ca deleted/{ca,b,t}
cp config_example.json config.json
  - edit config.json
  - set up clients, as described here: https://git.lat/keinBot/cuffeo
pip install nsfw_detector
 #if this fails make sure to have enough dedicated ram or swap space, alternatively try with pip install nsfw_detector --no-cache-dir
npm start