47 lines
2.1 KiB
47 lines
2.1 KiB
require_once '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/include/NerdPackHelpers.php';
require_once '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/include/DownloadHelpers.php';
// Only download repo update if the current one is 1 hour old or more
if (!is_file($repo_file) || !empty($_GET['force']) || (filemtime($repo_file) < (time() - 3600))) {
get_content_from_github($pkg_repo, $repo_file);
get_content_from_github($pkg_desc, $desc_file);
$pkgs_array = [];
foreach ($pkgs_github_array as $pkg_github) {
$pkg_nameArray = explode('-', $pkg_github['name']); // split package name into array
$pkg_name = $pkg_nameArray[0];
if (sizeof($pkg_nameArray) > 4) { //if package name has a subset get it
for ($ii = 1; $ii < sizeof($pkg_nameArray)-3; $ii++) {
$pkg_name .= '-'.$pkg_nameArray[$ii];
$pkg_version = $pkg_nameArray[sizeof($pkg_nameArray) - 3]; // get package version
$pkg_nver = $pkg_name.'-'.str_replace('.', '_', $pkg_version); // add underscored version to package name
$pkg_pattern = '/^'.$pkg_name.'.*/'; // search patter for packages
$pkg = [
'name' => $pkg_github['name'], // add full package name
'pkgname' => $pkg_name, // add package name only
'pkgnver' => $pkg_nver, // add package name with underscored version
'pkgversion' => $pkg_version, // add package name with raw version
'size' => format_size($pkg_github['size'], 1, '?'), // add package size
'installed' => preg_grep($pkg_pattern, $pkgs_installed) ? 'yes' : 'no', // checks if package name is installed
'installeq' => in_array(pathinfo($pkg_github['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME), $pkgs_installed) ? 'yes' : 'no', // checks if package is installed equals github exactly
'downloaded' => preg_grep($pkg_pattern, $pkgs_downloaded) ? 'yes' : 'no', // checks if package name is downloaded
'downloadeq' => in_array($pkg_github['name'], $pkgs_downloaded) ? 'yes' : 'no', // checks if package is downloaded equals github exactly
'config' => isset($pkg_cfg[$pkg_nver]) ? $pkg_cfg[$pkg_nver] : 'no', // checks config for install preference
'desc' => $pkgs_desc_array[$pkg_name]
$pkgs_array[] = $pkg;
echo json_encode($pkgs_array);