276 lines
12 KiB
276 lines
12 KiB
Title="Fan Control"
/* Copyright 2014, Lime Technology
* Copyright 2014, Bergware International.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
if ($name == "") {
/* default values when adding new share */
$share = array("nameOrig" => "",
"name" => "",
"comment" => "",
"allocator" => "highwater",
"floor" => "",
"splitLevel" => "",
"include" => "",
"exclude" => "",
"useCache" => "no");
} else if (array_key_exists($name, $shares)) {
/* edit existing share */
$share = $shares[$name];
} else {
/* handle share deleted case */
echo "<p class='notice'>Share $name has been deleted.</p><input type='button' value='OK' onclick='done()'>";
/* check for empty share */
function shareEmpty($name) {
return (($files = @scandir('/mnt/user/'.$name)) && (count($files) <= 2));
if ($var['shareUserInclude']) {
$myDisks = explode(',',$var['shareUserInclude']);
} else {
$myDisks = array();
foreach ($disks as $disk) $myDisks[] = $disk['name'];
if ($var['shareUserExclude']) {
$exclude = explode(',',$var['shareUserExclude']);
foreach ($exclude as $disk) {
$index = array_search($disk,$myDisks);
if ($index !== false) array_splice($myDisks,$index,1);
> A *Share*, also called a *User Share*, is simply the name of a top-level directory that exists on one or more of your
> storage devices (array and cache). Each share can be exported for network access. When browsing a share, we return the
> composite view of all files and subdirectories for which that top-level directory exists on each storage device.
$(function() {
$("#s1").dropdownchecklist({emptyText:'All', width:300, explicitClose:'...close'});
$("#s2").dropdownchecklist({emptyText:'None', width:300, explicitClose:'...close'});
function prepareShareEdit() {
$("#s1").dropdownchecklist({emptyText:'All', width:300, explicitClose:'...close'});
$("#s2").dropdownchecklist({emptyText:'None', width:300, explicitClose:'...close'});
function setDiskList(cache) {
var onOff = cache=='only' ? 'disable' : 'enable';
function presetSpace(shareFloor) {
var unit = ['KB','MB','GB','TB','PB'];
var scale = shareFloor.value;
if (scale.replace(/[0-9.,\s]/g,'').length>0) return;
var base = scale>0 ? Math.floor(Math.log(scale)/Math.log(1000)) : 0;
if (base>=unit.length) base = unit.length-1;
shareFloor.value = (scale/Math.pow(1000, base))+unit[base];
// Compose input fields
function prepareEdit(form) {
// Test share name validity
var share = form.shareName.value;
if (!share) {
alert('Please enter a share name');
return false;
if (share.match('^disk[0-9]+$')) {
alert('Invalid share name specified\nDo not use reserved names.');
return false;
// Adjust minimum free space value to selected unit
var unit = 'KB,MB,GB,TB,PB';
var scale = form.shareFloor.value;
var index = unit.indexOf(scale.replace(/[0-9.,\s]/g,'').toUpperCase());
form.shareFloor.value = scale.replace(/[A-Z\s]/gi,'') * Math.pow(1000, (index>0 ? index/3 : 0))
// Return include as single line input
var include = '';
for (var i=0,item; item=form.shareInclude.options[i]; i++) {
if (item.selected) {
if (include.length) include += ',';
include += item.value;
item.selected = false;
item = form.shareInclude.options[0];
item.value = include;
item.selected = true;
// Return exclude as single line input
var exclude = '';
for (var i=0,item; item=form.shareExclude.options[i]; i++) {
if (item.selected) {
if (exclude.length) exclude += ',';
exclude += item.value;
item.selected = false;
item = form.shareExclude.options[0];
item.value = exclude;
item.selected = true;
return true;
<form markdown="1" name="share_edit" method="POST" action="/update.htm" target="progressFrame" onsubmit="return prepareEdit(this)">
<input type="hidden" name="shareNameOrig" value="<?=$share['nameOrig']?>">
: <input type="text" name="shareName" maxlength="40" value="<?=$share['name']?>">
> The share name can be up to 40 characters, and is case-sensitive. While almost all characters can be used,
> make your life easier and avoid special characters such as apostrophes and quotes.
: <input type="text" name="shareComment" maxlength="256" value="<?=$share['comment']?>">
> Anything you like, up to 256 characters.
Allocation method:
: <select name="shareAllocator" size="1">
<?=mk_option($share['allocator'], "highwater", "High-water")?>
<?=mk_option($share['allocator'], "fillup", "Fill-up")?>
<?=mk_option($share['allocator'], "mostfree", "Most-free")?>
> This setting determines how unRAID OS will choose which disk to use when creating a new file or directory:
> **High-water**
> Choose the lowest numbered disk with free space still above the current *high water mark*. The
> *high water mark* is initialized with the size of the largest data disk divided by 2. If no disk
> has free space above the current *high water mark*, divide the *high water mark* by 2 and choose again.
> The goal of **High-water** is to write as much data as possible to each disk (in order to minimize
> how often disks need to be spun up), while at the same time, try to keep the same amount of free space on
> each disk (in order to distribute data evenly across the array).
> **Fill-up**
> Choose the lowest numbered disk that still has free space above the current **Minimum free space**
> setting.
> **Most-free**
> Choose the disk that currently has the most free space.
Minimum free space:
: <input type="text" name="shareFloor" maxlength="16" value="<?=$share['floor']?>">
> The *minimum free space* available to allow writing to any disk belonging to the share.<br>
> Choose a value which is equal or greater than the biggest single file size you intend to copy to the share.
> Include units KB, MB, GB and TB as appropriate, e.g. 10MB.
Split level:
: <select name="shareSplitLevel" size="1" style="width:320px">
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "", "Automatically split any directory as required")?>
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "1", "Automatically split only the top level directory as required")?>
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "2", "Automatically split only the top two directory levels as required")?>
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "3", "Automatically split only the top three directory levels as required")?>
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "4", "Automatically split only the top four directory levels as required")?>
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "5", "Automatically split only the top five directory levels as required")?>
<?=mk_option($share['splitLevel'], "0", "Manual: do not automatically split directories")?>
> Determines whether a directory is allowed to expand onto multiple disks.
> **Automatically split any directory as required**
> When a new file or subdirectory needs to be created in a share, unRAID OS first chooses which disk
> it should be created on, according to the configured *Allocation method*. If the parent directory containing
> the new file or or subdiretory does not exist on this disk, then unRAID OS will first create all necessary
> parent directories, and then create the new file or subdirectory.
> **Automatically split only the top level directory as required**
> When a new file or subdirectory is being created in the first level subdirectory of a share, if that first
> level subdirectory does not exist on the disk being written, then the subdirectory will be created first.
> If a new file or subdirectory is being created in the second or lower level subdirectory of a share, the new
> file or subdirectory is created on the same disk as the new file or subdirectorys parent directory.
> **Automatically split only the top "N" level directories as required**
> Similar to previous: when a new file or subdirectory is being created, if the parent directory is at level "N",
> and does not exist on the chosen disk, unRAID OS will first create all necessary parent directories. If the
> parent directory of the new file or subdirectory is beyond level "N", then the new file or subdirectory is
> created on the same disk where the parent directory exists.
> **Manual: do not automatically split directories**
> When a new file or subdirectory needs to be created in a share, unRAID OS will only condider disks where the
> parent directory already exists.
Included disk(s):
: <select id="s12" name="shareInclude" size="1" multiple="multiple" >
<?foreach ($myDisks as $disk):?>
<?=mk_option_check($disk, $share['include'])?>
> Specify the disks which can be used by the share. By default all disks are included; that is, if specific
> disks are not selected here, then the share may expand into *all* array disks.
Excluded disk(s):
: <select id="s22" name="shareExclude" size="1" multiple="multiple" >
<?foreach ($myDisks as $disk):?>
<?=mk_option_check($disk, $share['exclude'])?>
> Specify the disks which can *not* be used by the share. By default no disks are excluded.
<?if ($var['cacheActive']=="yes"):?>
Use cache disk:
: <select name="shareUseCache" size="1" onchange="setDiskList(this.value)">
<?=mk_option($share['useCache'], "no", "No")?>
<?=mk_option($share['useCache'], "yes", "Yes")?>
<?=mk_option($share['useCache'], "only", "Only")?>
> Specify whether new files and subdirectories written on the share can be written onto the Cache disk/pool.
> **No** prohibits new files and subdirectories from being written onto the Cache disk/pool.
> **Yes** indicates that all new files and subdirectories should be written to the Cache disk/pool, provided
> enough free space exists on the Cache disk/pool. If there is insufficant space on the Cache disk/pool, then
> new files and directories are created on the array. When the *mover* is invoked, files and subdirectories are
> transfered off the Cache disk/pool and onto the array.
> **Only** indicates that all new files and subdirectories must be writen to the Cache disk/pool. If there
> is insufficient free space on the Cache disk/pool, *create* operations will fail with *out of space* status.
<?if ($share['name'] == ""):?>
<input type="reset" value="Reset" onclick="setTimeout(prepareShareEdit,0)">
: <input type="submit" name="cmdEditShare" value="Add Share"><input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="done()">
<?elseif (shareEmpty($share['name'])):?>
Share empty?
: Yes
Delete<input type="checkbox" name="confirmDelete" onchange="chkDelete(this.form, this.form.cmdEditShare);">
: <input type="submit" name="cmdEditShare" value="Apply"><input type="button" value="Done" onclick="done()">
Share empty?
: No
<input type="reset" value="Reset" onclick="setTimeout(prepareShareEdit,0)">
: <input type="submit" name="cmdEditShare" value="Apply"><input type="button" value="Done" onclick="done()">