add already implemented trigger

jkhsjdhjs 2017-05-26 18:31:27 +00:00
parent 3c99cd4991
commit 753817ceb9


@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
* [x] .btc - prints current btc value
* [x] .finger - does a FINGER ctcp
* [x] .gay - colors text in rainbow colors
* [x] .hack - prints "hacking..."
* [x] .help - lists all available commands
* [x] .jn - returns yes or no for a given question
* [x] .kiss - kisses a user
* [x] .mcmaniac - shows McManiaC memes or adds a new one
* [x] .ping - pings a user and prints time
* [x] .q - print a quote of a user or adds one
* [x] .rainbow - same as .gay
* [x] .storyofpomfface - ....
* [x] .tell - stores a message for a user and sends it to him when he writes a message in any channel (shows activity)
* [x] .time - does a ctcp TIME on a user and prints the returned time
* [x] .timer - sets a timer for a specified amount of time and a name
* [x] .uptime - prints bot uptime
* [x] .ver - does a ctcp VERSION on a user and prints the returned version information
* [ ] Bier Trigger nxy schenkt ein kühles blondes an $nick aus
* [ ] Fucken Trigger nxy fuckt $nick und tötet $nick anschließend.