* Compile as static library, update AMBuildScript and link to core
* Update VS project files to include the library
* Add UTF-8 Rewind library (v1.5.1) to third_party directory
* Move AMXX buffer in its own function
* Move constants from string.inc to string_const.inc and update project files
* Move stocks from string.inc to string_stocks.inc and update project files
* Improve UTF-8 support in containi() and update documentation
* Improve UTF-8 support in strcmp() and update documentation
* Improve UTF-8 support in strfind() and update documentation
Worth to be noted that this native with ignorecase set was not working properly. So broken that no one reported the issue.
This adds also a safety check for "pos" parameter to not go < 0.
* Improve UTF-8 support in strncmp() and update documentation
* Improve UTF-8 support in equali() and update documentation
* Add an option to some UTF-8 Rewind functions for avoiding invalid data to be replaced
By default it replaces any invalid byte or sequence of bytes by 0xFFFD (3 bytes). It can be problematic when the input buffer is not changed (from a plugin) and that some natives need to calculate a position from the converted string. With such replacement, the position is displaced due the final string length being larger.
This compiles the library as C++, because I added some silly param with a default default value which is not supported by C.
* Improve UTF-8 support in replace_string/ex() and update documentation
* Add is_string_category() and update documentation
* Update a little testsuite plugin (and fix linux compilation)
* Add mb_strotolower/upper() and update documentation
* Add mb_ucfirst() and update documentation
* Add mb_strtotile() and update documentation
* Improve UTF-8 support in get_players() and find_player() with name/case insenstive flags set
* Fix KliPPy's complain
* elog_message
Like "log_message". Logs a message to the current server log file, however the messages sent are also sent to all plugins and can be hooked using "register_logevent".
* Update amxmodx.cpp
* Update Editor.sci
* Update UnitfrmMain.dfm
* Revert "Extend "read_argv" native"
This reverts commit aaa2934595379c371513cb9dd23de8f3c5e16d93.
This broke binary compatibility with either older, already compiled
plugins, or newly compiled plugins if you forgot to update .inc headers.
This happened because read_argv used to receive maxlen by value, and
this commit it receives it by reference. This causes read_argv either
to fail, or worse, to buffer overflow, resulting in a security vulnerability.
Newly introduced functionality for read_argv should be added with a new,
separate native.
* Add "read_argv_int" & "read_argv_float" natives
Related to #266. Looks like I've changed the prefix afterward at some point for some reason, but engine is retarded and with `plugin.something.cfg` it will understand extension is `something` instead of `cfg` ; and will fail to execute as it's an invalid extension (only `cfg` and `rc` are allowed).
- The "ALL" fake pathID is replaced by what does SM, having a public var NULL_STRING which will acts as NULL when needed.
To make compiler accepting public array, this patch was needed: https://hg.alliedmods.net/sourcemod-central/rev/b12f329def09
- The offset thing in read_dir: considering that's something very specific to this native and that implementation in CDirectory doesn't make sense because of the offset compatibility for windows, all code is now in the native.
Replace the only hasher called MD5 with the ones listed below.
(+) CRC32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA3 224 BIT, SHA3 256 BIT, SHA3 384 BIT,
SHA3 512 BIT, Keccak 224 BIT, Keccak 256 BIT, Keccak 384 BIT and Keccak
512 BIT.
Add the natives listed below.
(+) hash_string(const string[], hashType:type, output[], const
(+) hash_file(const fileName, hashType:type, output[], const outputSize)
(+) is_arkshine_a_doctor() : Hidden native, but a sign of recompense
for him being very active since 1.8.3 version of AMX Mod X
(+) get_system_endianness() : Checks if the system is currently Big
Endian or Little Endian.
Add the following Enum.
(+) hashType {}
(+) sysEndianness {}
Deprecate the following natives.
(-) amx_md5()
(-) amx_md5_file()
It has been tested on Windows and Linux. The sanity checks seems to be
properly working, so no worries about them.
These are useful if people are using Sockets, cURLs or MySQLs in order
to compare hashes of different files On-line for further investigation.
You are not able to check if the files are older or newer, but you can
see if the content is different (Hash Checksum mismatch).
I'm glad I did this. Thanks to