updated header | readded double include prevention
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
/* Vexd Utility backwards compatibility
* (c) 2004, the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _Vexd_Utilities_included
#define _Vexd_Utilities_included
#include <engine>
stock Entvars_Get_Int(iIndex, iVariable)
@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
/* AMX Mod X
/* AMX Mod X constants
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _amxconst_included
#define _amxconst_included
#define AMX_VERSION 0.1
new AMX_VERSION_STR[] = "0.1"
/* Uncomment if you are not using Steam */
//#define NO_STEAM
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
/* AMX Mod X misc.
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _amxmisc_included
#define _amxmisc_included
stock cmd_access(id,level,cid,num) {
if ( ((get_user_flags(id)&level)!=level) && (id!=(is_dedicated_server()?0:1)) ) {
console_print(id,"You have no access to that command")
@ -24,10 +29,10 @@ stock access(id,level)
return (get_user_flags(id) & level)
/* Flags:
* 1 - obey immunity
* 2 - allow yourself
* 4 - must be alive
* 8 - can't be bot */
* 1 - obey immunity
* 2 - allow yourself
* 4 - must be alive
* 8 - can't be bot */
stock cmd_target(id,const arg[],flags = 1) {
new player = find_player("bl",arg)
if (player) {
@ -1,24 +1,30 @@
/* AMX Mod X functions
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _amxmod_included
#define _amxmod_included
#include <core>
#include <float>
#include <amxconst>
#include <string>
#include <file>
#include <vault>
#include <fun>
/* Function is called just after server activation.
* Good place for configuration loading, commands and cvars registration. */
* Good place for configuration loading, commands and cvars registration. */
forward plugin_init();
/* Function is called when all plugin_init from plugins
* were called, so all commmands and cvars should be already registered. */
* were called, so all commmands and cvars should be already registered. */
forward plugin_cfg();
/* Function called before plugin unloading (server deactivation) */
@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ forward client_infochanged(id);
forward client_connect(id);
/* Called when client gets valid STEAM id (usually
* between client_connect() and client_putinserver()). */
* between client_connect() and client_putinserver()). */
forward client_authorized(id);
/* Called when client is disconnecting from server. */
@ -53,7 +59,7 @@ forward client_putinserver(id);
native register_plugin(const plugin_name[],const version[],const author[]);
/* Gets info about plugin by given index.
* Function returns -1 if plugin doesn't exist with given index. */
* Function returns -1 if plugin doesn't exist with given index. */
native get_plugin(index,filename[],len1,name[],len2,version[],len3,author[],len4,status[],len5);
/* Returns number of all loaded plugins. */
@ -78,8 +84,8 @@ native set_localinfo(const info[],const value[]);
native get_localinfo(const info[],output[],len);
/* Shows text in MOTD window. When there is no header, the MOTD title
* will be the name of server. If message is filename, then a contents
* of this file will be displayed as MOTD. */
* will be the name of server. If message is filename, then a contents
* of this file will be displayed as MOTD. */
native show_motd(player,const message[],const header[]="");
/* Sends message to player. Set index to 0 to send text globaly. */
@ -95,27 +101,27 @@ native console_print(id,const message[],{Float,_}:...);
native console_cmd(id,const cmd[],{Float,_}:...);
/* Registers event on which a given function will be called
* Flags:
* "a" - global event.
* "b" - specified.
* "c" - send only once when repeated to other players.
* "d" - call if is send to dead player.
* "e" - to alive.
* Examples for conditions:
* "2=c4" - 2nd parameter of message must be sting "c4".
* "3>10" - 3rd parameter must be greater then 10.
* "3!4" - 3rd must be different from 4.
* "2&Buy" - 2nd parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring.
* "2!Buy" - 2nd parameter of message can't contain "Buy" substring. */
* Flags:
* "a" - global event.
* "b" - specified.
* "c" - send only once when repeated to other players.
* "d" - call if is send to dead player.
* "e" - to alive.
* Examples for conditions:
* "2=c4" - 2nd parameter of message must be sting "c4".
* "3>10" - 3rd parameter must be greater then 10.
* "3!4" - 3rd must be different from 4.
* "2&Buy" - 2nd parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring.
* "2!Buy" - 2nd parameter of message can't contain "Buy" substring. */
native register_event(const event[],const function[],const flags[],cond[]="", ... );
/* Registers log event on which the given function will be called
* Examples for conditions:
* "0=World triggered" "1=Game_Commencing"
* "1=say"
* "3=Terrorists_Win"
* "1=entered the game"
* "0=Server cvar" */
* Examples for conditions:
* "0=World triggered" "1=Game_Commencing"
* "1=say"
* "3=Terrorists_Win"
* "1=entered the game"
* "0=Server cvar" */
native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ... );
/* Sets format for hudmessage. */
@ -128,9 +134,9 @@ native show_hudmessage(index,const message[],{Float,_}:...);
native show_menu(index,keys,const menu[], time = -1);
/* Gets value from client messages.
* When you are asking for string the array and length is needed (read_data(2,name,len)).
* Integer is returned by function (new me = read_data(3)).
* Float is set in second parameter (read_data(3,value)). */
* When you are asking for string the array and length is needed (read_data(2,name,len)).
* Integer is returned by function (new me = read_data(3)).
* Float is set in second parameter (read_data(3,value)). */
native read_data(value, {Float,_}:... );
/* Returns number of values in client message. */
@ -140,18 +146,18 @@ native read_datanum();
native read_logdata(output[],len);
/* Returns number of log arguments.
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
native read_logargc();
/* Gets log argument indexed from 0.
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
native read_logargv(id,output[],len);
/* Parse log data about user ( "Butcher<5><BOT><TERRORIST>" etc. ). */
native parse_loguser(const text[], name[], nlen, &userid = -2, authid[] = "", alen = 0, team[]="", tlen=0);
/* Prints message to server console.
* You may use text formating (f.e. server_print("%-32s %.2f!","hello",7.345)) */
* You may use text formating (f.e. server_print("%-32s %.2f!","hello",7.345)) */
native server_print(const message[], {Float,_}:...);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
@ -179,13 +185,13 @@ native is_dedicated_server();
native is_linux_server();
/* If player is not attacked function returns 0, in other
* case returns index of attacking player. On second and third
* parameter you may get info about weapon and body hit place. */
* case returns index of attacking player. On second and third
* parameter you may get info about weapon and body hit place. */
native get_user_attacker(index,...);
/* If player doesn't hit at anything function returns 0.0,
* in other case the distance between hit point and player is returned.
* If player is aiming at another player then the id and part of body are set. */
* in other case the distance between hit point and player is returned.
* If player is aiming at another player then the id and part of body are set. */
native Float:get_user_aiming(index,&id,&body,dist=9999);
/* Returns player frags. */
@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ native get_user_index(const name[]);
native get_user_ip(index,ip[],len, without_port = 0);
/* Returns id of currently carried weapon. Gets also
* ammount of ammo in clip and backpack. */
* ammount of ammo in clip and backpack. */
native get_user_weapon(index,&clip,&ammo);
/* Gets ammo and clip from current weapon. */
@ -217,27 +223,27 @@ native get_user_ammo(index,weapon,&clip,&ammo);
native num_to_word(num,output[],len);
/* Returns team id. When length is greater then 0
* then a name of team is set. */
* then a name of team is set. */
native get_user_team(index, team[]="", len = 0);
/* Returns player playing time in seconds.
* If flag is set then result is without connection time. */
* If flag is set then result is without connection time. */
native get_user_time(index, flag = 0);
/* Gets ping and loss at current time. */
native get_user_ping(index, &ping, &loss);
/* Gets origin from player.
* Modes:
* 0 - current position.
* 1 - position from eyes (weapon aiming).
* 2 - end position from player position.
* 3 - end position from eyes (hit point for weapon).
* 4 - position of last bullet hit (only CS). */
* Modes:
* 0 - current position.
* 1 - position from eyes (weapon aiming).
* 2 - end position from player position.
* 3 - end position from eyes (hit point for weapon).
* 4 - position of last bullet hit (only CS). */
native get_user_origin(index, origin[3], mode = 0);
/* Returns all carried weapons as bit sum. Gets
* also theirs indexes. */
* also theirs indexes. */
native get_user_weapons(index,weapons[32],&num);
/* Returns weapon name. */
@ -268,19 +274,19 @@ native log_message(const message[],{Float,_}:...);
native log_to_file(const file[],const message[],{Float,_}:...);
/* Returns number of players put in server.
* If flag is set then also connecting are counted. */
* If flag is set then also connecting are counted. */
native get_playersnum(flag=0);
/* Sets indexes of players.
* Flags:
* "a" - don't collect dead players.
* "b" - don't collect alive players.
* "c" - skip bots.
* "d" - skip real players.
* "e" - match with team.
* "f" - match with part of name.
* "g" - ignore case sensitivity.
* Example: Get all alive CTs: get_players(players,num,"ae","CT") */
* Flags:
* "a" - don't collect dead players.
* "b" - don't collect alive players.
* "c" - skip bots.
* "d" - skip real players.
* "e" - match with team.
* "f" - match with part of name.
* "g" - ignore case sensitivity.
* Example: Get all alive CTs: get_players(players,num,"ae","CT") */
native get_players(players[32], &num ,const flags[]="", const team[]="");
/* Gets argument from command. */
@ -293,27 +299,27 @@ native read_args(output[],len);
native read_argc();
/* Converts string to sum of bits.
* Example: "abcd" is a sum of 1, 2, 4 and 8. */
* Example: "abcd" is a sum of 1, 2, 4 and 8. */
native read_flags(const flags[]);
/* Converts sum of bits to string.
* Example: 3 will return "ab". */
* Example: 3 will return "ab". */
native get_flags(flags,output[],len);
/* Find player.
* Flags:
* "a" - with given name.
* "b" - with given part of name.
* "c" - with given authid.
* "d" - with given ip.
* "e" - with given team name.
* "f" - don't look in dead players.
* "g" - don't look in alive players.
* "h" - skip bots.
* "i" - skip real players.
* "j" - return index of last found player.
* "k" - with given userid.
* "l" - ignore case sensitivity. */
* Flags:
* "a" - with given name.
* "b" - with given part of name.
* "c" - with given authid.
* "d" - with given ip.
* "e" - with given team name.
* "f" - don't look in dead players.
* "g" - don't look in alive players.
* "h" - skip bots.
* "i" - skip real players.
* "j" - return index of last found player.
* "k" - with given userid.
* "l" - ignore case sensitivity. */
native find_player(const flags[], ... );
/* Removes quotes from sentence. */
@ -323,9 +329,9 @@ native remove_quotes(text[]);
native client_cmd(index,const command[],{Float,_}:...);
/* This is an emulation of a client command (commands aren't send to client!).
* It allows to execute some commands on players and bots.
* Function is excellent for forcing to do an action related to a game (not settings!).
* The command must stand alone but in arguments you can use spaces. */
* It allows to execute some commands on players and bots.
* Function is excellent for forcing to do an action related to a game (not settings!).
* The command must stand alone but in arguments you can use spaces. */
native engclient_cmd(index,const command[],arg1[]="",arg2[]="");
/* Executes command on a server console. */
@ -338,11 +344,11 @@ native set_cvar_string(const cvar[],const value[]);
native cvar_exists(const cvar[]);
/* Removes a cvar flags (not allowed for amx_version,
* fun_version and sv_cheats cvars). */
* fun_version and sv_cheats cvars). */
native remove_cvar_flags(const cvar[],flags = -1);
/* Sets a cvar flags (not allowed for amx_version,
* fun_version and sv_cheats cvars). */
* fun_version and sv_cheats cvars). */
native set_cvar_flags(const cvar[],flags);
/* Returns a cvar flags. */
@ -382,39 +388,39 @@ native get_modname(name[],len);
native get_time(const format[],output[],len);
/* Returns time in given format. The most popular is: "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S".
* Last parameter sets time to format. */
* Last parameter sets time to format. */
native format_time(output[],len, const format[],time = -1);
/* Returns system time in seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
* Offset is given in seconds.*/
* Offset is given in seconds.*/
native get_systime(offset = 0);
/* Returns time in input and additionaly fills missing information
* with current time and date. If time is different than -1 then parsed
* time is added to given time.
* Example:
* parset_time( "10:32:54 04/02/2003", "%H:%M:%S %m:%d:%Y" )
* For more information see strptime(...) function from C libraries. */
* with current time and date. If time is different than -1 then parsed
* time is added to given time.
* Example:
* parset_time( "10:32:54 04/02/2003", "%H:%M:%S %m:%d:%Y" )
* For more information see strptime(...) function from C libraries. */
native parse_time(const input[],const format[], time = -1);
/* Calls function on specified time.
* Flags:
* "a" - repeat.
* "b" - loop task.
* "c" - do task on time after a map timeleft.
* "d" - do task on time before a map timelimit. */
* Flags:
* "a" - repeat.
* "b" - loop task.
* "c" - do task on time after a map timeleft.
* "d" - do task on time before a map timelimit. */
native set_task(Float:time,const function[],id = 0,parameter[]="",len = 0,flags[]="", repeat = 0);
/* Removes all tasks with given id. If outside var is
* set then a task can be removed also when
* was set in another plugin. */
* set then a task can be removed also when
* was set in another plugin. */
native remove_task(id = 0, outside = 0);
/* Returns 1 if task under given id exists. */
native task_exists(id = 0, outside = 0);
/* Sets flags for player. Set flags to -1 if you want to clear all flags.
* You can use different settings by changing the id, which is from range 0 - 31. */
* You can use different settings by changing the id, which is from range 0 - 31. */
native set_user_flags(index,flags=-1,id=0);
/* Gets flags from player. Set index to 0 if you want to read flags from server. */
@ -445,27 +451,27 @@ native get_srvcmd(index,server_cmd[],len1,&flags, info[],len2, flag);
native get_srvcmdsnum(flag);
/* Gets info about console command. If id is set to 0,
* then function returns only server cmds, if positive then
* returns only client cmds. in other case returns all console commands. */
* then function returns only server cmds, if positive then
* returns only client cmds. in other case returns all console commands. */
native get_concmd(index,cmd[],len1,&flags, info[],len2, flag, id = -1);
/* Returns number of registered console commands. */
native get_concmdsnum(flag,id = -1);
/* Gets unique id of menu. Outside set to 1 allows
* to catch menus outside a plugin where register_menuid is called. */
* to catch menus outside a plugin where register_menuid is called. */
native register_menuid(const menu[], outside=0 );
/* Calls function when player uses specified menu and proper keys. */
native register_menucmd(menuid,keys, const function[] );
/* Gets what menu the player is watching and what keys for menu he have.
* When there is no menu the index is 0. If the id is negative then the menu
* is VGUI in other case the id is from register_menuid() function. */
* When there is no menu the index is 0. If the id is negative then the menu
* is VGUI in other case the id is from register_menuid() function. */
native get_user_menu(index,&id,&keys);
/* Forces server to execute sent server command at current time.
* Very useful for map changes, setting cvars and other activities. */
* Very useful for map changes, setting cvars and other activities. */
native server_exec();
/* Emits sound. Sample must be precached. */
@ -484,34 +490,34 @@ native Float:random_float(Float:a,Float:b);
native random_num(a,b);
/* Pauses function or plugin so it won't be executed.
* In most cases param1 is name of function and
* param2 name of plugin (all depends on flags).
* Flags:
* "a" - pause whole plugin.
* "b" - pause function.
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name).
* "d" - set "stopped" status when pausing whole plugin.
* "e" - set "locked" status when pausing whole plugin.
* In this status plugin is unpauseable.
* Example: pause("ac","myplugin.amx")
* pause("bc","myfunc","myplugin.amx") */
* In most cases param1 is name of function and
* param2 name of plugin (all depends on flags).
* Flags:
* "a" - pause whole plugin.
* "b" - pause function.
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name).
* "d" - set "stopped" status when pausing whole plugin.
* "e" - set "locked" status when pausing whole plugin.
* In this status plugin is unpauseable.
* Example: pause("ac","myplugin.amx")
* pause("bc","myfunc","myplugin.amx") */
native pause(flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
/* Unpauses function or plugin.
* Flags:
* "a" - unpause whole plugin.
* "b" - unpause function.
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name). */
* Flags:
* "a" - unpause whole plugin.
* "b" - unpause function.
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name). */
native unpause(flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
/* Returns id of client message.
* Example: get_user_msgid("TextMsg"). */
* Example: get_user_msgid("TextMsg"). */
native get_user_msgid(const name[]);
/* These functinos are used to generate client messages.
* You may generate menu, smoke, shockwaves, thunderlights,
* intermission and many many others messages.
* See HL SDK for more examples. */
* You may generate menu, smoke, shockwaves, thunderlights,
* intermission and many many others messages.
* See HL SDK for more examples. */
native message_begin( dest, msg_type, origin[3]={0,0,0},player=0);
native message_end();
native write_byte( x );
@ -524,32 +530,32 @@ native write_coord( x );
native write_string( x[] );
/* Called on inconsistent file. You can put any text
* into reason to change an original message. */
* into reason to change an original message. */
forward inconsistent_file(id,const filename[], reason[64] );
/* Forces the client and server to be running with the same
* version of the specified file ( e.g., a player model ). */
* version of the specified file ( e.g., a player model ). */
native force_unmodified(force_type, mins[3] , maxs[3], const filename[]);
/* Checks if public variable with given name exists in loaded plugins. */
native xvar_exists( const name[] );
/* Returns an unique id for public variable specified by name. If such
* variable doesn't exist then returned value is -1. */
* variable doesn't exist then returned value is -1. */
native get_xvar_id( const name[] );
/* Returns an integer value of a public variable. Id is a value
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
native get_xvar_num( id );
/* Returns a float value of a public variable. Id is a value
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
native Float:get_xvar_float( id );
/* Sets a value of a public variable. Id is a value
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
native set_xvar_num( id, value = 0 );
/* Sets a float value of a public variable. Id is a value
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
* returned by get_xvar_id(...) native. */
native set_xvar_float( id, Float:value = 0.0 );
@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _core_included
#define _core_included
native heapspace();
native funcidx(const name[]);
@ -1,51 +1,56 @@
/* CS Stats functions
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _csstats_included
#define _csstats_included
/* Gets stats from given weapon index. If wpnindex is 0
* then the stats are from all weapons. If weapon has not been used function
* returns 0 in other case 1. Fields in stats are:
* 0 - kills
* 1 - deaths
* 2 - headshots
* 3 - teamkilling
* 4 - shots
* 5 - hits
* 6 - damage
* For body hits fields see amxconst.inc. */
* then the stats are from all weapons. If weapon has not been used function
* returns 0 in other case 1. Fields in stats are:
* 0 - kills
* 1 - deaths
* 2 - headshots
* 3 - teamkilling
* 4 - shots
* 5 - hits
* 6 - damage
* For body hits fields see amxconst.inc. */
native get_user_wstats(index,wpnindex,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets round stats from given weapon index.*/
native get_user_wrstats(index,wpnindex,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets overall stats which are stored in file on server
* and updated on every respawn or user disconnect.
* Function returns the position in stats by diff. kills to deaths. */
* and updated on every respawn or user disconnect.
* Function returns the position in stats by diff. kills to deaths. */
native get_user_stats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets round stats of player. */
native get_user_rstats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets stats with which user have killed/hurt his victim. If victim is 0
* then stats are from all victims. If victim has not been hurt, function
* returns 0 in other case 1. User stats are reset on his respawn. */
* then stats are from all victims. If victim has not been hurt, function
* returns 0 in other case 1. User stats are reset on his respawn. */
native get_user_vstats(index,victim,stats[8],bodyhits[8],wpnname[]="",len=0);
/* Gets stats with which user have been killed/hurt. If killer is 0
* then stats are from all attacks. If killer has not hurt user, function
* returns 0 in other case 1. User stats are reset on his respawn. */
* then stats are from all attacks. If killer has not hurt user, function
* returns 0 in other case 1. User stats are reset on his respawn. */
native get_user_astats(index,wpnindex,stats[8],bodyhits[8],wpnname[]="",len=0);
/* Resets life, weapon, victims and attackers user stats. */
native reset_user_wstats(index);
/* Gets overall stats which stored in stats.dat file in amx folder
* and updated on every mapchange or user disconnect.
* Function returns next index of stats entry or 0 if no more exists. */
* and updated on every mapchange or user disconnect.
* Function returns next index of stats entry or 0 if no more exists. */
native get_stats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8],name[],len);
/* Returns number of all entries in stats. */
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
/* Engine
/* Engine functions
* (c) 2004, the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* thanks to Vexd
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _engine_included
#define _engine_included
#include <engine_const>
#include <engine_stocks>
@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
/* Engine Constants
/* Engine constants
* (c) 2004, by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _engine_const_included
#define _engine_const_included
#define SPEAK_NORMAL 0
#define SPEAK_MUTED 1
#define SPEAK_ALL 2
@ -48,7 +53,7 @@ enum {
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
/* Engine Stocks
/* Engine stocks
* (c) 2004, AssKicR, Freecode & T(+)rget
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* thanks to AssKicR, Freecode and T(+)rget
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _engine_stocks_included
#define _engine_stocks_included
/* Changes an integer vec to a floating vec */
stock IVecFVec(IVec[3], Float:FVec[3])
@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
/* Files functions
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _file_included
#define _file_included
/* Reads content from directory.
* Returns index of next element or 0 when end of dir. is reached. */
* Returns index of next element or 0 when end of dir. is reached. */
native read_dir(const dirname[],pos,output[],len,&outlen);
/* Reads line from file. Returns index of next line or 0 when end of file is reached. */
native read_file(const file[],line,text[],len,&txtlen);
/* Writes text to file. Function returns 0 on failure.
* When line is set to -1, the text is added at the end of file. */
* When line is set to -1, the text is added at the end of file. */
native write_file(const file[],const text[],line = -1);
/* Deletes file. Function returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */
@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ native delete_file(const file[]);
native file_exists(const file[]);
/* Returns a file size in bytes if flag is set to 0.
* When flag is set to 1 returns number of lines in the file,
* and when flags is 2, function returns 1 if the file ends
* with line feed. If file doesn't exist returns -1. */
* When flag is set to 1 returns number of lines in the file,
* and when flags is 2, function returns 1 if the file ends
* with line feed. If file doesn't exist returns -1. */
native file_size(const file[], flag=0);
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ native Float:floatfract(Float:value);
native floatround(Float:value, floatround_method:method=floatround_round);
/* Compare two integers. If the two elements are equal, return 0.
* If the first argument is greater than the second argument, return 1,
* If the first argument is less than the second argument, return -1. */
* If the first argument is greater than the second argument, return 1,
* If the first argument is less than the second argument, return -1. */
native floatcmp(Float:fOne, Float:fTwo);
/* Return the square root of the input value, same as floatpower(value, 0.5) */
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ native Float:floatpower(Float:value, Float:exponent);
native Float:floatlog(Float:value, Float:base=10.0);
/* Return the sine, cosine or tangent.
* The input angle may be in radian, degrees or grades. */
* The input angle may be in radian, degrees or grades. */
native Float:floatsin(Float:value, anglemode:mode=radian);
native Float:floatcos(Float:value, anglemode:mode=radian);
native Float:floattan(Float:value, anglemode:mode=radian);
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
/* Fun functions
* (c) 2004, the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _fun_included
#define _fun_included
/* (untested) Returns 1 if receiver hears sender via voice communication. */
native get_client_listen(receiver, sender);
@ -33,21 +38,21 @@ native set_user_origin(index, origin[3]);
native set_user_rendering(index, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16);
/* Gives item to player, name of item can start
* with weapon_, ammo_ and item_. This event
* is announced with proper message to all players. */
* with weapon_, ammo_ and item_. This event
* is announced with proper message to all players. */
native give_item(index, const item[]);
/* (not yet implemented, don't know how to use native)
* Sets hit zones for player. This event is announced
* with proper message to all players.
* Parts of body are as bits:
* 2 - head
* 4 - chest
* 8 - stomach
* 16 - left arm
* 32 - right arm
* 64 - left leg
* 128 - right leg */
* Sets hit zones for player. This event is announced
* with proper message to all players.
* Parts of body are as bits:
* 2 - head
* 4 - chest
* 8 - stomach
* 16 - left arm
* 32 - right arm
* 64 - left leg
* 128 - right leg */
native set_hitzones(body = 255);
/* backwards compatibility */
@ -97,4 +102,4 @@ native get_user_noclip(index);
/* Gives player silent footsteps.
* if set = 0 it will return footsteps to normal */
native set_user_footsteps(id, set = 1);
native set_user_footsteps(id, set = 1);
@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
/* MySQL functions
* (c) Copyright 2002-2004, dJeyL
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _mysql_included
#define _mysql_included
/* Opens connection. If already such exists then that will be used.
* Function returns sql id to use with other sql natives.
* Host can be plain ip or with port seperated with ':' char. */
* Function returns sql id to use with other sql natives.
* Host can be plain ip or with port seperated with ':' char. */
native mysql_connect(host[],user[],pass[],dbname[],error[],maxlength);
/* Uses an existing connection (sql) to perform a new query (query) (might close previous query if any). */
@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
/* Strings manipulation
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _string_included
#define _string_included
/* Checks if source contains string. On success function
* returns position in source, on failure returns -1. */
* returns position in source, on failure returns -1. */
native contain(const source[],const string[]);
/* Checks if source contains string with case ignoring. On success function
* returns position in source, on failure returns -1. */
* returns position in source, on failure returns -1. */
native containi(const source[],const string[]);
/* Replaces given string to another in given text. */
native replace(text[],len,const what[],const with[]);
/* Adds one string to another. Last parameter different from 0, specifies
* how many chars we want to add. Function returns number of all merged chars. */
* how many chars we want to add. Function returns number of all merged chars. */
native add(dest[],len,const src[],max=0);
/* Fills string with given format and parameters.
* Function returns number of copied chars.
* Example: format(dest,"Hello %s. You are %d years old","Tom",17). */
* Function returns number of copied chars.
* Example: format(dest,"Hello %s. You are %d years old","Tom",17). */
native format(output[] ,len ,const format[] , {Float,_}:...);
/* Gets parameters from function as formated string. */
@ -38,29 +43,29 @@ native str_to_num(const string[]);
native strtonum(const string[]);
/* Checks if two strings equal. If len var is set
* then there are only c chars comapred. */
* then there are only c chars comapred. */
native equal(const a[],const b[],c=0);
/* Checks if two strings equal with case ignoring.
* If len var is set then there are only c chars comapred. */
* If len var is set then there are only c chars comapred. */
native equali(const a[],const b[],c=0);
/* Copies one string to another. By len var
* you may specify max. number of chars to copy. */
* you may specify max. number of chars to copy. */
native copy(dest[],len,const src[]);
/* Copies one string to another until char ch is found.
* By len var you may specify max. number of chars to copy. */
* By len var you may specify max. number of chars to copy. */
native copyc(dest[],len,const src[],ch);
/* Sets string with given character. */
native setc(src[],len,ch);
/* Gets parameters from text.
* Example: to split text: "^"This is^" the best year",
* call function like this: parse(text,arg1,len1,arg2,len2,arg3,len3,arg4,len4)
* and you will get: "This is", "the", "best", "year"
* Function returns number of parsed parameters. */
* Example: to split text: "^"This is^" the best year",
* call function like this: parse(text,arg1,len1,arg2,len2,arg3,len3,arg4,len4)
* and you will get: "This is", "the", "best", "year"
* Function returns number of parsed parameters. */
native parse(const text[], ... );
/* Converts all chars in string to lower case. */
@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
/* Vault
/* Vault functions
* (c) 2002-2004, OLO
* modified by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _vault_included
#define _vault_included
/* Reads a data from given key.
* If len is set to zero then get_vaultdata
* returns value as an number. */
* If len is set to zero then get_vaultdata
* returns value as an number. */
native get_vaultdata(const key[], data[] = "", len = 0);
/* Sets a data under given key. */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user