206 lines
5.8 KiB
206 lines
5.8 KiB
import https from "https";
import url from "url";
import EventEmitter from "events";
import fetch from "flumm-fetch-cookies";
export default class slack extends EventEmitter {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.token = options.token || null;
this.set = this.options.set || "all";
this.network = "Slack";
this.api = "https://slack.com/api";
this.socket = null;
this.server = {
set: this.set,
channel: new Map(),
user: new Map(),
wss: {
url: null,
socket: null
me: {}
return (async () => {
await this.connect();
return this;
async connect() {
const res = await (await fetch(`${this.api}/rtm.start?token=${this.token}`)).json();
res.channels.forEach(channel => this.server.channel.set(channel.id, channel.name));
res.users.forEach(user => this.server.user.set(user.id, {
account: user.name,
nickname: user.real_name
if (!res.ok)
return this.emit("data", [ "error", res.description ]); // more infos
this.server.wss.url = url.parse(res.url);
hostname: this.server.wss.url.host,
path: this.server.wss.url.path,
port: 443,
headers: {
"Upgrade": "websocket",
"Connection": "Upgrade",
"Sec-WebSocket-Version": 13,
"Sec-WebSocket-Key": new Buffer.from(Array(16).fill().map(e => Math.round(Math.random() * 0xFF))).toString("base64")
}).on("upgrade", (_, sock) => {
this.server.wss.socket = sock;
setInterval(async () => await this.ping(), 3e4); // 30 seconds lul
this.server.wss.socket.on("data", async data => {
try {
if(data.length < 2)
throw "payload too short";
if(data[1] & 0x80)
throw "we no accept masked data";
let offset = 2;
let length = data[1] & 0x7F;
if(length === 126) {
offset = 4;
length = data.readUInt16BE(2);
else if(length === 127)
throw "payload too long";
if(data.length < length + offset)
throw "payload shorter than given length";
//console.log(data, offset, length);
data = JSON.parse(data.slice(offset, length + offset).toString().replace(/\0+$/, "")); // trim null bytes at the end
//console.log(data, data.type);
if(data.type !== "message")
return false;
await Promise.all([this.getChannel(data.channel), this.getUser(data.user)]);
return this.emit("data", [ "message", this.reply(data) ]);
catch(err) {
this.emit("data", [ "error", err ]);
.on("end", () => {
this.emit("data", [ "debug", "stream ended" ]);
.on("error", err => {
this.emit("data", [ "error", err ]);
reconnect() {
this.server.wss.url = null;
this.server.wss.socket = null;
async getChannel(channelId) {
return this.server.channel.get(channelId);
const res = await (await fetch(`${this.api}/conversations.info?channel=${channelId}&token=${this.token}`)).json();
this.server.channel.set(channelId, res.channel.name);
return res.channel.name;
async getUser(userId) {
return this.server.user.get(userId);
const res = await (await fetch(`${this.api}/users.info?user=${userId}&token=${this.token}`)).json();
this.server.user.set(userId, {
account: res.user.name,
nickname: res.user.real_name
async send(channel, text) {
await this.write({
type: "message",
channel: channel,
text: this.format(text)
async ping() {
await this.write({
type: "ping"
async write(json) {
const msg = JSON.stringify(json);
const payload = Buffer.from(msg);
if(payload.length > 2 ** 14) // 16KB limit
throw this.emit("data", [ "error", "message too long, slack limit reached" ]);
let frame_length = 6;
let frame_payload_length = payload.length;
if(payload.length > 125) {
frame_length += 2;
frame_payload_length = 126;
const frame = Buffer.alloc(frame_length);
// set mask bit but leave mask key empty (= 0), so we don't have to mask the message
frame.writeUInt16BE(0x8180 | frame_payload_length);
if(frame_length > 6)
frame.writeUInt16BE(payload.length, 2);
reply(tmp) {
return {
type: "slack",
network: "Slack",
channel: this.server.channel.get(tmp.channel), // get channelname
channelid: tmp.channel,
user: {
prefix: `${tmp.user}!${this.server.user.get(tmp.user).account}`, // get username
nick: this.server.user.get(tmp.user).nickname, // get username
username: this.server.user.get(tmp.user).nickname, // get username
account: this.server.user.get(tmp.user).account
self: this.server,
message: tmp.text,
time: ~~(Date.now() / 1000),
raw: tmp,
reply: msg => this.send(tmp.channel, msg),
replyAction: msg => this.send(tmp.channel, `[i]${msg}[/i]`),
replyNotice: msg => this.send(tmp.channel, msg)
format(msg) {
return msg.toString()
.replace(/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/g, "*$1*") // bold
.replace(/\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]/g, "~$1~") // strike
.replace(/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/g, "_$1_") // italic
.replace(/\[color=(.*?)](.*?)\[\/color\]/g, "$2")