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2004-08-06 18:39:19 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Couldn't find option(s) with such variable (name "%s")
2004-08-21 16:55:39 +00:00
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Stats configuration saved successfully
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Failed to save stats configuration!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Stats configuration loaded successfully
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Failed to load stats configuration!!!
2004-08-06 18:39:19 +00:00
STATS_CONF = Stats Configuration
2004-08-20 20:53:19 +00:00
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entries %i - %i of %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_statscfg list %i' for more
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_statscfg list 1' for begin
2004-09-20 03:53:01 +00:00
STATS_ENABLED = Stats enabled
STATS_DISABLED = Stats disabled
2004-08-20 20:53:19 +00:00
CANT_ADD_STATS = Can't add stats to the list, limit reached!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Usage: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Commands:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - enable specified option
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - disable specified option
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - save stats configuration
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - load stats configuration
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - list stats status
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - add stats to the list
2004-08-06 18:39:19 +00:00
NO_STATS = Stats plugins are not^ninstalled on this server^n
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
SAVE_CONF = Save configuration
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
2005-07-07 18:38:29 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Finde keine Optionen mit dieser Variable (Name "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistik-Konfiguration erfolgreich gespeichert.
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Fehler beim Speichern der Statistik-Konfiguration!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistik-Konfiguration erfolgreich geladen
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Fehler beim Laden der Statistik-Konfiguration!!!
STATS_CONF = Statistik-Konfiguration
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Eintraege %i - %i von %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Benutze 'amx_statscfg list %i' fuer mehr Info<66>s
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Benutze 'amx_statscfg list 1' um zum Anfang zu gelangen
CANT_ADD_STATS = Kann keine Statistik mehr hinzufuegen, das Limit ist erreicht!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Benutze: amx_statscfg <Befehl> [Parameter] ...
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - gibt spezielle Option frei
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - sperrt spezielle Option
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - speichert Statistik-Konfiguration
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - laedt Statistik-Konfiguration
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Statistik-Status anzeigen
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - fuegt eine Statistik zur Liste hinzu
NO_STATS = Statistik-Plugin ist nicht^nauf diesem Server installiert^n
SAVE_CONF = Konfiguration speichern
STATS_ENABLED = Stats enabled
STATS_DISABLED = Stats disabled
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bombe platzieren
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bombe entschaerfen
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bombe platziert
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bombe entschaerfen erf.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bombe entschaerfen fehl.
ST_BOMB_PICKUP = Bombe aufgenommen
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bombe verloren
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomben Countdown Stimme
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomben Countdown (entschaerfer)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomben Platz erreicht
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy extra Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Letzter Mann
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Messer Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Messer Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Granaten Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Granaten Selbstmord
ST_HS_KILL = Headshot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = Headshot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Runden Zaehler
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Runden Zaehler Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Kill Serie
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Kill Serie Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Gegner verbleibend
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Doppel Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Doppel Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Spieler Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = Erstes Blut Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Zeige Angreifer
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Zeige Gegner
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Zeige Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Zeige Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Zeige totale Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Zeige besten Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Zeige meisten Durchschlaege
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Distanz&HS in HUD Liste
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats am Ende der Map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 am ende der Map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rang Info
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Nepostoji optcija(e) sa tom promenljivom (ime "%s")
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Podesavanja Statistike su uspesno snimljena
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Podesavanja Statistike su neuspesno snimljena!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Podesavanja Statistike su uspesno ucitana
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Podesavanja Statistike su neuspesno ucitana!!!
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
STATS_CONF = Podesavanja Statistike
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Vrednosti %i - %i od %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Koristi 'amx_statscfg list %i' za jos
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Koristi 'amx_statscfg list 1' za pocetak
2006-02-05 03:41:30 +00:00
STATS_ENABLED = Statistika ukljucena
STATS_DISABLED = Statistika iskljucena
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nije moguce dodati statistiku na listu, limit popunjen!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Koriscenje: amx_statscfg <komanda> [parametar] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Komande:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - ukljuci opciju
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - iskljuci opciju
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - sacuvaj podesavanja statistike
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - ucitaj podesavanja statistike
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - prikazi status statistike
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - dodaj statistiku na kraj liste
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
NO_STATS = Plugin za statistiku^nnije instaliran na ovom serveru^n
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
SAVE_CONF = Sacuvaj konfiguraciju
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
2005-07-07 18:38:29 +00:00
NO_OPTION = O isimde aranan secenek(ler) bulunamadi (isim "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistik configi basari ile saklandi
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Statistik configi malesef saklanamadi!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistik configi basari ile yuklendi
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Statistik configi malesef yuklenemedi!!!
STATS_CONF = Statistik configi
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Girisler %i - %i ve %i
STATS_USE_MORE = 'amx_statscfg list %i' i kullanin dahasini gormek icin
STATS_USE_BEGIN = 'amx_statscfg list 1' i kullanin baslatmak icin
CANT_ADD_STATS = Statistik saklanamiyor, sinir asildi!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Kullanim: amx_statscfg <emir> [parametre] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Emirler:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - Ozellikle secilen secenekleri baslat
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - Ozellikle secilen secenekleri durdur
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - Statistik configini sakla
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - Statistik configini yukle
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Statistik durumunu listele
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <isim> <deger> - Listeye statistik ekleyin
NO_STATS = Statistik plugini^nserverde mevcud degildir^n
SAVE_CONF = Configleri sakla
STATS_ENABLED = Statistik kullanima acik
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
STATS_DISABLED = Statistik kullanima kapali
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Option(s) introuvable(s) avec cette variable (nom ^"%s^")
2004-08-21 16:55:39 +00:00
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Sauvegarde de la configuration des stats effectuee
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Echec de sauvegarde de la configuration des stats!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Chargement de la configuration des stats effectue
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Echec du chargement de la configuration des stats!!!
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
STATS_CONF = Configuration des Stats
2004-08-20 20:53:19 +00:00
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entrees %i - %i sur %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Utilise 'amx_statscfg list %i' pour la suite
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Utilise 'amx_statscfg list 1' pour le debut
CANT_ADD_STATS = Limite atteinte, impossible d'ajouter plus de stats!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Utilisation: amx_statscfg <commande> [parametres] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Commandes:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - active l'option specifiee
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - desactive l'option specifiee
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - sauve la configuration des stats
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - charge la configuration des stats
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - liste le status des stats
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nom> <variable> - ajoute des stats a la liste
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
NO_STATS = Les plugins de stats ne sont pas^ninstalles sur ce serveur^n
SAVE_CONF = Sauver la configuration
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
STATS_ENABLED = Stats activees
STATS_DISABLED = Stats desactivees
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Amorcage Bombe
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Desamorcage Bombe
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bombe Amorcee
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bombe Desamorcee
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bombe Non Desamorcee
ST_BOMB_PICKUP = Bombe Ramassee
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bombe Lachee
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Compte a Rebours Bombe Vocal
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Compte a Rebours (desamorceur)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Point de Bombe Atteint
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Bonus Kill sur Italy
ST_LAST_MAN = Dernier en Vie
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Frag au Couteau
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Son Frag au Couteau
ST_HE_KILL = Frag a la Grenade
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Suicide a la Grenade
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot
ST_ROUND_CNT = Compteur de Rounds
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Son Compteur de Rounds
ST_KILL_STR = Series de Frags
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Sons Series de Frags
ST_ENEMY_REM = Ennemi Restant
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Nom de Joueur
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Montrer Attaquants
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Montrer Victimes
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Montrer Tueur
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Montrer Scores Equipes
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Montrer Stats Totales
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Montrer Meilleur Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Montrer le Plus Actif
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Distance&HS dans listes HUD
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats en Fin de Map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 en Fin de Map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Info Rang Spectateur
2004-08-13 14:58:43 +00:00
2004-09-19 15:22:50 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Kunde inte hitta val(en) med en dylik variabel (namn "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistikinst'a'llningar sparade
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Misslyckades att spara inst'a'llningar.
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistikinst'a'llningar laddade
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Misslyckades att ladda inst'a'llningar.
STATS_CONF = Statistikinst'a'llningar
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Post %i - %i av %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Skriv 'amx_statscfg list %i' f'o'r mer
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Skriv 'amx_statscfg list 1' f'o'r b'o'rjan
CANT_ADD_STATS = Kan inte ladda till listan, begr'a'nsning nadd!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Skriv: amx_statscfg <kommando> [parametrar] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Kommandon:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variabel> - aktivera markerat val
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variabel> - stoppa markerat val
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - spara statistikinst'a'llningar
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - ladda statistikinst'a'llningar
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lista statistikstatus
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <namn> <variabel> - addera statistik till listan
NO_STATS = Statistikplugins e inte installerade pa denna server^n
SAVE_CONF = Spara inst'a'llningar
STATS_ENABLED = Stats enabled
STATS_DISABLED = Stats disabled
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_FLOP15 = Say /flop15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2004-09-19 15:22:50 +00:00
2004-09-16 22:43:51 +00:00
2005-07-07 18:38:29 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Kunne ikke finde mulighed(er)med en saadan variabel (name "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statestik Konfiguration gemt
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Gem Statestik konfiguration mislykkedes!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statestik Konfiguration indlaest
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Indlaes statestik konfiguration mislykkedes!!!
STATS_CONF = Statestik Konfiguration
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Indskrivninger %i - %i af %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Brug 'amx_statscfg list %i' for mere
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Brug 'amx_statscfg list 1' for at begynde
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
STATS_ENABLED = Statstik slaaet til
STATS_DISABLED = Statestik slaaet fra
2005-07-07 18:38:29 +00:00
CANT_ADD_STATS = Kan ikke tilfoeje statestik til listen, graense naaet!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Brug: amx_statscfg <kommando> [parameters]...
COM_STATS_COM = Kommandoer:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - Starter specificeret mulighed
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - Stopper specificeret mulighed
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - Gem statestik konfiguration
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - Indlaes Statestik konfiguration
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Lister statestik status
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <navn> <variable> - Tilfoejer statestik til listen
NO_STATS = Statestik plugins er ikke ^ninstalleret paa denne server^n
SAVE_CONF = Gem Konfiguration
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2004-10-07 08:31:48 +00:00
2005-07-07 18:38:29 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Nie mozna znalesc opcji z podana zmienna (nazwa "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracja statystyk zapisana
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Nie udalo sie zapisac konfiguracji statystyk
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguracja statystyk zaladowana
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Nie udalo sie zaladowac konfiguracji statystyk
STATS_CONF = Konfiguracja statystyk
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Wpisy %i - %i z %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Uzyj 'amx_statscfg list %i' po wiecej
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Uzyj 'amx_statscfg list 1' do poczatku
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nie mozna dodac statystyk, limit przekroczony
COM_STATS_USAGE = Uzycie: amx_statscfg <komenda> [parametr] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Komendy:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <zmienna> - wlacz konkretne opcje
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <zmienna> - wylacz konkretne opcje
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - zapisz konfiguracje statystyk
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - zaladuj konfiguracje statystyk
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - pokaz status statystyk
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <zmienna> - dodaj statystyki do listy
NO_STATS = Pluginy statystyk nie^nistnieja na serwerze^n
SAVE_CONF = Zapisz konfiguracje
STATS_ENABLED = Stats enabled
STATS_DISABLED = Stats disabled
ST_MULTI_KILL_SOUND = MultiKill - dzwiek
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomba - Podkladanie
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomba - Rozbrajanie
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomba Podlozona
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomba Rozbrojona
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomba - Nieudane Rozbrajanie
ST_BOMB_PICKUP = Bomba - Podniesienie
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomba - Porzucenie
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomba - Odliczanie na glos
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomba - Odliczanie (saper)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site osiagniety
ST_ITALY_BONUS = CS Italy - Bonus
ST_LAST_MAN = Ostatni gracz - anons
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Zabicie Nozem - anons
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Zabicie Nozem - dzwiek
ST_HE_KILL = Zabicie Granatem - anons
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Samobojstwo Granatem - anons
ST_HS_KILL = Zabicie strzalem w glowe - anons
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = Zabicie strzalem w glowe - dzwiek
ST_ROUND_CNT = Licznik Rund
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Licznik Rund - dzwiek
ST_KILL_STR = Serie Zabic
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Serie Zabic - dzwiek
ST_ENEMY_REM = Pozostali wrogowie
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Podwojne Zabicie
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Podwojne Zabicie - dzwiek
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Nick Gracza
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = Pierwsza Krew - dzwiek
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Pokaz Atakujacych
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Pokaz Ofiary
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Pokaz Zabojce
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Pokaz Wynik Gry
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Pokaz Statystyki Sumaryczne
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Pokaz Najlepszego Rundy
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Pokaz Najb. Raniacego Rundy
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Statystyki HUD podstawowe
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Odleglosc i HS w HUD
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Statystyki na koniec mapy
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 na koniec mapy
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Rankingi w Obserwatorze
2004-11-08 12:35:52 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Kon opties met zo'n variabele niet vinden (naam "%s")
2006-03-03 22:31:55 +00:00
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistiekconfiguratie bewaren gelukt
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Bewaren van statistiekconfiguratie mislukt!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistiekconfiguratie laden gelukt
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Laden van statistiekconfiguratie mislukt!!!
STATS_CONF = Statistiekinstellingen
2004-11-08 12:35:52 +00:00
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Ingangen %i - %i van de %i
2006-03-03 22:31:55 +00:00
STATS_USE_MORE = Typ 'amx_statscfg list %i' voor meer
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Typ 'amx_statscfg list 1' voor begin
STATS_ENABLED = Statistieken ingeschakeld
STATS_DISABLED = Statistieken uitgeschakeld
CANT_ADD_STATS = Kan statistieken niet bij de lijst voegen, limiet bereikt!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Typ: amx_statscfg <commando> [parameters] ...
2004-11-08 12:35:52 +00:00
COM_STATS_COM = Commando's:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variabele> - schakel gespecificeerde optie in
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variabele> - schakel gespecificeerde optie uit
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - bewaar stats configuration
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - laad stats configuration
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lijst stats status
2004-11-08 12:35:52 +00:00
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tvoeg toe <naam> <variabele> - voeg stats toe aan de lijst
NO_STATS = Stats plugins zijn niet^ngeinstalleerd op deze server^n
2006-03-03 22:31:55 +00:00
SAVE_CONF = Configuratie Bewaren
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2005-07-07 18:38:29 +00:00
NO_OPTION = No se encontraron opcion(es) con dicha variable (nombre "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Configuracion de estadisticas guardada con exito
STATS_CONF_FAILED = No se pudo guardar la configuracion de estadisticas!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Configuracion de estadisticas cargada con exito
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = No se pudo cargar la configuracion de estadisticas!!!
STATS_CONF = Configuracion de Estadisticas
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entradas %i - %i de %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Escribe 'amx_statscfg list %i' para mostrar mas
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Escribe 'amx_statscfg list 1' para volver al principio
STATS_ENABLED = Estadisticas activadas
STATS_DISABLED = Estadisticas desactivadas
CANT_ADD_STATS = No se pudieron anyadir mas estadisticas a la lista, se ha alcanzado el limite!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Uso: amx_statscfg <comando> [parametros] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Comandos:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - activa la opcion especificada
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - desactiva la opcion especificada
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - guarda la configuracion de las estadisticas
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - carga la configuracion de las estadisticas
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - muestra el estado de las estadisticas
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nombre> <variable> - anyade estadisticas a la lista
NO_STATS = No hay plugins estadisticos^ninstalados en este servidor^n
2005-07-27 16:32:39 +00:00
SAVE_CONF = Guardar configuracion
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2005-07-27 16:32:39 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Nao pode achar opcao(oes) com tal(is) variavel(is) (nome "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Configuracao de Stats salva com sucesso
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Falhou ao salvar a configuracao de Stats!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Configuracao de Stats carregada com sucesso
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Falhou ao carregar configuracao de Stats!!!
STATS_CONF = Configuracao de Stats
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entradas %i - %i de %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_statscfg listando %i' para ver mais
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_statscfg listando 1' para voltar ao inicio
STATS_ENABLED = Stats ativado
STATS_DISABLED = Stats desativado
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nao pode acrescentar stats a lista, limite maximo alcancado!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Use: amx_statscfg <comando> [parametros]...
COM_STATS_COM = Comandos:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variavel> - habilitar opcao desejada
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variavel> - desabilitar opcao desejada
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - salvar configuracao de stats
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - carregar configuracao de stats
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - listar estado de stats
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nome> <variavel> - acrescentar stats a lista
NO_STATS = plugins de Stats nao esta^ninstalado neste server^n
2005-08-23 01:24:42 +00:00
SAVE_CONF = Salvar configuracao
ST_MULTI_KILL_SOUND = Som de MultiKill
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Plantando Bomba
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Defusando Bomba
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomba Plantada
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomba Defusada
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Falha ao Defusar a Bomba
ST_BOMB_PICKUP = Bomba Recolhida
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomba Dropada
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Voz da Contagem da Bomba
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Contagem da Bomba (defusando)
ST_BOMB_SITE = TRs no Bomb Sute
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Ultimo Homem
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Frag de Faca
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Som de Frag de Faca
ST_HE_KILL = Frag de Granada
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Suicidio de Granada
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = Som de HeadShot
ST_ROUND_CNT = Contador de Rounds
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Som de Contador de Rounds
ST_KILL_STR = Serie de Frags
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Som de Serie de Frags
ST_ENEMY_REM = Inimigo Restante
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Som de Double Kill
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Nome do Jogador
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = Som de First Blood
ST_SHOW_KILLER_CHAT = Mostre o assassino HP&AP
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Mostre os Atacantes
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Mostre as Vitimas
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Mostre o assassino
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Mostre o Score do Time
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Mostre o Stats Total
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Mostre o Melhor Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Mostre o Mais Destrutivo
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Distancia&HS na lista HUD
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats no final do map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 nofinal do mapa
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Info de Rank para Espectador
2005-08-23 01:24:42 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Nemuzu najit volbu s takovou promennou (jmeno "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Konfigurace statistik ulozena
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Konfigurace statistik se NEULOZILA!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Konfigurace statistik nactena
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Konfigurace statistik se NENACETLA!!!
STATS_CONF = Konfigurace statistik
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Polozky %i - %i z %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Napis 'amx_statscfg list %i' pro vice
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Napis 'amx_statscfg list 1' pro zacatek
STATS_ENABLED = Statistiky povoleny
STATS_DISABLED = Statistiky zakazany
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nemuzu pridat statistiky do seznamu, limit prekrocen!!!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Napis: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Prikazy:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - povoli specifickou volbu
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - zakaze specifickou volbu
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - ulozi konfiguraci statistik
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - nacte konfiguraci statistik
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Seznam statistik
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - prida statistiku do seznamu
NO_STATS = Statistika neni^ninstalovana na tomto serveru^n
2006-02-05 03:41:30 +00:00
SAVE_CONF = Ulozit konfiguraci
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2006-02-05 03:41:30 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Ei loydetty asetuksia tuolla muuttujan nimella (nimi "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Tilastojen saadot tallenettiin onnistuneesti
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Tilastojen saatojen tallentaminen epaonnistui
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Tilastojen saadot ladattiin onnistuneesti
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Tilastojen lataaminen epaonnistui
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Kohdat %i - %i. Kaikkiaan %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Kirjoita 'amx_statscfg list %i' saadaksesi lisatietoa
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Kirjoita 'amx_statscfg list 1' aloittaaksesi
STATS_ENABLED = Tilastot kaytossa
STATS_DISABLED = Tilastot pois kaytosta
CANT_ADD_STATS = Ei voi lisata tilastoja listaan, raja ylitetty
COM_STATS_USAGE = Kaytto: amx_statscfg <komento> [parametrit] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Komennot:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <muuttuja> - Ota maaritelty toiminto kayttoon
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - Ota maaritelty toiminto pois kaytosta
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - Tallenna tilastojen saadot
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - Lataa tilastojen saadot
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Listaa tilastojen tila
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nimi> <muuttuja> - Lisaa tilastoja listaan
NO_STATS = Tilastopluginit eivat ole asennettuna talla palvelimellar^n
SAVE_CONF = Tallenna saadot
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2006-06-04 23:49:47 +00:00
NO_OPTION = C0|_|ld|\|'t f!|\|d 0pt!0|\|(s) w!th s|_|(h v4r!4bl3 (|\|4m3 "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = $t4tz0|2 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\| s4v3d s|_|((3ssf|_|lly
STATS_CONF_FAILED = F4!l3d t0 s4v3 $t4tz0|2 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\|!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = $t4tz0|2 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\| l04d3d s|_|((3ssf|_|lly
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = F4!l3d t0 l04d $t4tz0|2 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\|!!!
STATS_CONF = $t4tz0|2 C0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\|
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = E|\|tr!3s %i - %i 0f %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Us3 'amx_statscfg list %i' f0r m0r3
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Us3 'amx_statscfg list 1' f0r b3g!|\|
STATS_ENABLED = $t4tz0|2 3|\|4bl3d
STATS_DISABLED = $t4tz0|2 d!s4bl3d
CANT_ADD_STATS = C4|\|'t 4dd $t4tz0|2 t0 th3 l!st, l!m!t r34(h3d!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Us4g3: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ...
COM_STATS_COM = C0mm4|\|ds:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - 3|\|4bl3 sp3(!f!3d 0pt!0|\|
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - d!s4bl3 sp3(!f!3d 0pt!0|\|
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - s4v3 $t4tz0|2 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\|
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - l04d $t4tz0|2 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\|
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - l!st $t4tz0|2 st4t|_|s
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - 4dd $t4tz0|2 t0 th3 l!st
NO_STATS = $t4tz0|2 pl|_|g!|\|s 4r3 |\|0t^n!|\|st4ll3d 0|\| th!s s3rv3r^n
SAVE_CONF = S4v3 (0|\|f!g|_|r4t!0|\|
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2006-06-04 23:49:47 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Neuspe6no namerena opcia(i) s takav variable (ime "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = configuraciata na statisticata e zapametena uspe6no
STATS_CONF_FAILED = configuraciata na statisticata ne e zapametena uspe6no!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = configuraciata na statisticata e prika4ena uspe6no
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = configuraciata na statisticata ne e prika4ena uspe6no!!!
STATS_CONF = configuraciata na statisticata
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Vkarani %i - %i ot %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Izpolzvai 'amx_statscfg list %i' za pove4e
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Izpolzvai 'amx_statscfg list 1' za na4alo
STATS_ENABLED = statisticata e vklu4ena
STATS_DISABLED = statisticata e izklu4ena
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nemoje da se dobavi statisticata kam tozi list, limita e dostignat!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Izpolzvano: amx_statscfg <comanda> [parametri] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Comandi:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - vklu4ena e specifi4nata opcia
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - izklu4ena e specifi4nata opcia
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - zapameti configuraciata na statistikata
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - prika4i configuraciata na statistikata
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - list na statusa na statistikata
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - dobavi statistikata kam lista
NO_STATS = pluginite za statistikata ne sa^ninstalirani na tozi server^n
SAVE_CONF = Zapameti configuraciata
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2007-08-04 04:10:14 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Couldn't find option(s) with such variable (name "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Configuratia stats a fost salvata cu succes
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Salvarea configuratiei stats a esuat!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Configuratia stats a fost incarcata cu succes
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Incarcarea configuratiei stats a esuat!!!
STATS_CONF = Configuratie Stats
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Intrari %i - %i din %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Scrie 'amx_statscfg list %i' pentru mai mult
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Scrie 'amx_statscfg list 1' pentru inceput
STATS_ENABLED = Stats activat
STATS_DISABLED = Stats dezactivat
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nu se pot adauga stats la lista, limita depasita!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Folosire: amx_statscfg <comanda> [parametri] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Comenzi:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variabila> - activeaza optiunea specificata
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variabila> - dezactiveaza optiunea specificata
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - salveaza configuratia stats
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - incarca configuratia stats
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lista statut stats
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nume> <variabila> - adauga stats la lista
NO_STATS = Plugin-urile stats nu sunt^ninstalate pe acest server^n
SAVE_CONF = Salveaza configuratie
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2007-08-04 04:10:14 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Nem talalhato Funkcio a megadott nevvel (nev "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Beallitasok sikeresen mentve
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Nem sikerult a mentes!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Beallitasok sikeresen betoltbe
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Nem sikerult betolteni a beallitasokat!!!
STATS_CONF = Statisztika beallitasok
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entries %i - %i of %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Irj 'amx_statscfg list %i' a tobbihez
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Irj 'amx_statscfg list 1' az elsohoz
STATS_ENABLED = Stats engedelyezve
STATS_DISABLED = Stats letiltva
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nem lehet tobb statot hozzaadni, limit elerve!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Hasznalat: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Parancsok:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - enable specified option
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - disable specified option
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - beallitasok mentese
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - beallitasok betoltese
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - list stats status
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - add stats to the list
NO_STATS = Statisztika pluginok^nnincsenek installalva ezen a szerveren^n
SAVE_CONF = Beallitasok mentese
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
2007-08-04 04:10:14 +00:00
NO_OPTION = Negali surasti tokios optijos su tokiu kintamuoju (vardas "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistikos konfiguracija issaugota
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Nepavyko issaugoti statistikos konfigo!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistikos konfigas uzkrautas
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Nepavyko uzkrauti statistikos konfigo!!!
STATS_CONF = Statistikos konfiguravimas
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Irasai %i - %i is %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Naudok 'amx_statscfg list %i' del daugiau
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Naudok 'amx_statscfg list 1' kad pradetum
STATS_ENABLED = Statusai ijungti
STATS_DISABLED = Statusai isjungti
CANT_ADD_STATS = Negali ikelti statusu i sarasa, limitas pasiektas!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Naudojimas: amx_statscfg <komanda> [parametrai] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Komandos:
COM_STATS_ON = ^tijungti <kintamasis> - ijungti spec nustatyma
COM_STATS_OFF = ^tisjungti <kintamasis> - isjungti spec nustatyma
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tissaugoti - issaugoti statusu konfiga
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tuzkrauti - uzkrauti statusu konfiga
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tsarasas [id] - surusiuoti statusu sarasa
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tprideti <vardas> <kintamasis> - ikelti statusa i sarasa
NO_STATS = Statusu pluginas nera ^ninstaliuotas sitame serve^n
SAVE_CONF = Issaugoti konfiguracija
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info
NO_OPTION = Nemozem najst volbu s takouto premennou (meno "%s")
STATS_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracia statistik ulozena
STATS_CONF_FAILED = Konfiguracia statistik sa NEULOZILA!!!
STATS_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguracia statistik nacitana
STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Konfiguracia statistik sa NENACITALA!!!
STATS_CONF = Konfiguracia statistik
STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Polozky %i - %i z %i
STATS_USE_MORE = Napis 'amx_statscfg list %i' pre viac
STATS_USE_BEGIN = Napis 'amx_statscfg list 1' pre zaciatok
STATS_ENABLED = Statistiky povolene
STATS_DISABLED = Statistiky zakazane
CANT_ADD_STATS = Nemozem pridat statistiky do zoznamu, limit prekroceny!!!
COM_STATS_USAGE = Napis: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ...
COM_STATS_COM = Prikazy:
COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - povoli specificku volbu
COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - zakaze specificku volbu
COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - ulozi konfiguraciu statistik
COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - nacita konfiguraciu statistik
COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Zoznam statistik
COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - prida statistiku do zoznamu
NO_STATS = Statistika neni^nnainstalovana na tomto servery^n
SAVE_CONF = Ulozit konfiguraciu
ST_BOMB_PLANTING = Bomb Planting
ST_BOMB_DEFUSING = Bomb Defusing
ST_BOMB_PLANTED = Bomb Planted
ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC = Bomb Defuse Succ.
ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL = Bomb Def. Failure
ST_BOMB_DROP = Bomb Drop
ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE = Bomb Countdown Voice
ST_BOMB_CD_DEF = Bomb Countdown (defuser)
ST_BOMB_SITE = Bomb Site Reached
ST_ITALY_BONUS = Italy Bonus Kill
ST_LAST_MAN = Last Man
ST_KNIFE_KILL = Knife Kill
ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND = Knife Kill Sound
ST_HE_KILL = Grenade Kill
ST_HE_SUICIDE = Grenade Suicide
ST_HS_KILL = HeadShot Kill
ST_HS_KILL_SOUND = HeadShot Kill Sound
ST_ROUND_CNT = Round Counter
ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND = Round Counter Sound
ST_KILL_STR = Killing Streak
ST_KILL_STR_SOUND = Killing Streak Sound
ST_ENEMY_REM = Enemy Remaining
ST_DOUBLE_KILL = Double Kill
ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND = Double Kill Sound
ST_PLAYER_NAME = Player Name
ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND = First Blood Sound
ST_SHOW_ATTACKERS = Show Attackers
ST_SHOW_VICTIMS = Show Victims
ST_SHOW_KILLER = Show Killer
ST_SHOW_TEAM_SCORE = Show Team Score
ST_SHOW_TOTAL_STATS = Show Total Stats
ST_SHOW_BEST_SCORE = Show Best Score
ST_SHOW_MOST_DISRUPTIVE = Show Most Disruptive
ST_SHOW_HUD_STATS_DEF = Show HUD-stats default
ST_SHOW_DIST_HS_HUD = Dist&HS in HUD lists
ST_STATS_PLAYER_MAP_END = Stats at the end of map
ST_STATS_TOP15_MAP_END = Top15 at the end of map
ST_SAY_HP = Say /hp
ST_SAY_STATSME = Say /statsme
ST_SAY_RANKSTATS = Say /rankstats
ST_SAY_ME = Say /me
ST_SAY_RANK = Say /rank
ST_SAY_REPORT = Say /report
ST_SAY_SCORE = Say /score
ST_SAY_TOP15 = Say /top15
ST_SAY_STATS = Say /stats
ST_SPEC_RANK = Spec. Rank Info