2020-12-18 19:18:37 -08:00

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README for nmon

  • http://nmon.sourceforge.net/pmwiki.php?n=Site.CompilingNmon has the .c source files. It ALSO has a makefile that includes ARM and X86 and X86_64 compilation flag options.
  • Ncurses needs to be installed. I'm using Slackware-current, which has ncurses-6.2_20201024-x86_64-1.txz. It also calls for GCC, so I have gcc-10.2.0-x86_64-2.txz installed. Finally, I have make-4.2.1-x86_64-7.txz installed, though I guess if I'm calling GCC directly, it's perhaps not necessary
  • https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/system/nmon/ has a SlackBuild file, but was made for version 14i which is at least older than April 2015 (nmon15c was released).
  • The GCC flags are a little out of date in comparison to the makefile, so I copied/merged the flags over. (The changelog notes the deprecation of some of these flags, such as -D LARGEMEM and JFS and GETUSER).
  • NOTE: I did this on an X86_64 system and did not update the compile flags in the SlackBuild for other architectures.
  • The SlackBuild also has scatterings of hardcoded version numbers, which I updated to be generic lmon.c as it is in the makefile.
  • I also increased the set flags for more verbose output.
  • Finally, the output was changed from tgz to txz
  • There was a "bug" in the 16m release of nmon where the version number string wasn't bumped from "16k" to "16m". I changed that string so the nmon executable properly shows that it is version 16m.
  • I copied the compiled nmon-16m-x86_64-1_SBo.txz file to Unraid 6.8.3 and 6.9-rc1 systems and confirmed that after installpkg nmon-16m-x86_64-1_SBo.txz I was able to call nmon and start up the utility without issue
  • I thought Ncurses might need to be installed on Unraid for this to work, but it seems to only be needed at compile time.