Creating new CookieJar instance while passing array of Cookies as third argument causes typeError
`new CookieJar('', 'r', cookies)`
```(node:29588) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
at CookieJar.addCookie (\node_modules\node-fetch-cookies\src\cookie-jar.mjs:44:26)
at \node_modules\node-fetch-cookies\src\cookie-jar.mjs:15:44
at CoreMongooseArray.forEach (<anonymous>)
at new CookieJar (\node_modules\node-fetch-cookies\src\cookie-jar.mjs:15:21)```
use fsPromises API instead of the synchronous one
move cookie loading to seperate async CookieJar.load() function
make cookie saving async (
add helper function for creating type errors to error.mjs
move CookieParseError to error.mjs
change readme according to changes
bump minor version to 1.3.0
this version requires at least nodejs 11.14.0
catch CookieParseErrors when adding to jar, log a warning
add option to delete session cookies to CookieJar.deleteExpired()
cookie path may be uri encoded. decode it when comparing
check cookie domain attribute validity when parsing
minor version bump