2004-08-05 11:10:21 +00:00
2004-08-21 16:55:39 +00:00
PAUSE_COULDNT_FIND = Couldn't find a plugin matching "%s"
PAUSE_PLUGIN_MATCH = Plugin matching "%s"
PAUSE_CONF_CLEARED = Configuration file cleared. Reload the map if needed
PAUSE_ALR_CLEARED = Configuration was already cleared!
PAUSE_CONF_SAVED = Configuration saved successfully
PAUSE_SAVE_FAILED = Configuration saving failed!!!
2004-08-05 11:10:21 +00:00
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Pause/Unpause Plugins
CLEAR_STOPPED = Clear file with stopped
SAVE_STOPPED = Save stopped
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Paused %d plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Paused %d plugins
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Unpaused %d plugin
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Unpaused %d plugins
CANT_MARK_MORE = Can't mark more plugins as unpauseable!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pause Plugins: Loaded plugins
STOPPED = stopped
VERSION = version
FILE = file
2004-08-20 20:53:19 +00:00
PAUSE_ENTRIES = Entries %d - %d of %d (%d running)
PAUSE_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_pausecfg list %d' for more
PAUSE_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_pausecfg list 1' for begin
PAUSE_USAGE = Usage: amx_pausecfg <command> [name]
COM_PAUSE_OFF = ^toff - pauses all plugins not in the list
COM_PAUSE_ON = ^ton - unpauses all plugins
COM_PAUSE_STOP = ^tstop <file> - stops a plugin
COM_PAUSE_PAUSE = ^tpause <file> - pauses a plugin
COM_PAUSE_ENABLE = ^tenable <file> - enables a plugin
COM_PAUSE_SAVE = ^tsave - saves a list of stopped plugins
COM_PAUSE_CLEAR = ^tclear - clears a list of stopped plugins
COM_PAUSE_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lists plugins
COM_PAUSE_ADD = ^tadd <title> - marks a plugin as unpauseable
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
COULDNT_FIND = Konnte kein Plugin finden, dass mit "%s" uebereinstimmt
PLUGIN_MATCH = Plugin stimmt mit "%s" ueberein
CONF_CLEARED = Konfigurationsdatei geloescht. Bei Bedarf Map neu starten.
ALR_CLEARED = Konfiguration war bereits geloescht!
CONF_SAVED = Konfiguration erfolgreich gespeichert.
SAVE_FAILED = Fehler beim Speichern der Konfiguration!!!
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Pausiere/Aktiviere Plugins
CLEAR_STOPPED = Loeschen der Datei gestoppt
SAVE_STOPPED = Speichern abgebrochen
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Pausiere %d Plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Pausiere %d Plugins
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = %d Plugin aktiviert
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = %d Plugins aktiviert
CANT_MARK_MORE = Kann keine weiteren Plugins aktivieren!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pausierte Plugins: Plugins geladen
PAUSED = pausiert
UNPAUSED = aktiviert
STOPPED = gestoppt
NAME = Name
VERSION = Version
2004-10-29 04:40:21 +00:00
AUTHOR = Autor
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
FILE = Datei
STATUS = Status
ENTRIES = Eintraege %d - %d von %d (%d laufen)
USE_MORE = Benutze 'amx_pausecfg list %d' fuer mehr
USE_BEGIN = Benutze 'amx_pausecfg list 1' um zum Anfang zu gelangen
USAGE = Benutze: amx_pausecfg <Befehl> [Name]
COMMANDS = Befehle
COM_TOFF = ^toff - pausiert alle Plugins, die nicht aufgelistet sind
COM_TON = ^ton - aktiviere alle Plugins
COM_TSTOP = ^tstop <file> - stoppt ein Plugin
COM_TPAUSE = ^tpause <file> - pausiert ein Plugin
COM_TENABLE = ^tenable <file> - aktiviert ein Plugin
COM_TSAVE = ^tsave - speichert die Liste der gestoppten Plugins
COM_TCLEAR = ^tclear - loescht die Liste der gestoppten Plugins
COM_TLIST = ^tlist [id] - Plugins anzeigen
COM_TADD = ^tadd <title> - markiert ein Plugin als nicht pausierbar
2004-08-17 01:08:56 +00:00
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
COULDNT_FIND = Nije moguce naci plugin koji se poklapa sa "%s"
PLUGIN_MATCH = Poklapajuci Plugin "%s"
CONF_CLEARED = Konfiguracioni fajl ispraznjen. Ucitajte mapu ponovo ukoliko je potrebno
ALR_CLEARED = Konfiguracioni fajl je vec ispraznjen!
CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracija je sacuvana uspesno
SAVE_FAILED = Konfiguracija je sacuvana neuspesno!!!
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Pauziraj/Pokreni Plugin
CLEAR_STOPPED = Ocisti fajl sa stopiranim
SAVE_STOPPED = Sacuvaj stopirane
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Pauziran %d plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Pauzirani %d pluginovi
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Pokrenut %d plugin
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Pokrenuti %d pluginovi
CANT_MARK_MORE = Nije moguce izabrati vise pluginova kao zakljucani!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pauzirani Pluginovi: Ucitani pluginovi
PAUSED = pauziran
UNPAUSED = pokrenut
STOPPED = zaustavljen
NAME = ime
VERSION = verzija
AUTHOR = autor
FILE = fajl
STATUS = status
ENTRIES = Vrednosti %d - %d od %d (%d pokrenutih)
USE_MORE = Koristi 'amx_pausecfg list %d' za jos
USE_BEGIN = Koristi 'amx_pausecfg list 1' za pocetak
USAGE = Koriscenje: amx_pausecfg <komanda> [ime]
COMMANDS = Komande
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
COM_PAUSE_OFF = ^toff - pauzira sve pluginove koji nisu u listi
COM_PAUSE_ON = ^ton - pokrece sve pluginove
COM_PAUSE_STOP = ^tstop <fajl> - zaustavlja plugin
COM_PAUSE_PAUSE = ^tpause <fajl> - pauzira plugin
COM_PAUSE_ENABLE = ^tenable <fajl> - pokrece plugin
COM_PAUSE_SAVE = ^tsave - snima listu zaustavljenih pluginova
COM_PAUSE_CLEAR = ^tclear - prazni listu zaustavljenih pluginova
COM_PAUSE_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lista pluginove
COM_PAUSE_ADD = ^tadd <title> - zakljucava plugin
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
COULDNT_FIND = "%s" Buna benzer bir plugin bulunamadi
PLUGIN_MATCH = "%s" Benzer plugin
CONF_CLEARED = Config dosyasi temizlendi. Gerekliyse mapi tekrar yukleyin
ALR_CLEARED = Config dosyasi zaten temizlenmisdi!
CONF_SAVED = Config dosyasina basari ile saklandi
SAVE_FAILED = Config dosyasina eklenemedi!!!
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Pluginleri Durdur/Baslat
CLEAR_STOPPED = Durdur emiri ile dosyayi temizleyin
SAVE_STOPPED = Durdur emirini saklayin
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Durdurulmus Plugin %d
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Durdurulmus Pluginler %d
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Durdurulmamis Plugin %d
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Durdurulmamis Pluginler %d
CANT_MARK_MORE = Sinir asildi gecici olarak Plugin durdurulamiyor!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pluginleri durdur: Calisan pluginler
PAUSED = Durdurulmus
UNPAUSED = Durdurulmamis
STOPPED = Durduruldu
NAME = isim
VERSION = versiyon
AUTHOR = ureten
FILE = dosya
STATUS = durum
ENTRIES = Girisler %d - %d ve %d (%d calisiyor)
USE_MORE = 'amx_pausecfg list %d' i kullanin daha gormek icin
USE_BEGIN = 'amx_pausecfg list 1' i kullanin baslatmak icin
USAGE = kullanim: amx_pausecfg <emir> [isim]
COMMANDS = Emirler
COM_TOFF = ^toff - listede olmayan butun pluginler gecici olarak durdurur
COM_TON = ^ton - Durdurulmus pluginleri tekrar baslatir
COM_TSTOP = ^tstop <dosya> -bir plugin durdurur
COM_TPAUSE = ^tpause <dosya> - bir plugin durdurur gecici olarak
COM_TENABLE = ^tenable <dosya> - bir plugin baslatir
COM_TSAVE = ^tsave - Durdulmus pluginler uzerine bir liste saklar
COM_TCLEAR = ^tclear - Durdurulmus pluginlerin listesini siler
COM_TLIST = ^tlist [id] - Pluginleri listele
COM_TADD = ^tadd <isim> - Durduralamiyan bir plugin isaretler
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-08-21 16:55:39 +00:00
PAUSE_COULDNT_FIND = Impossible de trouver un plugin correspondant a "%s"
PAUSE_PLUGIN_MATCH = Plugin correspondant "%s"
PAUSE_CONF_CLEARED = Fichier de configuration vide. Relancez la map si besoin
PAUSE_ALR_CLEARED = Le fichier de configuration a deja ete vide!
PAUSE_CONF_SAVED = Configuration sauvegardee
PAUSE_SAVE_FAILED = Sauvegarde de la configuration echouee!!!
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Mettre/Enlever la pause des Plugins
CLEAR_STOPPED = Efface la liste des plugins arretes
SAVE_STOPPED = Sauvegarde des plugins arretes
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Mettre en pause %d plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Mettre en pause %d plugins
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Enlever la pause de %d plugin
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Enlever la pause de %d plugins
CANT_MARK_MORE = Impossible d'ajouter plus de plugins qui ne peuvent etre mis en pause!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pause Plugins: Chargement des plugins
STOPPED = a ete arrete
VERSION = version
FILE = fichier
2004-08-20 20:53:19 +00:00
PAUSE_ENTRIES = Entrees %d - %d sur %d (%d en fonctionnement)
PAUSE_USE_MORE = Utilise 'amx_pausecfg list %d' pour la suite
PAUSE_USE_BEGIN = Utilise 'amx_pausecfg list 1' pour le debut
PAUSE_USAGE = Utilisation: amx_pausecfg <commande> [nom]
COM_PAUSE_OFF = ^toff - met en pause tous les plugins qui ne sont pas dans la liste
COM_PAUSE_ON = ^ton - enleve la pause de tous les plugins
COM_PAUSE_STOP = ^tstop <file> - arrete un plugin
COM_PAUSE_PAUSE = ^tpause <file> - met en pause un plugin
COM_PAUSE_ENABLE = ^tenable <file> - active un plugin
COM_PAUSE_SAVE = ^tsave - sauver la liste des plugins arretes
COM_PAUSE_CLEAR = ^tclear - effacer la liste des plugins arretes
COM_PAUSE_LIST = ^tlist [id] - listes des plugins
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
COM_PAUSE_ADD = ^tadd <title> - marquer un plugin comme impossible a mettre en paus
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-09-19 15:22:50 +00:00
PAUSE_COULDNT_FIND = Kunde inte hitta plugin som matchar "%s"
PAUSE_PLUGIN_MATCH = Plugin som matchar "%s"
PAUSE_CONF_CLEARED = Konfigurationsfil rensad. Ladda kartan igen vid behov
PAUSE_ALR_CLEARED = Konfigurationsfil redan rensad!
PAUSE_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguration sparad
PAUSE_SAVE_FAILED = Konfigurationsfilen kunde inte sparas!!
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Pausa/Starta Plugins
CLEAR_STOPPED = Rensa fil med stoppade
SAVE_STOPPED = Spara stoppade
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Pausade %d plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Pausade %d plugins
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Startade %d plugin
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Startade %d plugins
CANT_MARK_MORE = Kan inte markera mer plugins som icke pausbara!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pausa plugins: Ladda plugins
STOPPED = stoppad
VERSION = version
FILE = fil
PAUSE_ENTRIES = Poster %d - %d av %d (%d e aktiva)
PAUSE_USE_MORE = Skriv 'amx_pausecfg list %d' f'o'r mera
PAUSE_USE_BEGIN = Skriv 'amx_pausecfg list 1' f'o'r b'o'rjan
PAUSE_USAGE = Skriv: amx_pausecfg <kommando> [namn]
COM_PAUSE_OFF = ^toff - pausar alla plugins i listan
COM_PAUSE_ON = ^ton - startar alla plugins i listan
COM_PAUSE_STOP = ^tstop <file> - stoppar en plugin
COM_PAUSE_PAUSE = ^tpaus <file> - pausar en plugin
COM_PAUSE_ENABLE = ^tstart <file> - startar en plugin
COM_PAUSE_SAVE = ^tsave - sparar lista av stoppade plugins
COM_PAUSE_CLEAR = ^tclear - rensar lista av stoppade plugins
COM_PAUSE_LIST = ^tlist [id] - listar plugins
COM_PAUSE_ADD = ^tadd <titel> - markerar ett plugin som icke pausbar
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
COULDNT_FIND = Kunne ikke finde et plugin der matcher til "%s"
PLUGIN_MATCH = Plugin matcher "%s"
CONF_CLEARED = Konfigurationsfil ryddet. Genindlaes banen, hvis noedvendigt
ALR_CLEARED = Konfiguration var allerede ryddet!
CONF_SAVED = Konfiguration gemt
SAVE_FAILED = Gem Konfiguration mislykkedes!!!
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Pause/Unpause Plugins
CLEAR_STOPPED = Ryd fil med stoppede
SAVE_STOPPED = Gem stoppede
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Paused %d plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Paused %d plugins
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Upaused %d plugin
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Upaused %d plugins
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
CANT_MARK_MORE = Kan ikke markere flere plugins som upauserbare!
PAUSE_LOADED = Pause Plugins: Indlaeste plugins
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
STOPPED = stopped
VERSION = version
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
FILE = fil
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
PAUSE_ENTRIES = Indskrivninger %d - %d af %d (%d koerer)
PAUSE_USE_MORE = Brug 'amx_pausecfg list %d' for mere
PAUSE_USE_BEGIN = Brug 'amx_pausecfg list 1' for at begynde
PAUSE_USAGE = Brug: amx_pausecfg <kommando> [name]
COM_PAUSE_OFF = ^toff - pauser alle plugins ikke paa listen
COM_PAUSE_ON = ^ton - upause alle plugins
COM_PAUSE_STOP = ^tstop <file> - stopper et plugin
COM_PAUSE_PAUSE = ^tpause <file> - pauser et plugin
COM_PAUSE_ENABLE = ^tenable <file> - starter a plugin
COM_PAUSE_SAVE = ^tsave - Gemmer en liste af stoppede plugins
COM_PAUSE_CLEAR = ^tclear - Rydder en liste med stoppede plugins
COM_PAUSE_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lister plugins
COM_PAUSE_ADD = ^tadd <title> - Markerer et plugin som upauserbart
PAUSE_COULDNT_FIND = Nie mozna znalesc pluginu "%s"
PAUSE_PLUGIN_MATCH = Plugin pasujacy "%s"
PAUSE_CONF_CLEARED = Plik konfiguracji wyczyszczony. Przeladuj mape jezeli potrzeba
PAUSE_ALR_CLEARED = Konfiguracja juz zostala wyczyszczona !
PAUSE_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracja zapisana
PAUSE_SAVE_FAILED = Konfiguracji nie udalo sie zapisac !!
PAUSE_UNPAUSE = Zatrzymaj/Wznow Plugin
CLEAR_STOPPED = Wyczysc plik z zatrzymaniem
SAVE_STOPPED = Zapisywanie zatrzymane
PAUSED_PLUGIN = Zatrzymano %d plugin
PAUSED_PLUGINS = Zatrzymano %d pluginy
UNPAUSED_PLUGIN = Wznowiono %d plugin
UNPAUSED_PLUGINS = Wznowiono %d pluginy
CANT_MARK_MORE = Nie mozna zaznaczyc wiecej pluginow jako wznawialnych!
PAUSE_LOADED = Zatrzymaj pluginy: Zaladowane pluginy
STOPPED = wylaczono
VERSION = wersja
FILE = plik
PAUSE_ENTRIES = Wpisy %d - %d z %d (%d uruchomionych)
PAUSE_USE_MORE = Uzyj 'amx_pausecfg list %d' po wiecej
PAUSE_USE_BEGIN = Uzyj 'amx_pausecfg list 1' do poczatku
PAUSE_USAGE = Uzycie: amx_pausecfg <komenda> [nazwa]
COM_PAUSE_OFF = ^toff - zatrzymal wszystkie pluginy nie w liscie
COM_PAUSE_ON = ^ton - wznowil wszystkie pluginy
COM_PAUSE_STOP = ^tstop <file> - wylaczyl plugin
COM_PAUSE_PAUSE = ^tpause <file> - zatrzymuje plugin
COM_PAUSE_ENABLE = ^tenable <file> - wlacza plugin
COM_PAUSE_SAVE = ^tsave - zapisuje liste wylaczonych pluginow
COM_PAUSE_CLEAR = ^tclear - czysci liste wylaczonych pluginow
COM_PAUSE_LIST = ^tlist [id] - wyswietla liste pluginow
COM_PAUSE_ADD = ^tadd <title> - oznacza plugin jako niepauzowalny